Friday, March 30, 2012

Local NAACP president charged with sexual battery

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    Trayvon Martin case: Real-life “Bonfire of the Vanities”

    As the details surrounding the Trayvon Martin shooting continue to trickle out and the facts seem to support George Zimmerman’s claim of self-defense, and we see that Martin may not have been the rather angelic being as the press has portrayed him to be, it would be reasonable to expect emotions as well as news coverage to be ratcheted-down…However, these are anything but reasonable times.

    The movie, “The Bonfire of the Vanities” based on Tom Wolfe’s novel of the same name focused on the main character, Wall Street investor Sherman McCoy (Tom Hanks) and his mistress Maria Ruskin (Melanie Griffith) who take a wrong turn on the way back from a late-night arrival at JFK airport and end up in a rough South Bronx neighborhood.

    Two black teenagers approach as McCoy exits the vehicle to clear away some debris from their path, and frightened McCoy and Ruskin hastily speed away, hitting Henry Lamb, one of the teens.

    Lamb is seriously injured and lapses into a coma and McCoy is eventually arrested and charged with hit and run.

    Enter tabloid journalist Peter Fallow (Bruce Willis), who begins a sensationalistic series of articles painting the crime as yet another example of class warfare and racism.

    There is even a race-baiting Harlem-raised pastor, Rev. Bacon (who bears a great resemblance to real-life Rev. Al Sharpton) who paints Lamb as an upstanding young man struck down in the prime of life by rich white folks.

    Lamb was actually a gang member with a criminal record, but that did not matter to Fallow and Bacon who had their own agenda to promote and sell.

    While the details may be different, the basic story line is the same…

    The press is using the Trayvon Martin shooting as a vehicle to drum up ratings by engaging in wild speculation and continuously crying racism (with a lot of help from Rev. Bacon…er, Rev. Sharpton).

    While the media has been putting forth the cherubic image of Martin, reality is rather different.

    The Miami Herald reports that Martin was suspended from school on multiple occasions for graffiti and being caught with drug paraphernalia (“a marijuana pipe”).

    A Miami-Dade Schools Police report obtained by The Miami Herald describes a school security officer finding a “burglary tool” as well as a dozen pieces of jewelry, including silver wedding bands, a watch and diamond earrings in Martin’s backpack.

    “Martin replied it’s not mine. A friend gave it to me,” according to the report.

    Of course, these revelations do not lessen the fact that another teenager has been killed in this increasingly violent country, they merely further expose what many already see as a mainstream press absent of any credibility.

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    New Black Panthers place bounty on head of George Zimmerman

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    Cops: Mob beating of white victim was racially motivated…press ignores

    Seneca, SC â€" On Wednesday police announced the arrest of six suspects who they say beat a North Carolina man at an Applebee's earlier this month.

    All of the alleged attackers are black and the victim is white. Police believe the attack was racially motivated and have referred the case to the FBI for possible prosecution under federal hate crimes statutes.

    Teryn Robinson, 18, Tray Holland, 19, Justin Alexander, 20, Derick Williams, 22, Kino Jones, 25, and Montrez Jones, 22, have all been charged with assault and battery by a mob.

    On March 17, Seneca police officers arrived at the Applebee's at 696 By Pass 123 shortly before 1:00 a.m. Once on the scene, they discovered Terry Moore, 32, lying on the ground, according to the police report.

    Moore told police that he went to use the restroom as the rest of his group walked outside to their cars.

    Once outside, Moore says he was confronted by a large group of young black men who taunted and shouted racial slurs at him, such as “tree honky” and “cracker.”

    One of the alleged assailants knocked Moore to the ground as he was quickly surrounded. The group began punching and kicking him.

    One witness told police that one of the attackers used a stun gun on Moore.

    Seneca Police Chief John Covington told the Independent Mail that none of those charged knew Moore According to Covington, none of the suspects knew Moore.

    All of the suspects are currently being held in the Oconee County detention center.

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    New Black Panther leader arrested on weapons charge

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    Crime, race and media hypocrisy Part III: Black and Hispanic kids are invisible

    While it was hard to escape last year’s daily media updates on missing baby Lisa Irwin, who was abducted from her home in Kansas City, it is doubtful that most people have ever heard of 3-year-old Carla Espinosa-Alvarez, who was taken from a North Las Vegas foster home in May 2011.

    On May 8, 2011, a masked man and woman reportedly entered the home and held the foster mom at gunpoint, eventually grabbing Espinoza-Alvarez and carrying her out of the house.

    North Las Vegas Police Officer Chrissie Coon told local CBS affiliate KLAS: “At this point in the investigation, we believe that she is endangered. We do know these suspects to be armed, and we do ask the public if they have information regarding the whereabouts, or if they possibly see this little girl out there, (they) have to call authorities or call 911. Don't try to contact these people on their own.”

    Though the case did receive some local coverage, it was completely ignored by the national media.

    It is also unlikely that you have ever heard the name Jhessye Shockley, a 5-year-old girl who has been missing from her Glendale, Arizona home since October 11.

    Glendale police have assigned a homicide detective as the lead investigator in the case.

    Espinosa-Alvarez is Hispanic and Shockley is black.

    What follows is a list of a few other black and Hispanic missing children, the media has ignored:

    -Joshua Davis, 4Last seen: February 4, 2011New Braunfels, Texas

    -Raven Wallace, 13Last seen: March 28, 2011Chicago, IL

    -Abraneika Shaneeta Walters, 16Last seen: May 23, 2011Bronx, NY

    -Luis Encarnacion, 8Last seen: September 11, 2011Arvin, CA

    -Eveny Felix, 7Last seen: March 9, 2011Cathedral City, CA

    Another example of this double-standard came shortly after CNN’s Nancy Grace ended her daily wall-to-wall coverage of the Scott Peterson trial, when he was sentenced to death for killing his pregnant wife, Laci.

    In July 2005, another young pregnant woman went missing, this time in Philadelphia.

    On July 18, 2005, LaToyia Figueroa was reported missing when she failed to report for work. A month later, the father of her unborn child, Stephen Poaches, was charged with her murder after her body was found in a wooded area about 13 miles outside of the city.

    At the time of her murder, Figueroa was five-months pregnant. An autopsy determined she had been strangled to death.

    Like Peterson, Poaches was eventually convicted of two counts of murder for the deaths of both Figueroa and her unborn child.

    However, unlike Scot Peterson, Stephen Poaches is not a household name.

    LaToyia Figueroa was of both African-American and Hispanic descent.

    Commenting on the stark difference in coverage between the two cases, conservative columnist Michele Malkin coined the term “Missing Pretty Girl Syndrome.”

    Then there is the case of 13-year-old Demetria Valentine who went missing on October 12, 2011 from Washington D.C.

    Police consider Valentine “endangered,” the same status Richmond police gave to 17-year-old Virginia Commonwealth University student Taylor Behl when she went missing in August 2005.

    Behl’s body was found a month later in a shallow ravine.

    Again, Behl’s case garnered a great deal of national attention, while Valentine’s has not received even a mention by the national media.

    This writer finds it interesting that the same press which now nearly always omits the race of wanted, often dangerous non-white suspects, also completely omits any coverage of non-white missing women and children.

    This country’s mainstream press has seemingly forgotten its obligation to the public (that means everyone).

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    Monday, March 26, 2012

    Man pleads guilty to scamming serial murder victims’ families

    York County, VA - On Tuesday, Fred Atwell Jr., 62, pleaded guilty to one count of obtaining money through false pretenses by faking a raffle that he claimed would raise money to help solve the infamous Colonial Parkway murders.

    According to Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney Jeremy Markle, Atwell held a car raffle which was supposed to raise money for a fund started by the victims' families. The families paid Atwell for fees for his efforts on the raffle. However, there were no cars.

    Atwell is facing up to 10 years in prison when he is sentenced in May.

    In recent years, the family members of the Colonial Parkway Murders have held various fundraising events to raise reward money as well as to hire a team of private investigators in an effort to finally solve the notorious string of grisly murders.

    More than 20 years after the last murders (at least officially) occurred in the case, the FBI has yet to solve even one of the crimes.

    In January 2010, the FBI announced that they were reopening the case, using new DNA testing. The victims’ families are still waiting for those results.

    Frustrated with the lack of progress, the families now hope to discover who killed their loved ones on their own. Joyce Call, the sister of one of the victims, told the Daily Press: “There's a murderer out there and he deserves to be held accountable.”

    Between 1986 and 1989, there were eight bodies found at different points along Virginia’s Colonial Parkway. They were all killed in pairs, they were all young, and in some of the cases, the victims’ car was found with the driver’s side window rolled partially down, leading to speculation that the killer was either a police officer or security guard, or someone posing as such.

    The case which has come to be known as the Colonial Parkway Murders has never been solved.

    -On October 12, 1986, the bodies of Cathleen Thomas, 27, and Rebecca Ann Dowski, 21, were found in Thomas' Honda Civic, at the bottom of an embankment along the Parkway. Their throats had been slashed.

    -In September 1987, David Knobling, 20, and Robin Edwards, 14, were discovered murdered at the Ragged Island Wildlife Refuge, on the James River. The bodies were found by Knobling's father.

