Monday, November 30, 2009

J.C Penney employee charged with raping boy in store dressing room

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On Tuesday, police in Sturbridge, MA arrested Francisco Wellington Barros-Gomes, 26 at the J.C Penney’s department store on Route 131. He has been charged with the forcible rape of a child, after allegedly attacking him in one of the store’s dressing rooms.

According to prosecutors, the alleged rape took place around 5:00 p.m., while the boy’s mother was making a phone call. Apparently, Barros-Gomes began a conversation with the boy, offering to bring him more clothes. At some point, the clerk entered the dressing room.

Upon her return, the boy quickly reported the attack to his mother.

During his arraignment on Wednesday, Assistant District Attorney Shayne Picard told Dudley District Court Judge Neil G. Snider: “At some point in time his mother needed to step away for a brief period of time to make a phone call while the young man was trying on clothing in a dressing room.”

Picard continued: “At some point in time he began to touch the young man. There was some fondling, your honor, touching private parts. The young man indicated he believed at some point in time the defendant did penetrate him … as well as touching his private areas and having the young man touch his private areas.”

Picard said that Barros-Gomes has admitted to touching the boy but that the defendant would not answer “when asked specifically if he penetrated the young man.”

Due to the serious nature of the crime and the fact that Barros-Gomes is not a U.S. citizen, but a Brazilian national, the district attorney asked that bail be set at $100,000. However, despite the obvious risk of flight, Judge Snider instead set bail substantially lower at $25,000.

Barros-Gomes has been in the country for 10 months, and was working in the children’s department of J.C. Penney’s at the time of the reported attack.


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Person of interest named in execution of four Tacoma-area police officers

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Police in Lakewood, WA, are now looking for a man named Maurice Clemmons, after four of their officers were gunned down early Sunday morning. The four were sitting at a table inside Forza Coffee in Parkland, when a black male between 25 and 35 years of age came in and opened fire on them.

The shooter entered the coffee shop, walked to the counter as if to place an order, then suddenly turned and blasted the officers.

Apparently, one of the officers was able to return fire, and police believe the suspect may be wounded.

Pierce County Sheriff's spokesman Ed Troyer told reporters: "There is evidence that a Lakewood Police officer fired off some shots, and we hope that he hit him. If he's hit, that means that he's injured somewhere with a gunshot wound."

The names of the four murdered officers are as follows:

Sgt. Mark Renninger, 39, was a 13-year veteran officer. He leaves behind a wife and three children.

Officer Ronald Owen, 37, was a 13-year veteran officer. He leaves behind an ex-wife and a daughter.

Officer Tina Griswold, 40, was a 14-year veteran officer. She leaves behind a husband and two children.

Officer Greg Richards, 42, was an 8-year veteran officer. He leaves behind a wife and three children.

All of the officers were in uniform and were obviously targeted by the suspect. It was in fact, an ambush.

Spokesman Ed Troyer said: "They had marked police cars, marked uniforms, there were other people inside the facility, they weren't shot, wounded or hurt or even aimed at, just the police officers were.”

"This was more of an execution. Walk in with the specific mindset to shoot police officers," Troyer added.

Pierce County Sheriff Paul Pastor told reporters: "The person or people who did this not only harmed us they harmed the good that we can do in the community. They harmed the good that we work to do every day in the community.”

Pastor continued: "This is an example of the cost that is sometimes paid by people who believe in duty and obligation and sacrifice and people who do that on behalf of the community. We've lost people that we care about, we've lost people I'm sure the good people in the community care about as well.”

Maurice Clemmons, 37, has a long and violent criminal history, with convictions for aggravated robbery and theft. He was also recently charged in Pierce County for assault on a police officer as well as for the rape of a child.

Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Clemmons is asked to call the Tipline at (253) 591-5959 or 866-977-2362.

A $100,000 reward is being offered for information leading to the arrest of the suspect responsible for the murders.

A memorial fund has also been set up by the Lakewood Police Independent Guild to assist the families of the fallen officers. Anyone wishing to donate can send a check or money order to the LPIG Benevolent Fund at P.O Box 99579, Lakewood, WA 98499.


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Saturday, November 28, 2009

J.C Penney employee charged with raping boy in store dressing room

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On Tuesday, police in Sturbridge, MA arrested Francisco Wellington Barros-Gomes, 26 at the J.C Penney’s department store on Route 131. He has been charged with the forcible rape of a child, after allegedly attacking him in one of the store’s dressing rooms.

