Wednesday, June 6, 2012

George Zimmerman back in jail

On Sunday afternoon, George Zimmerman, the man charged with the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, turned himself in to authorities after his bond was revoked amid claims that he misled the court about his financial situation.

Judge Kenneth Lester revoked Zimmerman’s bond on Friday with prosecutors alleging perjury, as Zimmerman claimed to be broke when his legal defense fund actually had raised $135,000 in donations.

In April, the prosecution asked for $1 million in bail, but Judge Lester set bail at $150,000. As is customary, Zimmerman put up ten percent to the bail bondsman and was set free on April 20.

That fund has now reportedly raised more than $200,000.

However, Zimmerman’s attorney, Mark O’Mara told reporters that all of the money is in a special trust that neither he nor his client can touch right now.

O’Mara plans to ask for a new bond hearing on Monday.

The Miami Herald reports that Zimmerman is now confined to a 67 square foot cell in the Polk County Correctional facility, with $500 in his jail account.

He is being kept away from the general population for his own protection.

In April, the prosecution asked for $1 million in bail, but Judge Lester set bail at $150,000. As is customary, Zimmerman put up ten percent to the bail bondsman and was set free on April 20.Zimmerman’s trial is not expected to begin until some time next year.

Read more about Zimmerman's case:

New Black Panthers place bounty on Zimmerman's head

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