    -On April 9, 1988, Cassandra Lee Hailey and Richard Keith Call were reported missing after attending a party in Newport News. It was their first date. Call's car was found on the Colonial Parkway the next day. Their bodies have never been recovered.

    -In October 1989, the bodies of Anna Marie Phelps, 18, and Daniel Lauer, 21, were found by hunters in the woods of New Kent County near a rest stop on Interstate 64. They had been missing for nearly a month.

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    Crime, race and media hypocrisy Part II: Press no longer describes suspects

    On October 4, 2011, WAVY-TV 10's website ran a story about a woman being sexually assaulted on Sunday, entitled: “Woman, 18, sexually assaulted…Chesapeake police seek suspect.”

    It was obvious from the headline that a young woman was attacked in the city of Chesapeake (Va.), and that her assailant was still at-large.

    The article went on to describe the attack itself, the time and location of the crime and a phone number to call if the reader should have any information on the suspect.

    However, one key piece of information was missing from the report…a description of the suspect.

    Remember, the assailant is still on the loose at this time and obviously remained a danger to other women in the area, in this case, the Norfolk Highlands neighborhood.

    Curious as to if WAVY received a suspect description from the police, this reporter contacted WAVY’s newsroom and was informed that they did indeed have a description.

    I was told by an employee who wished to remain anonymous that he was not sure as to why the description was not posted, but gave it to me over the phone.

    It turns out the suspect in the sexual assault was described as an Hispanic male in his 20s or 30s, last seen wearing a white tank top.

    Now, perhaps the good reporters at WAVY simply forgot to include it, but a growing trend in the mainstream press may point to a more nefarious motive.

    In July 2009, the Loudoun Times-Mirror ran a story in their online version about an armed robbery, “Four men robbed in Sugarland Run.” The piece went on to say that while the men were walking, three men approached them and one suspect showed the men his gun and demanded their money.

    The article gave the description of the man from the Loudoun County Sheriff‘s Office as “6 feet tall, 170 pounds, and was last seen wearing a white shirt and blue pants.” A tip line number for the Sheriff was given.

    Again, a key component to the suspect’s description was left-out of the story. How could anyone ever help identify the suspect if they do not even know his race?

    My question then became…Was this intentional on behalf of the Loudoun Times-Mirror or simply an oversight?

    I called the newspaper and spoke with a staff writer who wished to remain nameless, who told me that the paper follows the AP Stylebook and that “all mention of race must be taken out of every story.”

    However, the latest edition of the Associated Press (AP) Stylebook allows the identification of someone by race if it is important to the story. The guidelines state: "the term 'black' is acceptable for a person of the black race." When offering a description of a dangerous suspect still at large, race is definitely important.

    I was also told by the staffer that the suspect was in fact black.

    The staffer told me that he/she would like to list the race of every suspect, and finds it ridiculous that the paper no longer allows it.

    Given those standards, every six foot tall man could be the suspect if only he put on a white shirt and blue pants!…That includes thousands of police officers!

    If this country has now reached the point where we are so afraid to be called racist, that we cannot even give an accurate description of a violent criminal…we are truly lost.

    Forsaking safety in the name of political correctness is of course, detrimental and actually insulting to all races.

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    New Black Panthers place bounty on head of George Zimmerman

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    Crime, race and media hypocrisy Part I: Selective outrage

    While CNN is devoting nearly around-the-clock coverage to last month’s shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, who was killed by a neighborhood watch captain, the cable network much like the rest of the national news media has devoted no coverage to other recent tragic and even fatal crimes in which the victim and perpetrator(s) (or alleged perpetrators) were of different races.

    What follows is a short list of very heinous crimes in which the victim was white and where race seems to have been the only motivating factor, and the national press has completely ignored:

    -On February 28, 2012, a 13-year-old boy in Kansas City, Missouri, was doused with gasoline in front of his home and set ablaze. The victim was able to extinguish the flames himself before calling 911.

    The boy was taken to Children's Mercy Hospital and treated in the hospital’s burn unit with first-degree burns to his face and head.

    Lighting the gasoline “produced a large fireball burning the face and hair” according to the police report.

    The victim’s mother, Melissa Coon told KMBC: “You could smell the burned skin. You could smell the burned hair. It was just horrible.”

    In addition to losing his eyelashes and eyebrows, doctors are concerned over the long term damage the fire may have done to his eyes and lungs.

    Coon gave the following account of the incident: “They rushed him on the porch as he tried to get the door. [One of them] poured the gasoline, then flicked the Bic, and said, ‘This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.’”

    Police have since arrested two 16-year-old black males for the crime. Because they are juveniles, police have not released their names at this time.

    They apparently followed the victim home from East High School which is only two blocks form his home.

    The attack is reportedly being investigated as a hate crime.

    The family fearing further attacks, now plans to move and Coon says that her son will not be returning to East High School.

    Sadly, she described the reaction from her younger son, saying: “My 5-year-old came in and asked me, ‘Mom, am I going to get set on fire today?’ I was in tears.”

    Coon recently told the American Thinker that the incident likely happened as a result of the treatment her son received at the hands of a black teacher, identified as Mrs. Karla Dorsey.

    Coon reports that when her son raised his hand to answer a question about Black History Month, Mrs. Dorsey shot back: “What would you know about it…You’re not our race.”

    It was shortly after this alleged incident that her son was set on fire.

    -In May 2010, Hampton police announced that an assault case against William Douglas, 25, had been turned over to the FBI, for possible prosecution as a hate crime.

    On April 16, 2010, Douglas allegedly followed 59-year-old Sylvia Hollingsworth, who is white, out of a 7-Eleven at the corner of North King Street and Rip Rap Road in Hampton.

    As she got into her car, he attacked her.

    According to the police report, he punched the woman in the face, neck and arms and repeatedly slammed her legs with the car door. Throughout the ordeal, the woman was subjected to a tirade of racist profanity.

    Hollingsworth was actually punched with a closed fist to the throat.

    After the attacker’s ride sped away, the man fled the scene.

    Police believe that a few minutes later, the Douglas shot at someone.

    The victim told WVEC 13 News: “Never once did he try to take my keys. Never once did he ask or try to take my pocketbook or any money. He was just out to hurt.”

    Hollingsworth continued: “It leaves me hurt, and I feel like I'm a victim of a hate crime. Just in his own words, he hated whites and he was going to kill my 'f---ing' white ass, as he put it, and that's what he was trying to do.

    William Douglas was charged with malicious wounding, shooting into an occupied vehicle and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony.

    He recently pleaded guilty to assault and firearms charges, and will have to serve a minimum of three and a half years in prison.

    The federal hate crimes investigation was dropped.

    Mrs. Hollingsworth informed this reporter that the FBI interviewed her on multiple occasions, but did not offer her an explanation as to why the case was simply dropped.

    She also told me told me that she has not been back to the convenience store where the attack occurred. She also said that for a time following the brutal assault, she was called a “racist” by some in her neighborhood for pressing charges against her attacker.

    However, Hollingsworth is not bitter.

    She said: “I’ve got some good friends, black and white.”

    Though Douglas was not prosecuted for a hate crime, Hollingsworth was relieved that he will be off the streets for at least a few years.

    The Norfolk and Hampton FBI offices refused to comment on this case.

    -On August 18, 2009, Brian Milligan Jr., 18, was walking home when he was reportedly attacked at the corner of Genesee Street and Floss Avenue, by between 10 to 15 black men. In addition to being punched and kicked, Milligan’s attackers hit him in the back of the head with a brick.

    Amazingly, despite his severe injuries, Milligan managed to stumble the remaining five blocks to his house where he collapsed.

    His father, Brian Milligan Sr. told a WGRZ reporter: "I mean, I couldn't believe that a human can lose so much blood and walk home for five blocks. It didn't even look like my son.”

    Milligan who spent several days in the Erie County Medical Center, suffered bleeding in his brain and a broken jaw, which will require the reinforcement of a metal plate and reconstructive surgery, the extent of his brain injuries is not yet fully known..

    Milligan’s girlfriend Nicola Fisher, who is black, has told police that the two were often threatened and taunted as they walked together through their neighborhood.

    Milligan‘s father believes his son‘s relationship with Fisher was the motivation behind the attack. He said: "They're just in love. They just want to be left alone,"

    Police are investigating the attack as a hate crime, and Buffalo Police spokesperson Mike DeGeorge told reporters: "The department is vigorously investigating this tragic incident like it does with all crimes in the city. We understand the family's grief and the department is asking anyone with information about this incident to call the confidential tip call [716] 847-2255.”

    Despite that assurance from the Buffalo Police at the time, Milligan’s father expressed his frustration with the investigation, and said: “I don't want to sound wrong, but, what happens if this was a black boy laying up on that bed, and it was twelve white guys that did this to him.”

    As it turned out, Mr. Milligan may have had a point…

    In May 2010, two assailants, Donte Lee, 18, and Antoine Blackmon, 16, pleaded guilty to assault charges and were both sentenced to six years imprisonment, after authorities claimed there was not enough evidence to charge them with a hate crime.

    An unidentified 12-year-old was also charged in the beating.

    Also, while robbery may have been the motive, or at least an afterthought, a recent case of a white teenager who was murdered by a young black man in Georgia has received no attention from the same national press now obsessed with a homicide which police determined to have occurred in self-defense.

