Sunday, February 26, 2012

Should Supreme Court justices have around-the-clock protection?

On Monday, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) announced that 73-year-old Justice Stephen Breyer was the victim of a home-invasion robbery last week while visiting his vacation home on the Caribbean island of Nevis in the West Indies.

The robbery took place on Thursday around 9:00 p.m. EST. Breyer, his wife Joanna and a few guests were home when a man with a machete entered the house and demanded cash.

According to SCOTUS spokeswoman Kathy Arberg, the robber got away with about $1,000 in cash.

Fortunately, no one was hurt in the harrowing ordeal.

The U.S. Marshals Service along with is the Supreme Court Police are reportedly assisting local authorities with the investigation. No arrests have been made at this time.

As this is only the latest incident in which a justice has been the target of criminals, it raises the question once again of whether or not Supreme Court Justices should have bodyguards at all times.

-In 2004, Justice David Souter was assaulted by a group of young men while he was jogging in Washington D.C.

-In 1996, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was mugged as she walked with her husband and daughter in Washington.

-In 1982, Justice Byron White was attacked while giving a speech in Utah.

While in D.C., if requested, all justices are provided with personal bodyguards from the U.S. Supreme Court Police Department, when justices travel they can be provided with a U.S. Marshal.

However, most never request special protection.

During an appearance on CBS This Morning, CBS News senior correspondent John Miller explained: “The U.S. Marshals would be glad to provide that protection, but the justices, when they go on vacation, don't want to be traveling on vacation with four burly guys standing in flowered shirts in the corner when they could be with themselves and their families and low-key.”

While the justices have been resistant to such protection, it may now simply be imposed upon them.

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