Friday, May 4, 2012

Virginian-Pilot claims black mob beating was not “a news story”

Norfolk, VA â€" On Wednesday, the editor of the Virginian-Pilot as well as one of the reporters who was beaten on the night of April 14, reportedly by a mob of “at least 100 people” spoke publicly about their decision not to cover the brutal attack as a news story.

Editor Denis Finley told WVEC: “This was a simple assault. I have been accused of burying the story…That it’s because, uh, racially motivated. There’s no, we have no idea what motivated it.”

Even the man who was beaten so severely that he missed a week from work, denied what many see as a politically correct cover-up, reporter Dave Forster said: “To think that they were trying to cover up this story because, uh, the attackers were black and I was white is just absurd.”

However, the rather left-leaning paper did sit on the story for more than two weeks, until Pilot editorial writer Michelle Washington penned an essay about the attack, entitled “A beating at Church and Brambleton.”

The piece, while identifying the “wave after wave” of attackers as black, mainly criticized the Norfolk Police Department’s handling of the crime, though police officials have denied any wrongdoing and even directed Marjon Rostami where she could file a complaint on the matter (which she reportedly has not done).

Incidentally, the horrific attack took place at the base of Norfolk’s Martin Luther King Memorial monument, which is located in the intersection of Church Street and Brambleton Avenue.

The fact that such a violent event with apparent racial overtones took place in the shadow of a monument to a man who spent his adult life preaching against violence and racial hatred and even lost his own life doing so, would seem to even the most casual observer to in fact, be “a news story,” but, not according to the Virginian-Pilot.

Learn the details of this mob attack…

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