    On March 15, 2012, Brian Beasley was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison, without possibility of parole for the shooting death of 19-year-old Albany High School student, Robert Purvis.

    Beasley shot the teen to death at a car wash in Albany in February of 2011.

    A surveillance video showed Purvis being shot twice in the chest while his girlfriend washes a   car nearby. Beasley is then seen exiting his own vehicle, taking Purvis’ car keys and fleeing the scene in the dead teen’s car.

    For the aforementioned victims there were no candlelight vigils, no protest marches and no coverage from a national press seemingly consumed with proving their color-blindness to the viewing public…Of course, the opposite result is now being seen.

    The United States is now a very dangerous country, with about 16,000 murders occurring annually.

    If we cannot speak honestly and openly about all of the reasons such violence is taking place…How can we ever hope to improve the situation?

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    Saturday, March 24, 2012

    Man pleads guilty to scamming serial murder victims’ families

    York County, VA - On Tuesday, Fred Atwell Jr., 62, pleaded guilty to one count of obtaining money through false pretenses by faking a raffle that he claimed would raise money to help solve the infamous Colonial Parkway murders.

    According to Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney Jeremy Markle, Atwell held a car raffle which was supposed to raise money for a fund started by the victims' families. The families paid Atwell for fees for his efforts on the raffle. However, there were no cars.

    Atwell is facing up to 10 years in prison when he is sentenced in May.

    In recent years, the family members of the Colonial Parkway Murders have held various fundraising events to raise reward money as well as to hire a team of private investigators in an effort to finally solve the notorious string of grisly murders.

    More than 20 years after the last murders (at least officially) occurred in the case, the FBI has yet to solve even one of the crimes.

    In January 2010, the FBI announced that they were reopening the case, using new DNA testing. The victims’ families are still waiting for those results.

    Frustrated with the lack of progress, the families now hope to discover who killed their loved ones on their own. Joyce Call, the sister of one of the victims, told the Daily Press: “There's a murderer out there and he deserves to be held accountable.”

    Between 1986 and 1989, there were eight bodies found at different points along Virginia’s Colonial Parkway. They were all killed in pairs, they were all young, and in some of the cases, the victims’ car was found with the driver’s side window rolled partially down, leading to speculation that the killer was either a police officer or security guard, or someone posing as such.

    The case which has come to be known as the Colonial Parkway Murders has never been solved.

    -On October 12, 1986, the bodies of Cathleen Thomas, 27, and Rebecca Ann Dowski, 21, were found in Thomas' Honda Civic, at the bottom of an embankment along the Parkway. Their throats had been slashed.

    -In September 1987, David Knobling, 20, and Robin Edwards, 14, were discovered murdered at the Ragged Island Wildlife Refuge, on the James River. The bodies were found by Knobling's father.

    -On April 9, 1988, Cassandra Lee Hailey and Richard Keith Call were reported missing after attending a party in Newport News. It was their first date. Call's car was found on the Colonial Parkway the next day. Their bodies have never been recovered.

    -In October 1989, the bodies of Anna Marie Phelps, 18, and Daniel Lauer, 21, were found by hunters in the woods of New Kent County near a rest stop on Interstate 64. They had been missing for nearly a month.

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    Crime, race and media hypocrisy Part I: Selective outrage

    While CNN is devoting nearly around-the-clock coverage to last month’s shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, who was killed by a neighborhood watch captain, the cable network much like the rest of the national news media has devoted no coverage to other recent tragic and even fatal crimes in which the victim and perpetrator(s) (or alleged perpetrators) were of different races.

    What follows is a short list of very heinous crimes in which the victim was white and where race seems to have been the only motivating factor, and the national press has completely ignored:

    -On February 28, 2012, a 13-year-old boy in Kansas City, Missouri, was doused with gasoline in front of his home and set ablaze. The victim was able to extinguish the flames himself before calling 911.

    The boy was taken to Children's Mercy Hospital and treated in the hospital’s burn unit with first-degree burns to his face and head.

    Lighting the gasoline “produced a large fireball burning the face and hair” according to the police report.

    The victim’s mother, Melissa Coon told KMBC: “You could smell the burned skin. You could smell the burned hair. It was just horrible.”

    In addition to losing his eyelashes and eyebrows, doctors are concerned over the long term damage the fire may have done to his eyes and lungs.

    Coon gave the following account of the incident: “They rushed him on the porch as he tried to get the door. [One of them] poured the gasoline, then flicked the Bic, and said, ‘This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.’”

    Police have since arrested two 16-year-old black males for the crime. Because they are juveniles, police have not released their names at this time.

    They apparently followed the victim home from East High School which is only two blocks form his home.

    The attack is reportedly being investigated as a hate crime.

    The family fearing further attacks, now plans to move and Coon says that her son will not be returning to East High School.

    Sadly, she described the reaction from her younger son, saying: “My 5-year-old came in and asked me, ‘Mom, am I going to get set on fire today?’ I was in tears.”

    Coon recently told the American Thinker that the incident likely happened as a result of the treatment her son received at the hands of a black teacher, identified as Mrs. Karla Dorsey.

    Coon reports that when her son raised his hand to answer a question about Black History Month, Mrs. Dorsey shot back: “What would you know about it…You’re not our race.”

    It was shortly after this alleged incident that her son was set on fire.

    -In May 2010, Hampton police announced that an assault case against William Douglas, 25, had been turned over to the FBI, for possible prosecution as a hate crime.

    On April 16, 2010, Douglas allegedly followed 59-year-old Sylvia Hollingsworth, who is white, out of a 7-Eleven at the corner of North King Street and Rip Rap Road in Hampton.

    As she got into her car, he attacked her.

    According to the police report, he punched the woman in the face, neck and arms and repeatedly slammed her legs with the car door. Throughout the ordeal, the woman was subjected to a tirade of racist profanity.

    Hollingsworth was actually punched with a closed fist to the throat.

    After the attacker’s ride sped away, the man fled the scene.

    Police believe that a few minutes later, the Douglas shot at someone.

    The victim told WVEC 13 News: “Never once did he try to take my keys. Never once did he ask or try to take my pocketbook or any money. He was just out to hurt.”

    Hollingsworth continued: “It leaves me hurt, and I feel like I'm a victim of a hate crime. Just in his own words, he hated whites and he was going to kill my 'f---ing' white ass, as he put it, and that's what he was trying to do.

    William Douglas was charged with malicious wounding, shooting into an occupied vehicle and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony.

    He recently pleaded guilty to assault and firearms charges, and will have to serve a minimum of three and a half years in prison.

    The federal hate crimes investigation was dropped.

    Mrs. Hollingsworth informed this reporter that the FBI interviewed her on multiple occasions, but did not offer her an explanation as to why the case was simply dropped.

    She also told me told me that she has not been back to the convenience store where the attack occurred. She also said that for a time following the brutal assault, she was called a “racist” by some in her neighborhood for pressing charges against her attacker.

    However, Hollingsworth is not bitter.

    She said: “I’ve got some good friends, black and white.”

    Though Douglas was not prosecuted for a hate crime, Hollingsworth was relieved that he will be off the streets for at least a few years.

    The Norfolk and Hampton FBI offices refused to comment on this case.

    -On August 18, 2009, Brian Milligan Jr., 18, was walking home when he was reportedly attacked at the corner of Genesee Street and Floss Avenue, by between 10 to 15 black men. In addition to being punched and kicked, Milligan’s attackers hit him in the back of the head with a brick.

    Amazingly, despite his severe injuries, Milligan managed to stumble the remaining five blocks to his house where he collapsed.

    His father, Brian Milligan Sr. told a WGRZ reporter: "I mean, I couldn't believe that a human can lose so much blood and walk home for five blocks. It didn't even look like my son.”

    Milligan who spent several days in the Erie County Medical Center, suffered bleeding in his brain and a broken jaw, which will require the reinforcement of a metal plate and reconstructive surgery, the extent of his brain injuries is not yet fully known..

    Milligan’s girlfriend Nicola Fisher, who is black, has told police that the two were often threatened and taunted as they walked together through their neighborhood.

    Milligan‘s father believes his son‘s relationship with Fisher was the motivation behind the attack. He said: "They're just in love. They just want to be left alone,"

    Police are investigating the attack as a hate crime, and Buffalo Police spokesperson Mike DeGeorge told reporters: "The department is vigorously investigating this tragic incident like it does with all crimes in the city. We understand the family's grief and the department is asking anyone with information about this incident to call the confidential tip call [716] 847-2255.”

    Despite that assurance from the Buffalo Police at the time, Milligan’s father expressed his frustration with the investigation, and said: “I don't want to sound wrong, but, what happens if this was a black boy laying up on that bed, and it was twelve white guys that did this to him.”

    As it turned out, Mr. Milligan may have had a point…

    In May 2010, two assailants, Donte Lee, 18, and Antoine Blackmon, 16, pleaded guilty to assault charges and were both sentenced to six years imprisonment, after authorities claimed there was not enough evidence to charge them with a hate crime.

    An unidentified 12-year-old was also charged in the beating.

    Also, while robbery may have been the motive, or at least an afterthought, a recent case of a white teenager who was murdered by a young black man in Georgia has received no attention from the same national press now obsessed with a homicide which police determined to have occurred in self-defense.