According to prosecutors, the alleged rape took place around 5:00 p.m., while the boy’s mother was making a phone call. Apparently, Barros-Gomes began a conversation with the boy, offering to bring him more clothes. At some point, the clerk entered the dressing room.

Upon her return, the boy quickly reported the attack to his mother.

During his arraignment on Wednesday, Assistant District Attorney Shayne Picard told Dudley District Court Judge Neil G. Snider: “At some point in time his mother needed to step away for a brief period of time to make a phone call while the young man was trying on clothing in a dressing room.”

Picard continued: “At some point in time he began to touch the young man. There was some fondling, your honor, touching private parts. The young man indicated he believed at some point in time the defendant did penetrate him … as well as touching his private areas and having the young man touch his private areas.”

Picard said that Barros-Gomes has admitted to touching the boy but that the defendant would not answer “when asked specifically if he penetrated the young man.”

Due to the serious nature of the crime and the fact that Barros-Gomes is not a U.S. citizen, but a Brazilian national, the district attorney asked that bail be set at $100,000. However, despite the obvious risk of flight, Judge Snider instead set bail substantially lower at $25,000.

Barros-Gomes has been in the country for 10 months, and was working in the children’s department of J.C. Penney’s at the time of the reported attack.


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Friday, November 27, 2009

Illegal alien sentenced for burning woman to death

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On Monday, Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge Terrence J. McGann told convicted murderer Ramon Alvarado: "The inhumane manner you chose to exterminate a lady well into the autumn years of her life strongly suggests that you are sadistic. A civilized society demands that you be in prison for the remainder of your life."

Judge McGann sentenced the illegal alien to life in prison without the possibility of parole, for the 2008 murder of 83-year-old Lila Miezell.

Last November, Ramon Alvarado, along with his cousin Jose Alvarado went to Meizell’s home, beat her, breaking seven of her ribs, and doused her with gasoline, then set the house on fire. The elderly woman was still alive when the Mexican nationals set her ablaze.

A firefighter as well as two police officers were injured in the futile attempt to rescue Miezell from the burning house.

The coroner’s report confirmed that Miezell died from the flames and smoke. She was actually burned to death.

The two cousins did this to prevent her from reporting them to police, after they added two zeros to a check she gave them for yard work. Miezell gave them a check for $75, they then deposited the check which appeared to be written for $7,500, using the money to buy a car, a computer, and clothes.

According to prosecutors, Jose Alvarado paid his cousin $1,000 to help him kill Miezell.

Last month, Ramon Alvarado was convicted in a jury trial of murder and arson, while Jose Alvarado has pleaded guilty to the murder and now awaits sentencing.

Prosecutors showed Judge McGann photos of the murder scene, and Miezell’s charred body. Her face was unrecognizable.

McGann told Alvarado: "One cannot look at them very long without gagging. I'm going to put these in the envelope so they don't turn anyone else's stomach."

Before Alvarado was sentenced, a statement written by Miezell’s daughter was read to the court. She stated: "My mother was a very trusting woman. When it came to hiring people for her lawn, she was happy with this man."

A recent string of violent crimes committed by illegal aliens in Montgomery County, MD, has brought a great deal of criticism to the county, as well as the state of Maryland for the way they deal with criminal aliens.

As a direct result of Maryland’s continued lax attitude toward illegal immigration, the state’s sanctuary cities, and lack of cooperation with federal authorities, violent crimes committed by illegal aliens have recently soared.

Maryland is also one of a handful of states which issues driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. Additionally, the Maryland State Board of Education recently announced that they will not allow county school districts to count the number of illegal alien students registered in their respective districts.

Several high profile murders committed by illegal aliens in Montgomery County, MD forced city officials to change their policy in reporting criminal aliens to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. However, as Judicial Watch recently pointed-out, Montgomery County police only report illegal aliens to the feds when they have been arrested for a very serious crime such as rape or murder.

Illegal aliens arrested for burglary, simple assault, and most weapons violations are still not reported to ICE for deportation. Just as with any offender, bail is set for them and they are released back onto the streets to either commit more crimes in the county or to flee elsewhere.

Read more about crimes committed by illegal aliens in Montgomery County:


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Kissing bandit captured in Loudoun County, VA

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Beginning on November 20, a string of Loudoun County women were surprised by an older man, who kissed them, then quickly walked away. All of the incidents took place while the women were jogging.

In all of the cases, the women said the man, described as being of Middle Eastern descent, extended his hand as he approached them, as if to offer a handshake. When the women took his hand, he kissed them on their cheeks or hands.

