Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mexican Mafia targeting blacks in California

Escondido, CA â€" Last week, while testifying in the trial of a gang member, Erik Witholt, an Escondido Police Department detective, told the court that a leader of the Mexican Mafia has ordered several Latino street gangs to work on “getting blacks out of Escondido.”

An unidentified North County Latino gang member told the North County Times “When he (Espudo) first got out [of prison], that's one of the first things he did. He saw how things have changed, from when he went in to when he came out, so he made that ‘green light.’”

A ‘green light’ is a gang term for permission to severely beat or murder someone.

The North County Times reported that Mexican Mafia member Rudy Espudo has “directed street gang activity in inland North County. Espudo was arrested in January and indicted, with 118 other people, for a range of crimes, including racketeering and drug dealing,” according to federal law enforcement.

Wilholt also said that violent attacks on black people in Escondido have greatly increased since the powerful gang issued the order two years ago.

-On February 6, 2012, a black man sat waiting in a car with his girlfriend and her child, was at Rose Street and East Valley Parkway when seven Latino gang members surrounded their vehicle and repeatedly stabbed the man. The victim barely survived the ordeal.

Of course, violence directed at blacks by Latino gang members has been occurring at an alarming rate throughout California.

-In 2011, five Latino gang members were charged with hate crimes against black men in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Oceanside.

-In March 2008, as 17-year-old Jamiel Shaw walked home, illegal alien gang member Pedro Espinoza pulled alongside the teenager, and asked him what gang he was in. According to witnesses, the high school football standout did not answer him, he did not answer because he had no part of gang life.

According to police, Espinoza then opened fire on Jamiel, killing him only feet away from his house. His father heard the gunshots that would take his son from his side forever.

At the time of his murder, Jamiel’s mom, Anita Shaw, was deployed in Iraq with the U.S. Army. She returned home for his funeral.

Espinoza has pleaded not guilty and is awaiting trial for first-degree murder.

Because Los Angeles is a ‘sanctuary city’ for illegal aliens, even violent gang members such as Espinoza are all too often placed back into the communities they terrorize, rather than turning them over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement for deportation.

The Shaw family continues to fight for the passage of “Jamiel’s Law” which would force Los Angeles law enforcement to crack down upon and target illegal alien gang members, much the same way the Shaw family and many others believe that those same illegal aliens are now targeting the black residents of L.A.

The family has a website dedicated to Jamiel, and the passage of the measure. Visitors can make a donation through the website, all donations go to purchasing media ads to promote “Jamiel’s Law” and to raise awareness of the dangers posed by illegal aliens to American citizens.

In late 2010, I spoke with Jamiel’s aunt, Althea Rae Shaw, who said of her nephew: “I just miss him so much, he loved his country and he was so proud that his mom was serving in Iraq…he couldn’t wait to see her come home.”

When asked what message she would like her community to hear, Mrs. Shaw said: “We really need to target Supervisor Ridley Thomas, we need to recall him and we really need a new city council.”

She continued: “We need a city council geared to protecting American citizens, instead of illegal aliens. We need public officials who will stop bowing down to illegal aliens.”

Jamiel Shaw was not a gang member, nor was he a ‘troubled youth,’ nor did he fit into any of the categories or labels our society so often uses to explain away a senseless murder. He was a good kid with a very bright future, loved by a strong family…a family who still loves him and who still fights for him.

The Shaw family continues to fight for the passage of “Jamiel’s Law” which would force Los Angeles law enforcement to crack down upon and target illegal alien gang members, much the same way the Shaw family and many others believe that those same illegal aliens are now targeting the black residents of L.A.

You can reach the council at the following address:

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