    On March 15, 2012, Brian Beasley was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison, without possibility of parole for the shooting death of 19-year-old Albany High School student, Robert Purvis.

    Beasley shot the teen to death at a car wash in Albany in February of 2011.

    A surveillance video showed Purvis being shot twice in the chest while his girlfriend washes a   car nearby. Beasley is then seen exiting his own vehicle, taking Purvis’ car keys and fleeing the scene in the dead teen’s car.

    For the aforementioned victims there were no candlelight vigils, no protest marches and no coverage from a national press seemingly consumed with proving their color-blindness to the viewing public…Of course, the opposite result is now being seen.

    The United States is now a very dangerous country, with about 16,000 murders occurring annually.

    If we cannot speak honestly and openly about all of the reasons such violence is taking place…How can we ever hope to improve the situation?

    Powered By justice served immigration news

    Thursday, March 22, 2012

    Man pleads guilty to scamming serial murder victims’ families

    York County, VA - On Tuesday, Fred Atwell Jr., 62, pleaded guilty to one count of obtaining money through false pretenses by faking a raffle that he claimed would raise money to help solve the infamous Colonial Parkway murders.

    According to Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney Jeremy Markle, Atwell held a car raffle which was supposed to raise money for a fund started by the victims' families. The families paid Atwell for fees for his efforts on the raffle. However, there were no cars.

    Atwell is facing up to 10 years in prison when he is sentenced in May.

    In recent years, the family members of the Colonial Parkway Murders have held various fundraising events to raise reward money as well as to hire a team of private investigators in an effort to finally solve the notorious string of grisly murders.

    More than 20 years after the last murders (at least officially) occurred in the case, the FBI has yet to solve even one of the crimes.

    In January 2010, the FBI announced that they were reopening the case, using new DNA testing. The victims’ families are still waiting for those results.

    Frustrated with the lack of progress, the families now hope to discover who killed their loved ones on their own. Joyce Call, the sister of one of the victims, told the Daily Press: “There's a murderer out there and he deserves to be held accountable.”

    Between 1986 and 1989, there were eight bodies found at different points along Virginia’s Colonial Parkway. They were all killed in pairs, they were all young, and in some of the cases, the victims’ car was found with the driver’s side window rolled partially down, leading to speculation that the killer was either a police officer or security guard, or someone posing as such.

    The case which has come to be known as the Colonial Parkway Murders has never been solved.

    -On October 12, 1986, the bodies of Cathleen Thomas, 27, and Rebecca Ann Dowski, 21, were found in Thomas' Honda Civic, at the bottom of an embankment along the Parkway. Their throats had been slashed.

    -In September 1987, David Knobling, 20, and Robin Edwards, 14, were discovered murdered at the Ragged Island Wildlife Refuge, on the James River. The bodies were found by Knobling's father.

    -On April 9, 1988, Cassandra Lee Hailey and Richard Keith Call were reported missing after attending a party in Newport News. It was their first date. Call's car was found on the Colonial Parkway the next day. Their bodies have never been recovered.

    -In October 1989, the bodies of Anna Marie Phelps, 18, and Daniel Lauer, 21, were found by hunters in the woods of New Kent County near a rest stop on Interstate 64. They had been missing for nearly a month.

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    Thursday, March 15, 2012

    Teenager set ablaze in reported racial attack

    Kansas City, MO â€" On Tuesday, a 13-year-old boy was doused with gasoline in front of his home and set ablaze. The victim was able to extinguish the flames himself before calling 911.

    The boy was taken to Children's Mercy Hospital and treated in the hospital’s burn unit with first-degree burns to his face and head.

    Lighting the gasoline “produced a large fireball burning the face and hair” according to the police report.

    The victim’s mother, Melissa Coon told KMBC : “You could smell the burned skin. You could smell the burned hair. It was just horrible.”

    Her son is back home now, but in addition to losing his eyelashes and eyebrows, doctors are concerned over the long term damage the fire may have done to his eyes and lungs.

    As for the suspects, police have described them as black males, age 16.

    Coon gave the following account of the incident: “They rushed him on the porch as he tried to get the door. [One of them] poured the gasoline, then flicked the Bic, and said, ‘This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.’”

    They apparently followed the victim home from East High School which is only two blocks form his home.

    The attack is reportedly being investigated as a hate crime.

    The family fearing further attacks, now plans to move and Coon says that her son will not be returning to East High School.

    Sadly, she described the reaction from her younger son, saying: “My 5-year-old came in and asked me, ‘Mom, am I going to get set on fire today?’ I was in tears.”

    According to police, both of the suspects have facial hair. One was wearing a blue hat, blue jacket, and shoes with the number 23 emblazoned on the side. The other was wearing a blue hat, a black jacket, and glasses.

    Anyone with information on this case is urged to call the Crime Stoppers TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS.


    Powered By justice served immigration news

    Should Supreme Court justices have around-the-clock protection?

    On Monday, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) announced that 73-year-old Justice Stephen Breyer was the victim of a home-invasion robbery last week while visiting his vacation home on the Caribbean island of Nevis in the West Indies.

    The robbery took place on Thursday around 9:00 p.m. EST. Breyer, his wife Joanna and a few guests were home when a man with a machete entered the house and demanded cash.

    According to SCOTUS spokeswoman Kathy Arberg, the robber got away with about $1,000 in cash.

    Fortunately, no one was hurt in the harrowing ordeal.

    The U.S. Marshals Service along with is the Supreme Court Police are reportedly assisting local authorities with the investigation. No arrests have been made at this time.

    As this is only the latest incident in which a justice has been the target of criminals, it raises the question once again of whether or not Supreme Court Justices should have bodyguards at all times.

    -In 2004, Justice David Souter was assaulted by a group of young men while he was jogging in Washington D.C.

    -In 1996, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was mugged as she walked with her husband and daughter in Washington.

    -In 1982, Justice Byron White was attacked while giving a speech in Utah.

    While in D.C., if requested, all justices are provided with personal bodyguards from the U.S. Supreme Court Police Department, when justices travel they can be provided with a U.S. Marshal.

    However, most never request special protection.

    During an appearance on CBS This Morning, CBS News senior correspondent John Miller explained: “The U.S. Marshals would be glad to provide that protection, but the justices, when they go on vacation, don't want to be traveling on vacation with four burly guys standing in flowered shirts in the corner when they could be with themselves and their families and low-key.”

    While the justices have been resistant to such protection, it may now simply be imposed upon them.

    Powered By immigration news videos

    Jeffrey Dahmer walking tours to start this weekend

    Milwaukee, WI â€" On Saturday, Bam Marketing and Media will begin giving guided tours of the area where notorious serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer met many of his victims. The 90-minute tours will wind through the Walker's Point neighborhood that was once filled with gay bars which the killer frequented.

    Many family members of Dahmer’s victims are upset over the tours and only got word of the new business venture when tour organizers offered discounted tickets on the popular website known as

    However, tour co-owner Amanda Morden recently told WISN 12 News: “There's also the Manson family tour in California and the Boston Strangler tour. This is not a unique product, but it is something that is new to the city. It's a different format of information provided.”

    Bam Marketing and Media’s website ( provides the following description of the Dahmer tour:  

    “Jeffrey Dahmer, one of the nation's most notorious serial killers made Milwaukee his home. He didn't begin there, but he certainly left his everlasting imprint on a city that would rather forget he ever existed. Some bloodstains cannot be scrubbed clean, no matter what attempt to erase them. To meet them head on and explain their origins, rather than attempt to cover them, the Dahmer Tours have begun… The Dahmer Tours will walk you down the path that Milwaukee's monster had trod, giving you the only available inside view of his hunting grounds.”

    The tours will run every Saturday beginning March 3 through June 30, with three tours given daily.

    Dahmer was arrested on July 22, 1991, when a would-be victim, 32-year-old Tracy Edwards met the serial killer at a mall and went back with him to his Milwaukee apartment. After spending the evening drinking and watching movies together, Dahmer held a knife to Edwards.

    Edwards was able to fight-off Dahmer and escape. With a handcuff dangling from his wrist, Edwards flagged down a police officer after fleeing the apartment and described how the killer tried to make him his next victim.

    When police entered the apartment they discovered a virtual chamber of horrors.

    Four severed heads were found, along with several body parts throughout the apartment. Acid-filled vats containing torsos and seven human skulls were also stored in Dahmer’s home.

    It quickly became evident that Dahmer was actually consuming his victims’ organs. On the night of his arrest, a human heart was found in his freezer.

    In 1992, Dahmer was convicted in the murders of 15 young men, between 1978 and 1991. He was sentenced to 15 life terms.

    At his trial, Edwards testified: “At one point, he said he was going to eat my heart. For some reason, God told me not to let this guy handcuff me. He laid across me and put his head across my chest and was listening to my heart.”

    “He had a knife at my groin. I said, 'At least I'm going to die trying.' I hit him and got out of the apartment,” Edwards said.

    On November 28, 1994, while performing his janitorial duties in Columbia Correctional Institution, Dahmer was beaten to death with a broom handle by fellow inmate Christopher Scarver.