All of the women said the man seemed to be somewhat out-of-sorts.

According to Loudoun County Sheriff's Office spokesman Kraig Troxell, the man who was found Wednesday, is 71-years-old, and is apparently in some way ill.

None of the women who were kissed wished to press charges.


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Gang members murder Las Vegas police officer in his own home

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A little after midnight on Thursday, Las Vegas Police Officer Trevor Nettleton, 30, was mortally wounded by several assailants, while standing in his garage. His wife, two children, and his mom were in the house, only a few feet away. Officer Nettleton died in his mother’s arms that night.

Las Vegas police Officer Chrissie Coon told reporters: "He was standing in the garage with the garage door open when he was attacked by multiple suspects. It looks like it was an attempted robbery. There was an exchange of gunfire."

Officer Nettleton was in the garage that night, after working his shift, building a toy for his 2-year-old son. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps for ten years, before joining the police department three years ago.

In addition to his son, Officer Nettleton leaves behind a wife, and an infant daughter.

His brother, Ryan Nettleton, is also in the military and was in Iraq when he heard that his brother had been murdered.

Ryan told KING 5 News: "He wanted to be a cop so bad when we were kids, and I wanted to be one, too. So we decided the best way to pursue that goal was to become military service members."

Ryan continued: "I'm going to say goodbye to my brother, I'm more worried about my mother. It's bad enough when a parent outlives a child, but to have your child die in your arms from a murder. I can't imagine."

The accused killers Saul Williams, Jr., 20, Prentice Marshall, 18, Quadrae Scott, 18, Emmitt Ferguson, 18, and a 17-year-old juvenile are all gang members, all face various charges including murder, attempted robbery, as well as conspiracy.

Marshall as well as the unnamed juvenile face charges in another robbery which occurred less than an hour before they allegedly killed Officer Nettleton.

This murder illustrates just how dangerous life has become in Las Vegas, due to gang violence.

According to the Southern Nevada Community Gang Task Force, there are at least 11,000 gang members in and around Las Vegas, including 5,000 minors. Law enforcement has identified 500 different gangs in the area.

Officer Nettleton will be laid to rest on Wednesday, after a funeral Mass at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Roman Catholic Church.

If you wish to make a donation to Officer Nettleton’s family, you may do so at any Wells Fargo Bank, by making a deposit to the Ryan Nettleton Relief Fund.

The Injured Police Officers Fund has also opened an account for Nettleton's family at Nevada State Bank. That account number is 602027542.


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32 arrested in string of racially motivated attacks

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After a lengthy investigation, the Denver Police Department has arrested 32 suspects alleged to be responsible for a string of violent, racially motivated attacks that terrorized downtown Denver over a four-month period.

According to Denver Police Chief Gerry Whitman, the dozens of attacks all occurred in the same manner. A group of four or five young black men would approach white and Latino men, shout racial insults, and then physically assault their victims, punching and kicking them.

Many of the attacks also resulted in the robbery of the victim.

Though no one was killed in the attacks, many victims suffered serious head injuries, broken noses, and shattered eye sockets.

Chief Whitman told reporters: "We have seen coordinated efforts before, but not by this large of a group.”

Despite the “coordinated effort,” and the danger posed to the citizens of Denver, police chose not to warn the public to the racial component of the rampage.

Most of the alleged assailants are gang members with either the Rollin' 60s Crips or the Black Gangster Disciples.

All have been charged with hate crimes, and some will face robbery charges as well.

Three additional suspects, Allen Ford, Torrence McCall and one juvenile, remain at large.

Similar patterns of attacks also occurred this past summer in Baltimore, MD, and Buffalo, NY.


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Christian girl sentenced to whipping by Muslim judge

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Silva Kashif, 16, was lashed 50 times after receiving the sentence from a Sudanese judge, who ruled her knee-length skirt to be indecent.

The teenager was arrested while walking to the market in the Khartoum suburb of Kalatla. The police officer took her immediately before a Sharia court, and whipped by another police officer after being ordered by the judge to do so.

The girl’s mother, Jenty Doro, told Reuters: "She is just a young girl but the policeman pulled her along in the market like she was a criminal. It was wrong. I only heard about it after she was lashed. Later we all sat and cried ... People have different religions and that should be taken into account.”

Because the family is Christian and the girl is a minor, they are planning on filing a lawsuit.

