Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Why did the FBI drop local hate crime investigation?

In May 2010, Hampton police announced that an assault case against William Douglas, 25, was been turned over to the FBI, for possible prosecution as a hate crime.

On April 16, 2010, Douglas allegedly followed 59-year-old Sylvia Hollingsworth, who is white, out of a 7-Eleven at the corner of North King Street and Rip Rap Road in Hampton.

As she got into her car, he attacked her.

According to the police report, he punched the woman in the face, neck and arms and repeatedly slammed her legs with the car door. Throughout the ordeal, the woman was subjected to a tirade of racist profanity.

Hollingsworth was actually punched with a closed fist to the throat.

After the attacker’s ride sped away, the man fled the scene.

Police believe that a few minutes later, the Douglas shot at someone.

The victim told WVEC 13 News: “Never once did he try to take my keys. Never once did he ask or try to take my pocketbook or any money. He was just out to hurt.”

Hollingsworth continued: “It leaves me hurt, and I feel like I'm a victim of a hate crime. Just in his own words, he hated whites and he was going to kill my 'f---ing' white ass, as he put it, and that's what he was trying to do.

William Douglas was charged with malicious wounding, shooting into an occupied vehicle and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony.

He recently pleaded guilty to assault and firearms charges, and will have to serve a minimum of three and a half years in prison.

The federal hate crimes investigation was dropped.

I recently spoke with the victim who informed me that the FBI interviewed her on multiple occasions, but did not offer her an explanation as to why the case was simply dropped.

Mrs. Hollingsworth told me that she has not been back to the convenience store where the attack occurred. She also said that for a time following the brutal assault, she was called a “racist” by some in her neighborhood for pressing charges against her attacker.

However, Hollingsworth is not bitter.

She said: “I’ve got some good friends, black and white.”

Though Douglas was not prosecuted for a hate crime, Hollingsworth is relieved that he will be off the streets for at least a few years.

The Norfolk and Hampton FBI offices refused to comment on this case.

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