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    Pastor of historic Virginia church charged with sex crimes

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    Bomb squad called to Rush Limbaugh’s home

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    Six years after his arrest, alleged USS Cole bomber still awaits trial

    On November 9, 2011, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri was finally arraigned by a military commission at Guantanamo Bay on charges of murder, terrorism and hijacking. His trial is not set to begin before November 2012, but is expected to be delayed by several months or even years later.

    The accused terrorist has been in U.S. custody since 2006.

    In August 2010, the Obama administration actually set aside the prosecution of al-Nashiri, the alleged mastermind behind the Oct. 2000 suicide attack on the USS Cole in Yemen.

    The Justice Department filed a motion in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, stating that "no charges are either pending or contemplated with respect to al-Nashiri in the near future."

    The statement was quietly hidden in a motion to dismiss a petition by Nashiri's attorneys, and of course, all but completely ignored by the mainstream press.

    The move by the Obama administration to at least temporarily delay trial is a puzzling one since military prosecutors have been prepared to try Nashiri for months, and had planned to do so this summer.

    On June 30, 2008, Brig. Gen. Thomas W. Hartmann announced charges against Nashiri for “organizing and directing” the bombing plot, and that the Defense Department would seek the death penalty against the Saudi national.

    On October 12, 2000, while the USS Cole was anchored off the port of Aden, in Yemen, when a small boat filled with explosives pulled alongside the ship and the terrorists aboard, detonated their charges. The explosion ripped open a 40-by-40-foot hole in the ship's port side, killing 17 sailors and injuring another 39.

    Those lost were:

    Hull Maintenance Technician Second Class Kenneth Eugene Clodfelter, 21, of Mechanicsville, Va.

    Electronics Technician Chief Petty Officer Richard Costelow, 35, of Morrisville, Pa.

    Mess Management Specialist Seaman Lakeina Monique Francis, 19, of Woodleaf, N.C.

    Information Systems Technician Timothy Lee Gauna, 21, of Rice, Texas

    Signalman Seaman Cherone Louis Gunn, 22, of Rex, Ga.

    Seaman James Rodrick McDaniels, 19, of Norfolk, Va.

    Engineman Second Class Marc Ian Nieto, 24, of Fond du Lac, Wis.

    Electronics Warfare Technician Second Class Ronald Scott Owens, 24, of Vero Beach, Fla.

    Seaman Lakiba Nicole Palmer, 22, of San Diego, Calif.

    Engineman Fireman Joshua Langdon Parlett, 19, of Churchville, Md.

    Fireman Patrick Howard Roy, 19, of Cornwall on Hudson, N.Y.

    Electronics Warfare Technician First Class Kevin Shawn Rux, 30, of Portland, N.D.

    Mess Management Specialist Third Class Ronchester Manangan Santiago, 22, Kingsville, Texas

    Operations Specialist Second Class Timothy Lamont Saunders, 32, of Ringgold, Va.

    Fireman Gary Graham Swenchonis Jr., 26, Rockport, Texas

    Ensign Andrew Triplett, 31, of Macon, Miss.

    Seaman Craig Bryan Wibberley, 19, of Williamsport, Md.


    Powered By immigration news - sex crimes of illegal immigrants

    Wednesday, March 14, 2012

    Six years after his arrest, alleged USS Cole bomber still awaits trial

    On November 9, 2011, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri was finally arraigned by a military commission at Guantanamo Bay on charges of murder, terrorism and hijacking. His trial is not set to begin before November 2012, but is expected to be delayed by several months or even years later.

    The accused terrorist has been in U.S. custody since 2006.

    In August 2010, the Obama administration actually set aside the prosecution of al-Nashiri, the alleged mastermind behind the Oct. 2000 suicide attack on the USS Cole in Yemen.

    The Justice Department filed a motion in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, stating that "no charges are either pending or contemplated with respect to al-Nashiri in the near future."

    The statement was quietly hidden in a motion to dismiss a petition by Nashiri's attorneys, and of course, all but completely ignored by the mainstream press.

    The move by the Obama administration to at least temporarily delay trial is a puzzling one since military prosecutors have been prepared to try Nashiri for months, and had planned to do so this summer.

    On June 30, 2008, Brig. Gen. Thomas W. Hartmann announced charges against Nashiri for “organizing and directing” the bombing plot, and that the Defense Department would seek the death penalty against the Saudi national.

    On October 12, 2000, while the USS Cole was anchored off the port of Aden, in Yemen, when a small boat filled with explosives pulled alongside the ship and the terrorists aboard, detonated their charges. The explosion ripped open a 40-by-40-foot hole in the ship's port side, killing 17 sailors and injuring another 39.

    Those lost were:

    Hull Maintenance Technician Second Class Kenneth Eugene Clodfelter, 21, of Mechanicsville, Va.

    Electronics Technician Chief Petty Officer Richard Costelow, 35, of Morrisville, Pa.

    Mess Management Specialist Seaman Lakeina Monique Francis, 19, of Woodleaf, N.C.

    Information Systems Technician Timothy Lee Gauna, 21, of Rice, Texas

    Signalman Seaman Cherone Louis Gunn, 22, of Rex, Ga.

    Seaman James Rodrick McDaniels, 19, of Norfolk, Va.

    Engineman Second Class Marc Ian Nieto, 24, of Fond du Lac, Wis.

    Electronics Warfare Technician Second Class Ronald Scott Owens, 24, of Vero Beach, Fla.

    Seaman Lakiba Nicole Palmer, 22, of San Diego, Calif.

    Engineman Fireman Joshua Langdon Parlett, 19, of Churchville, Md.

    Fireman Patrick Howard Roy, 19, of Cornwall on Hudson, N.Y.

    Electronics Warfare Technician First Class Kevin Shawn Rux, 30, of Portland, N.D.

    Mess Management Specialist Third Class Ronchester Manangan Santiago, 22, Kingsville, Texas

    Operations Specialist Second Class Timothy Lamont Saunders, 32, of Ringgold, Va.

    Fireman Gary Graham Swenchonis Jr., 26, Rockport, Texas

    Ensign Andrew Triplett, 31, of Macon, Miss.

    Seaman Craig Bryan Wibberley, 19, of Williamsport, Md.


    Powered By immigration news videos

    Should Supreme Court justices have around-the-clock protection?

    On Monday, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) announced that 73-year-old Justice Stephen Breyer was the victim of a home-invasion robbery last week while visiting his vacation home on the Caribbean island of Nevis in the West Indies.

    The robbery took place on Thursday around 9:00 p.m. EST. Breyer, his wife Joanna and a few guests were home when a man with a machete entered the house and demanded cash.

    According to SCOTUS spokeswoman Kathy Arberg, the robber got away with about $1,000 in cash.

    Fortunately, no one was hurt in the harrowing ordeal.

    The U.S. Marshals Service along with is the Supreme Court Police are reportedly assisting local authorities with the investigation. No arrests have been made at this time.

    As this is only the latest incident in which a justice has been the target of criminals, it raises the question once again of whether or not Supreme Court Justices should have bodyguards at all times.

    -In 2004, Justice David Souter was assaulted by a group of young men while he was jogging in Washington D.C.

    -In 1996, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was mugged as she walked with her husband and daughter in Washington.

    -In 1982, Justice Byron White was attacked while giving a speech in Utah.

    While in D.C., if requested, all justices are provided with personal bodyguards from the U.S. Supreme Court Police Department, when justices travel they can be provided with a U.S. Marshal.

    However, most never request special protection.

    During an appearance on CBS This Morning, CBS News senior correspondent John Miller explained: “The U.S. Marshals would be glad to provide that protection, but the justices, when they go on vacation, don't want to be traveling on vacation with four burly guys standing in flowered shirts in the corner when they could be with themselves and their families and low-key.”

    While the justices have been resistant to such protection, it may now simply be imposed upon them.

    Powered By more immigration news

    Teenager set ablaze in reported racial attack

    Kansas City, MO â€" On Tuesday, a 13-year-old boy was doused with gasoline in front of his home and set ablaze. The victim was able to extinguish the flames himself before calling 911.

    The boy was taken to Children's Mercy Hospital and treated in the hospital’s burn unit with first-degree burns to his face and head.

    Lighting the gasoline “produced a large fireball burning the face and hair” according to the police report.

    The victim’s mother, Melissa Coon told KMBC : “You could smell the burned skin. You could smell the burned hair. It was just horrible.”

    Her son is back home now, but in addition to losing his eyelashes and eyebrows, doctors are concerned over the long term damage the fire may have done to his eyes and lungs.

    As for the suspects, police have described them as black males, age 16.

    Coon gave the following account of the incident: “They rushed him on the porch as he tried to get the door. [One of them] poured the gasoline, then flicked the Bic, and said, ‘This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.’”

    They apparently followed the victim home from East High School which is only two blocks form his home.

    The attack is reportedly being investigated as a hate crime.

    The family fearing further attacks, now plans to move and Coon says that her son will not be returning to East High School.

    Sadly, she described the reaction from her younger son, saying: “My 5-year-old came in and asked me, ‘Mom, am I going to get set on fire today?’ I was in tears.”

    According to police, both of the suspects have facial hair. One was wearing a blue hat, blue jacket, and shoes with the number 23 emblazoned on the side. The other was wearing a blue hat, a black jacket, and glasses.

    Anyone with information on this case is urged to call the Crime Stoppers TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS.