The family’s lawyer Azhari al-Haj said: "She was wearing a normal skirt and blouse, worn by thousands of girls. They didn't contact a guardian and punished her on the spot."

Of course, the brutal treatment of women living under Islamic law is nothing new.

One night in July 2009, Sudanese journalist Lubna Ahmed Hussein was having dinner with several of her friends, when between 30-40 police officers rushed into the restaurant and placed all of the women under arrest for wearing pants, which the police claim is forbidden by Muslim law.

Many of the women opted to be punished at the time of their arrest, and received 10 lashes, along with a $100 fine. However, Hussein decided to go to court, which risks the stiffer penalty of 40 lashes if she is convicted.

Hussein wanted to go to trial in order to bring world attention to the brutal treatment to which women are often subjected inside Muslim countries. She printed up 500 invitations for the trial which began Wednesday.

Hussein told the BBC: "I want to change this law, because hitting is not human.”

In April 2009, the Taliban in Pakistan released a video of a teenaged girl being beaten repeatedly, in punishment for hosting a man in her home. The video appeared on Pakistani television as a warning to others.

The disturbing footage shows the young girl being held down by two men, as a third man whipped her on her back over 30 times, while one of the men rubbed her face into the dirt.
Her painful screams cry out: “Stop. It's killing me." "For God's sake, stop," "I swear on my father and grandmother I won't do it again."

Taliban spokesman Muslim Khan told the Guardian: "She came out of her house with another guy who was not her husband, so we must punish her. There are boundaries you cannot cross.” He also said that her offense is actually punishable by death, and that the whipping was in fact a “lenient” penalty.


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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

32 arrested in string of racially motivated attacks

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After a lengthy investigation, the Denver Police Department has arrested 32 suspects alleged to be responsible for a string of violent, racially motivated attacks that terrorized downtown Denver over a four-month period.

According to Denver Police Chief Gerry Whitman, the dozens of attacks all occurred in the same manner. A group of four or five young black men would approach white and Latino men, shout racial insults, and then physically assault their victims, punching and kicking them.

Many of the attacks also resulted in the robbery of the victim.

Though no one was killed in the attacks, many victims suffered serious head injuries, broken noses, and shattered eye sockets.

Chief Whitman told reporters: "We have seen coordinated efforts before, but not by this large of a group.”

Despite the “coordinated effort,” and the danger posed to the citizens of Denver, police chose not to warn the public to the racial component of the rampage.

Most of the alleged assailants are gang members with either the Rollin' 60s Crips or the Black Gangster Disciples.

All have been charged with hate crimes, and some will face robbery charges as well.

Three additional suspects, Allen Ford, Torrence McCall and one juvenile, remain at large.

Similar patterns of attacks also occurred this past summer in Baltimore, MD, and Buffalo, NY.


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Illegal alien sentenced for burning woman to death

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On Monday, Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge Terrence J. McGann told convicted murderer Ramon Alvarado: "The inhumane manner you chose to exterminate a lady well into the autumn years of her life strongly suggests that you are sadistic. A civilized society demands that you be in prison for the remainder of your life."

Judge McGann sentenced the illegal alien to life in prison without the possibility of parole, for the 2008 murder of 83-year-old Lila Miezell.

Last November, Ramon Alvarado, along with his cousin Jose Alvarado went to Meizell’s home, beat her, breaking seven of her ribs, and doused her with gasoline, then set the house on fire. The elderly woman was still alive when the Mexican nationals set her ablaze.

A firefighter as well as two police officers were injured in the futile attempt to rescue Miezell from the burning house.

The coroner’s report confirmed that Miezell died from the flames and smoke. She was actually burned to death.

The two cousins did this to prevent her from reporting them to police, after they added two zeros to a check she gave them for yard work. Miezell gave them a check for $75, they then deposited the check which appeared to be written for $7,500, using the money to buy a car, a computer, and clothes.

According to prosecutors, Jose Alvarado paid his cousin $1,000 to help him kill Miezell.

Last month, Ramon Alvarado was convicted in a jury trial of murder and arson, while Jose Alvarado has pleaded guilty to the murder and now awaits sentencing.

Prosecutors showed Judge McGann photos of the murder scene, and Miezell’s charred body. Her face was unrecognizable.

McGann told Alvarado: "One cannot look at them very long without gagging. I'm going to put these in the envelope so they don't turn anyone else's stomach."

Before Alvarado was sentenced, a statement written by Miezell’s daughter was read to the court. She stated: "My mother was a very trusting woman. When it came to hiring people for her lawn, she was happy with this man."

