Thursday, May 26, 2011

National zoo researcher charged with poisoning cats, allowed to keep job

The Washington Humane Society has announced the arrest of Nico Dauphine, who was arrested last week for allegedly attempting to poison neighborhood cats in the Columbia Heights section of the city.

Dauphine has been charged with attempted cruelty to animals, if convicted she faces up to 180 days in jail and fine of $1,000.

Humane officers set up a stake-out to catch the person placing rat poison and antifreeze in cat food left out for the neighborhood feral cats, after a woman reported a possible poisoning.

Police reportedly have video surveillance footage implicating Dauphine in the poisonings.

Dauphine is researcher at the National Zoo's Migratory Bird Center and has written several articles in which blames for the destruction of wild bird species. One such article, entitled “Apocalypse Meow,” claims that cats kill billions of animals in the United States annually.

Despite the charges, Dauphine continues to work at the National Zoo.

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