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    Jeffrey Dahmer walking tours to start this weekend

    Milwaukee, WI â€" On Saturday, Bam Marketing and Media will begin giving guided tours of the area where notorious serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer met many of his victims. The 90-minute tours will wind through the Walker's Point neighborhood that was once filled with gay bars which the killer frequented.

    Many family members of Dahmer’s victims are upset over the tours and only got word of the new business venture when tour organizers offered discounted tickets on the popular website known as

    However, tour co-owner Amanda Morden recently told WISN 12 News: “There's also the Manson family tour in California and the Boston Strangler tour. This is not a unique product, but it is something that is new to the city. It's a different format of information provided.”

    Bam Marketing and Media’s website ( provides the following description of the Dahmer tour:  

    “Jeffrey Dahmer, one of the nation's most notorious serial killers made Milwaukee his home. He didn't begin there, but he certainly left his everlasting imprint on a city that would rather forget he ever existed. Some bloodstains cannot be scrubbed clean, no matter what attempt to erase them. To meet them head on and explain their origins, rather than attempt to cover them, the Dahmer Tours have begun… The Dahmer Tours will walk you down the path that Milwaukee's monster had trod, giving you the only available inside view of his hunting grounds.”

    The tours will run every Saturday beginning March 3 through June 30, with three tours given daily.

    Dahmer was arrested on July 22, 1991, when a would-be victim, 32-year-old Tracy Edwards met the serial killer at a mall and went back with him to his Milwaukee apartment. After spending the evening drinking and watching movies together, Dahmer held a knife to Edwards.

    Edwards was able to fight-off Dahmer and escape. With a handcuff dangling from his wrist, Edwards flagged down a police officer after fleeing the apartment and described how the killer tried to make him his next victim.

    When police entered the apartment they discovered a virtual chamber of horrors.

    Four severed heads were found, along with several body parts throughout the apartment. Acid-filled vats containing torsos and seven human skulls were also stored in Dahmer’s home.

    It quickly became evident that Dahmer was actually consuming his victims’ organs. On the night of his arrest, a human heart was found in his freezer.

    In 1992, Dahmer was convicted in the murders of 15 young men, between 1978 and 1991. He was sentenced to 15 life terms.

    At his trial, Edwards testified: “At one point, he said he was going to eat my heart. For some reason, God told me not to let this guy handcuff me. He laid across me and put his head across my chest and was listening to my heart.”

    “He had a knife at my groin. I said, 'At least I'm going to die trying.' I hit him and got out of the apartment,” Edwards said.

    On November 28, 1994, while performing his janitorial duties in Columbia Correctional Institution, Dahmer was beaten to death with a broom handle by fellow inmate Christopher Scarver.





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    Monday, March 12, 2012

    Bomb squad called to Rush Limbaugh’s home

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  • Powered By interesting immigration news opinions

    Six years after his arrest, alleged USS Cole bomber still awaits trial

    On November 9, 2011, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri was finally arraigned by a military commission at Guantanamo Bay on charges of murder, terrorism and hijacking. His trial is not set to begin before November 2012, but is expected to be delayed by several months or even years later.

    The accused terrorist has been in U.S. custody since 2006.

    In August 2010, the Obama administration actually set aside the prosecution of al-Nashiri, the alleged mastermind behind the Oct. 2000 suicide attack on the USS Cole in Yemen.

    The Justice Department filed a motion in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, stating that "no charges are either pending or contemplated with respect to al-Nashiri in the near future."

    The statement was quietly hidden in a motion to dismiss a petition by Nashiri's attorneys, and of course, all but completely ignored by the mainstream press.

    The move by the Obama administration to at least temporarily delay trial is a puzzling one since military prosecutors have been prepared to try Nashiri for months, and had planned to do so this summer.

    On June 30, 2008, Brig. Gen. Thomas W. Hartmann announced charges against Nashiri for “organizing and directing” the bombing plot, and that the Defense Department would seek the death penalty against the Saudi national.

    On October 12, 2000, while the USS Cole was anchored off the port of Aden, in Yemen, when a small boat filled with explosives pulled alongside the ship and the terrorists aboard, detonated their charges. The explosion ripped open a 40-by-40-foot hole in the ship's port side, killing 17 sailors and injuring another 39.

    Those lost were:

    Hull Maintenance Technician Second Class Kenneth Eugene Clodfelter, 21, of Mechanicsville, Va.

    Electronics Technician Chief Petty Officer Richard Costelow, 35, of Morrisville, Pa.

    Mess Management Specialist Seaman Lakeina Monique Francis, 19, of Woodleaf, N.C.

    Information Systems Technician Timothy Lee Gauna, 21, of Rice, Texas

    Signalman Seaman Cherone Louis Gunn, 22, of Rex, Ga.

    Seaman James Rodrick McDaniels, 19, of Norfolk, Va.

    Engineman Second Class Marc Ian Nieto, 24, of Fond du Lac, Wis.

    Electronics Warfare Technician Second Class Ronald Scott Owens, 24, of Vero Beach, Fla.

    Seaman Lakiba Nicole Palmer, 22, of San Diego, Calif.

    Engineman Fireman Joshua Langdon Parlett, 19, of Churchville, Md.

    Fireman Patrick Howard Roy, 19, of Cornwall on Hudson, N.Y.

    Electronics Warfare Technician First Class Kevin Shawn Rux, 30, of Portland, N.D.

    Mess Management Specialist Third Class Ronchester Manangan Santiago, 22, Kingsville, Texas

    Operations Specialist Second Class Timothy Lamont Saunders, 32, of Ringgold, Va.

    Fireman Gary Graham Swenchonis Jr., 26, Rockport, Texas

    Ensign Andrew Triplett, 31, of Macon, Miss.

    Seaman Craig Bryan Wibberley, 19, of Williamsport, Md.


    Powered By justice served immigration news

    Teenager set ablaze in reported racial attack

    Kansas City, MO â€" On Tuesday, a 13-year-old boy was doused with gasoline in front of his home and set ablaze. The victim was able to extinguish the flames himself before calling 911.

    The boy was taken to Children's Mercy Hospital and treated in the hospital’s burn unit with first-degree burns to his face and head.

    Lighting the gasoline “produced a large fireball burning the face and hair” according to the police report.

    The victim’s mother, Melissa Coon told KMBC : “You could smell the burned skin. You could smell the burned hair. It was just horrible.”

    Her son is back home now, but in addition to losing his eyelashes and eyebrows, doctors are concerned over the long term damage the fire may have done to his eyes and lungs.

    As for the suspects, police have described them as black males, age 16.

    Coon gave the following account of the incident: “They rushed him on the porch as he tried to get the door. [One of them] poured the gasoline, then flicked the Bic, and said, ‘This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.’”

    They apparently followed the victim home from East High School which is only two blocks form his home.

    The attack is reportedly being investigated as a hate crime.

    The family fearing further attacks, now plans to move and Coon says that her son will not be returning to East High School.

    Sadly, she described the reaction from her younger son, saying: “My 5-year-old came in and asked me, ‘Mom, am I going to get set on fire today?’ I was in tears.”

    According to police, both of the suspects have facial hair. One was wearing a blue hat, blue jacket, and shoes with the number 23 emblazoned on the side. The other was wearing a blue hat, a black jacket, and glasses.

    Anyone with information on this case is urged to call the Crime Stoppers TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS.


    Powered By immigration news - sex crimes of illegal immigrants

    Jeffrey Dahmer walking tours to start this weekend

    Milwaukee, WI â€" On Saturday, Bam Marketing and Media will begin giving guided tours of the area where notorious serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer met many of his victims. The 90-minute tours will wind through the Walker's Point neighborhood that was once filled with gay bars which the killer frequented.

    Many family members of Dahmer’s victims are upset over the tours and only got word of the new business venture when tour organizers offered discounted tickets on the popular website known as

    However, tour co-owner Amanda Morden recently told WISN 12 News: “There's also the Manson family tour in California and the Boston Strangler tour. This is not a unique product, but it is something that is new to the city. It's a different format of information provided.”

    Bam Marketing and Media’s website ( provides the following description of the Dahmer tour:  

    “Jeffrey Dahmer, one of the nation's most notorious serial killers made Milwaukee his home. He didn't begin there, but he certainly left his everlasting imprint on a city that would rather forget he ever existed. Some bloodstains cannot be scrubbed clean, no matter what attempt to erase them. To meet them head on and explain their origins, rather than attempt to cover them, the Dahmer Tours have begun… The Dahmer Tours will walk you down the path that Milwaukee's monster had trod, giving you the only available inside view of his hunting grounds.”

    The tours will run every Saturday beginning March 3 through June 30, with three tours given daily.

    Dahmer was arrested on July 22, 1991, when a would-be victim, 32-year-old Tracy Edwards met the serial killer at a mall and went back with him to his Milwaukee apartment. After spending the evening drinking and watching movies together, Dahmer held a knife to Edwards.

    Edwards was able to fight-off Dahmer and escape. With a handcuff dangling from his wrist, Edwards flagged down a police officer after fleeing the apartment and described how the killer tried to make him his next victim.

    When police entered the apartment they discovered a virtual chamber of horrors.

    Four severed heads were found, along with several body parts throughout the apartment. Acid-filled vats containing torsos and seven human skulls were also stored in Dahmer’s home.

    It quickly became evident that Dahmer was actually consuming his victims’ organs. On the night of his arrest, a human heart was found in his freezer.

    In 1992, Dahmer was convicted in the murders of 15 young men, between 1978 and 1991. He was sentenced to 15 life terms.

    At his trial, Edwards testified: “At one point, he said he was going to eat my heart. For some reason, God told me not to let this guy handcuff me. He laid across me and put his head across my chest and was listening to my heart.”

    “He had a knife at my groin. I said, 'At least I'm going to die trying.' I hit him and got out of the apartment,” Edwards said.

    On November 28, 1994, while performing his janitorial duties in Columbia Correctional Institution, Dahmer was beaten to death with a broom handle by fellow inmate Christopher Scarver.





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    Should Supreme Court justices have around-the-clock protection?

    On Monday, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) announced that 73-year-old Justice Stephen Breyer was the victim of a home-invasion robbery last week while visiting his vacation home on the Caribbean island of Nevis in the West Indies.

    The robbery took place on Thursday around 9:00 p.m. EST. Breyer, his wife Joanna and a few guests were home when a man with a machete entered the house and demanded cash.

    According to SCOTUS spokeswoman Kathy Arberg, the robber got away with about $1,000 in cash.

    Fortunately, no one was hurt in the harrowing ordeal.

    The U.S. Marshals Service along with is the Supreme Court Police are reportedly assisting local authorities with the investigation. No arrests have been made at this time.

    As this is only the latest incident in which a justice has been the target of criminals, it raises the question once again of whether or not Supreme Court Justices should have bodyguards at all times.

    -In 2004, Justice David Souter was assaulted by a group of young men while he was jogging in Washington D.C.

    -In 1996, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was mugged as she walked with her husband and daughter in Washington.

    -In 1982, Justice Byron White was attacked while giving a speech in Utah.

    While in D.C., if requested, all justices are provided with personal bodyguards from the U.S. Supreme Court Police Department, when justices travel they can be provided with a U.S. Marshal.

    However, most never request special protection.

    During an appearance on CBS This Morning, CBS News senior correspondent John Miller explained: “The U.S. Marshals would be glad to provide that protection, but the justices, when they go on vacation, don't want to be traveling on vacation with four burly guys standing in flowered shirts in the corner when they could be with themselves and their families and low-key.”

    While the justices have been resistant to such protection, it may now simply be imposed upon them.

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    Friday, March 9, 2012

    Six years after his arrest, alleged USS Cole bomber still awaits trial

    On November 9, 2011, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri was finally arraigned by a military commission at Guantanamo Bay on charges of murder, terrorism and hijacking. His trial is not set to begin before November 2012, but is expected to be delayed by several months or even years later.

    The accused terrorist has been in U.S. custody since 2006.

    In August 2010, the Obama administration actually set aside the prosecution of al-Nashiri, the alleged mastermind behind the Oct. 2000 suicide attack on the USS Cole in Yemen.

    The Justice Department filed a motion in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, stating that "no charges are either pending or contemplated with respect to al-Nashiri in the near future."

    The statement was quietly hidden in a motion to dismiss a petition by Nashiri's attorneys, and of course, all but completely ignored by the mainstream press.

    The move by the Obama administration to at least temporarily delay trial is a puzzling one since military prosecutors have been prepared to try Nashiri for months, and had planned to do so this summer.

    On June 30, 2008, Brig. Gen. Thomas W. Hartmann announced charges against Nashiri for “organizing and directing” the bombing plot, and that the Defense Department would seek the death penalty against the Saudi national.

    On October 12, 2000, while the USS Cole was anchored off the port of Aden, in Yemen, when a small boat filled with explosives pulled alongside the ship and the terrorists aboard, detonated their charges. The explosion ripped open a 40-by-40-foot hole in the ship's port side, killing 17 sailors and injuring another 39.

    Those lost were:

    Hull Maintenance Technician Second Class Kenneth Eugene Clodfelter, 21, of Mechanicsville, Va.

    Electronics Technician Chief Petty Officer Richard Costelow, 35, of Morrisville, Pa.

    Mess Management Specialist Seaman Lakeina Monique Francis, 19, of Woodleaf, N.C.

    Information Systems Technician Timothy Lee Gauna, 21, of Rice, Texas

    Signalman Seaman Cherone Louis Gunn, 22, of Rex, Ga.

    Seaman James Rodrick McDaniels, 19, of Norfolk, Va.

    Engineman Second Class Marc Ian Nieto, 24, of Fond du Lac, Wis.

    Electronics Warfare Technician Second Class Ronald Scott Owens, 24, of Vero Beach, Fla.

    Seaman Lakiba Nicole Palmer, 22, of San Diego, Calif.

    Engineman Fireman Joshua Langdon Parlett, 19, of Churchville, Md.

    Fireman Patrick Howard Roy, 19, of Cornwall on Hudson, N.Y.

    Electronics Warfare Technician First Class Kevin Shawn Rux, 30, of Portland, N.D.

    Mess Management Specialist Third Class Ronchester Manangan Santiago, 22, Kingsville, Texas

    Operations Specialist Second Class Timothy Lamont Saunders, 32, of Ringgold, Va.

    Fireman Gary Graham Swenchonis Jr., 26, Rockport, Texas

    Ensign Andrew Triplett, 31, of Macon, Miss.

    Seaman Craig Bryan Wibberley, 19, of Williamsport, Md.


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    Teenager set ablaze in reported racial attack

    Kansas City, MO â€" On Tuesday, a 13-year-old boy was doused with gasoline in front of his home and set ablaze. The victim was able to extinguish the flames himself before calling 911.

    The boy was taken to Children's Mercy Hospital and treated in the hospital’s burn unit with first-degree burns to his face and head.

    Lighting the gasoline “produced a large fireball burning the face and hair” according to the police report.

    The victim’s mother, Melissa Coon told KMBC : “You could smell the burned skin. You could smell the burned hair. It was just horrible.”

    Her son is back home now, but in addition to losing his eyelashes and eyebrows, doctors are concerned over the long term damage the fire may have done to his eyes and lungs.

    As for the suspects, police have described them as black males, age 16.

    Coon gave the following account of the incident: “They rushed him on the porch as he tried to get the door. [One of them] poured the gasoline, then flicked the Bic, and said, ‘This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.’”

    They apparently followed the victim home from East High School which is only two blocks form his home.

    The attack is reportedly being investigated as a hate crime.

    The family fearing further attacks, now plans to move and Coon says that her son will not be returning to East High School.

    Sadly, she described the reaction from her younger son, saying: “My 5-year-old came in and asked me, ‘Mom, am I going to get set on fire today?’ I was in tears.”

    According to police, both of the suspects have facial hair. One was wearing a blue hat, blue jacket, and shoes with the number 23 emblazoned on the side. The other was wearing a blue hat, a black jacket, and glasses.

    Anyone with information on this case is urged to call the Crime Stoppers TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS.


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    Jeffrey Dahmer walking tours to start this weekend

    Milwaukee, WI â€" On Saturday, Bam Marketing and Media will begin giving guided tours of the area where notorious serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer met many of his victims. The 90-minute tours will wind through the Walker's Point neighborhood that was once filled with gay bars which the killer frequented.

    Many family members of Dahmer’s victims are upset over the tours and only got word of the new business venture when tour organizers offered discounted tickets on the popular website known as

    However, tour co-owner Amanda Morden recently told WISN 12 News: “There's also the Manson family tour in California and the Boston Strangler tour. This is not a unique product, but it is something that is new to the city. It's a different format of information provided.”

    Bam Marketing and Media’s website ( provides the following description of the Dahmer tour:  

    “Jeffrey Dahmer, one of the nation's most notorious serial killers made Milwaukee his home. He didn't begin there, but he certainly left his everlasting imprint on a city that would rather forget he ever existed. Some bloodstains cannot be scrubbed clean, no matter what attempt to erase them. To meet them head on and explain their origins, rather than attempt to cover them, the Dahmer Tours have begun… The Dahmer Tours will walk you down the path that Milwaukee's monster had trod, giving you the only available inside view of his hunting grounds.”

    The tours will run every Saturday beginning March 3 through June 30, with three tours given daily.

    Dahmer was arrested on July 22, 1991, when a would-be victim, 32-year-old Tracy Edwards met the serial killer at a mall and went back with him to his Milwaukee apartment. After spending the evening drinking and watching movies together, Dahmer held a knife to Edwards.

    Edwards was able to fight-off Dahmer and escape. With a handcuff dangling from his wrist, Edwards flagged down a police officer after fleeing the apartment and described how the killer tried to make him his next victim.

    When police entered the apartment they discovered a virtual chamber of horrors.

    Four severed heads were found, along with several body parts throughout the apartment. Acid-filled vats containing torsos and seven human skulls were also stored in Dahmer’s home.

    It quickly became evident that Dahmer was actually consuming his victims’ organs. On the night of his arrest, a human heart was found in his freezer.

    In 1992, Dahmer was convicted in the murders of 15 young men, between 1978 and 1991. He was sentenced to 15 life terms.

    At his trial, Edwards testified: “At one point, he said he was going to eat my heart. For some reason, God told me not to let this guy handcuff me. He laid across me and put his head across my chest and was listening to my heart.”

    “He had a knife at my groin. I said, 'At least I'm going to die trying.' I hit him and got out of the apartment,” Edwards said.

    On November 28, 1994, while performing his janitorial duties in Columbia Correctional Institution, Dahmer was beaten to death with a broom handle by fellow inmate Christopher Scarver.





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    Should Supreme Court justices have around-the-clock protection?

    On Monday, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) announced that 73-year-old Justice Stephen Breyer was the victim of a home-invasion robbery last week while visiting his vacation home on the Caribbean island of Nevis in the West Indies.

    The robbery took place on Thursday around 9:00 p.m. EST. Breyer, his wife Joanna and a few guests were home when a man with a machete entered the house and demanded cash.

    According to SCOTUS spokeswoman Kathy Arberg, the robber got away with about $1,000 in cash.

    Fortunately, no one was hurt in the harrowing ordeal.

    The U.S. Marshals Service along with is the Supreme Court Police are reportedly assisting local authorities with the investigation. No arrests have been made at this time.

    As this is only the latest incident in which a justice has been the target of criminals, it raises the question once again of whether or not Supreme Court Justices should have bodyguards at all times.

    -In 2004, Justice David Souter was assaulted by a group of young men while he was jogging in Washington D.C.

    -In 1996, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was mugged as she walked with her husband and daughter in Washington.

    -In 1982, Justice Byron White was attacked while giving a speech in Utah.

    While in D.C., if requested, all justices are provided with personal bodyguards from the U.S. Supreme Court Police Department, when justices travel they can be provided with a U.S. Marshal.

    However, most never request special protection.

    During an appearance on CBS This Morning, CBS News senior correspondent John Miller explained: “The U.S. Marshals would be glad to provide that protection, but the justices, when they go on vacation, don't want to be traveling on vacation with four burly guys standing in flowered shirts in the corner when they could be with themselves and their families and low-key.”

    While the justices have been resistant to such protection, it may now simply be imposed upon them.

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    Thursday, March 8, 2012

    Jeffrey Dahmer walking tours to start this weekend

    Milwaukee, WI â€" On Saturday, Bam Marketing and Media will begin giving guided tours of the area where notorious serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer met many of his victims. The 90-minute tours will wind through the Walker's Point neighborhood that was once filled with gay bars which the killer frequented.

    Many family members of Dahmer’s victims are upset over the tours and only got word of the new business venture when tour organizers offered discounted tickets on the popular website known as

    However, tour co-owner Amanda Morden recently told WISN 12 News: “There's also the Manson family tour in California and the Boston Strangler tour. This is not a unique product, but it is something that is new to the city. It's a different format of information provided.”

    Bam Marketing and Media’s website ( provides the following description of the Dahmer tour:  

    “Jeffrey Dahmer, one of the nation's most notorious serial killers made Milwaukee his home. He didn't begin there, but he certainly left his everlasting imprint on a city that would rather forget he ever existed. Some bloodstains cannot be scrubbed clean, no matter what attempt to erase them. To meet them head on and explain their origins, rather than attempt to cover them, the Dahmer Tours have begun… The Dahmer Tours will walk you down the path that Milwaukee's monster had trod, giving you the only available inside view of his hunting grounds.”

    The tours will run every Saturday beginning March 3 through June 30, with three tours given daily.

    Dahmer was arrested on July 22, 1991, when a would-be victim, 32-year-old Tracy Edwards met the serial killer at a mall and went back with him to his Milwaukee apartment. After spending the evening drinking and watching movies together, Dahmer held a knife to Edwards.

    Edwards was able to fight-off Dahmer and escape. With a handcuff dangling from his wrist, Edwards flagged down a police officer after fleeing the apartment and described how the killer tried to make him his next victim.

    When police entered the apartment they discovered a virtual chamber of horrors.

    Four severed heads were found, along with several body parts throughout the apartment. Acid-filled vats containing torsos and seven human skulls were also stored in Dahmer’s home.

    It quickly became evident that Dahmer was actually consuming his victims’ organs. On the night of his arrest, a human heart was found in his freezer.

    In 1992, Dahmer was convicted in the murders of 15 young men, between 1978 and 1991. He was sentenced to 15 life terms.

    At his trial, Edwards testified: “At one point, he said he was going to eat my heart. For some reason, God told me not to let this guy handcuff me. He laid across me and put his head across my chest and was listening to my heart.”

    “He had a knife at my groin. I said, 'At least I'm going to die trying.' I hit him and got out of the apartment,” Edwards said.

    On November 28, 1994, while performing his janitorial duties in Columbia Correctional Institution, Dahmer was beaten to death with a broom handle by fellow inmate Christopher Scarver.





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    Teenager set ablaze in reported racial attack

    Kansas City, MO â€" On Tuesday, a 13-year-old boy was doused with gasoline in front of his home and set ablaze. The victim was able to extinguish the flames himself before calling 911.

    The boy was taken to Children's Mercy Hospital and treated in the hospital’s burn unit with first-degree burns to his face and head.

    Lighting the gasoline “produced a large fireball burning the face and hair” according to the police report.

    The victim’s mother, Melissa Coon told KMBC : “You could smell the burned skin. You could smell the burned hair. It was just horrible.”

    Her son is back home now, but in addition to losing his eyelashes and eyebrows, doctors are concerned over the long term damage the fire may have done to his eyes and lungs.

    As for the suspects, police have described them as black males, age 16.

    Coon gave the following account of the incident: “They rushed him on the porch as he tried to get the door. [One of them] poured the gasoline, then flicked the Bic, and said, ‘This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.’”

    They apparently followed the victim home from East High School which is only two blocks form his home.

    The attack is reportedly being investigated as a hate crime.

    The family fearing further attacks, now plans to move and Coon says that her son will not be returning to East High School.

    Sadly, she described the reaction from her younger son, saying: “My 5-year-old came in and asked me, ‘Mom, am I going to get set on fire today?’ I was in tears.”

    According to police, both of the suspects have facial hair. One was wearing a blue hat, blue jacket, and shoes with the number 23 emblazoned on the side. The other was wearing a blue hat, a black jacket, and glasses.

    Anyone with information on this case is urged to call the Crime Stoppers TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS.


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    Six years after his arrest, alleged USS Cole bomber still awaits trial

    On November 9, 2011, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri was finally arraigned by a military commission at Guantanamo Bay on charges of murder, terrorism and hijacking. His trial is not set to begin before November 2012, but is expected to be delayed by several months or even years later.

    The accused terrorist has been in U.S. custody since 2006.

    In August 2010, the Obama administration actually set aside the prosecution of al-Nashiri, the alleged mastermind behind the Oct. 2000 suicide attack on the USS Cole in Yemen.

    The Justice Department filed a motion in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, stating that "no charges are either pending or contemplated with respect to al-Nashiri in the near future."

    The statement was quietly hidden in a motion to dismiss a petition by Nashiri's attorneys, and of course, all but completely ignored by the mainstream press.

    The move by the Obama administration to at least temporarily delay trial is a puzzling one since military prosecutors have been prepared to try Nashiri for months, and had planned to do so this summer.

    On June 30, 2008, Brig. Gen. Thomas W. Hartmann announced charges against Nashiri for “organizing and directing” the bombing plot, and that the Defense Department would seek the death penalty against the Saudi national.

    On October 12, 2000, while the USS Cole was anchored off the port of Aden, in Yemen, when a small boat filled with explosives pulled alongside the ship and the terrorists aboard, detonated their charges. The explosion ripped open a 40-by-40-foot hole in the ship's port side, killing 17 sailors and injuring another 39.

    Those lost were:

    Hull Maintenance Technician Second Class Kenneth Eugene Clodfelter, 21, of Mechanicsville, Va.

    Electronics Technician Chief Petty Officer Richard Costelow, 35, of Morrisville, Pa.

    Mess Management Specialist Seaman Lakeina Monique Francis, 19, of Woodleaf, N.C.

    Information Systems Technician Timothy Lee Gauna, 21, of Rice, Texas

    Signalman Seaman Cherone Louis Gunn, 22, of Rex, Ga.

    Seaman James Rodrick McDaniels, 19, of Norfolk, Va.

    Engineman Second Class Marc Ian Nieto, 24, of Fond du Lac, Wis.

    Electronics Warfare Technician Second Class Ronald Scott Owens, 24, of Vero Beach, Fla.

    Seaman Lakiba Nicole Palmer, 22, of San Diego, Calif.

    Engineman Fireman Joshua Langdon Parlett, 19, of Churchville, Md.

    Fireman Patrick Howard Roy, 19, of Cornwall on Hudson, N.Y.

    Electronics Warfare Technician First Class Kevin Shawn Rux, 30, of Portland, N.D.

    Mess Management Specialist Third Class Ronchester Manangan Santiago, 22, Kingsville, Texas

    Operations Specialist Second Class Timothy Lamont Saunders, 32, of Ringgold, Va.

    Fireman Gary Graham Swenchonis Jr., 26, Rockport, Texas

    Ensign Andrew Triplett, 31, of Macon, Miss.

    Seaman Craig Bryan Wibberley, 19, of Williamsport, Md.


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