A recent string of violent crimes committed by illegal aliens in Montgomery County, MD, has brought a great deal of criticism to the county, as well as the state of Maryland for the way they deal with criminal aliens.

As a direct result of Maryland’s continued lax attitude toward illegal immigration, the state’s sanctuary cities, and lack of cooperation with federal authorities, violent crimes committed by illegal aliens have recently soared.

Maryland is also one of a handful of states which issues driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. Additionally, the Maryland State Board of Education recently announced that they will not allow county school districts to count the number of illegal alien students registered in their respective districts.

Several high profile murders committed by illegal aliens in Montgomery County, MD forced city officials to change their policy in reporting criminal aliens to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. However, as Judicial Watch recently pointed-out, Montgomery County police only report illegal aliens to the feds when they have been arrested for a very serious crime such as rape or murder.

Illegal aliens arrested for burglary, simple assault, and most weapons violations are still not reported to ICE for deportation. Just as with any offender, bail is set for them and they are released back onto the streets to either commit more crimes in the county or to flee elsewhere.

Read more about crimes committed by illegal aliens in Montgomery County:


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Gang members murder Las Vegas police officer in his own home

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A little after midnight on Thursday, Las Vegas Police Officer Trevor Nettleton, 30, was mortally wounded by several assailants, while standing in his garage. His wife, two children, and his mom were in the house, only a few feet away. Officer Nettleton died in his mother’s arms that night.

Las Vegas police Officer Chrissie Coon told reporters: "He was standing in the garage with the garage door open when he was attacked by multiple suspects. It looks like it was an attempted robbery. There was an exchange of gunfire."

Officer Nettleton was in the garage that night, after working his shift, building a toy for his 2-year-old son. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps for ten years, before joining the police department three years ago.

In addition to his son, Officer Nettleton leaves behind a wife, and an infant daughter.

His brother, Ryan Nettleton, is also in the military and was in Iraq when he heard that his brother had been murdered.

Ryan told KING 5 News: "He wanted to be a cop so bad when we were kids, and I wanted to be one, too. So we decided the best way to pursue that goal was to become military service members."

Ryan continued: "I'm going to say goodbye to my brother, I'm more worried about my mother. It's bad enough when a parent outlives a child, but to have your child die in your arms from a murder. I can't imagine."

The accused killers Saul Williams, Jr., 20, Prentice Marshall, 18, Quadrae Scott, 18, Emmitt Ferguson, 18, and a 17-year-old juvenile are all gang members, all face various charges including murder, attempted robbery, as well as conspiracy.

Marshall as well as the unnamed juvenile face charges in another robbery which occurred less than an hour before they allegedly killed Officer Nettleton.

This murder illustrates just how dangerous life has become in Las Vegas, due to gang violence.

According to the Southern Nevada Community Gang Task Force, there are at least 11,000 gang members in and around Las Vegas, including 5,000 minors. Law enforcement has identified 500 different gangs in the area.

Officer Nettleton will be laid to rest on Wednesday, after a funeral Mass at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Roman Catholic Church.

If you wish to make a donation to Officer Nettleton’s family, you may do so at any Wells Fargo Bank, by making a deposit to the Ryan Nettleton Relief Fund.

The Injured Police Officers Fund has also opened an account for Nettleton's family at Nevada State Bank. That account number is 602027542.


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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Therapy dog helps young girl testify against men (illegal aliens) who raped her

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On October 30, illegal aliens Juan Hernandez-Monzalvo, 25, and Richard Morales-Marin, 24, were found guilty by an Orange County, FL jury of kidnapping and sexual battery, along with other charges.

On February 5, 2009, the 11-year-old girl was walking to school when she was grabbed by the two Mexican nationals, who forced her into their car at knifepoint. They drove her to an abandoned house where both men took turns raping her.

Because of the girl’s young age and the severe trauma she has suffered, prosecutors brought a therapy dog into the courtroom to help calm her frayed nerves and allow her to testify against her brutal attackers.

The little girl never looked at her assailants, but locked eyes with the gentle Golden Retriever as he lay close to her, and described the ordeal to the courtroom.

“He grabbed my neck and put a knife to my throat,” she said.

She continued: “He told me to get in the car, I was crying. He told me if I didn’t he’d kill me.”

She said that when the pair was finished with her, they ordered her to put her clothes on and get back into the car. They drove her to another area and fled.

She said: “He told me to get out and they drove off really fast.”

The girl then knocked on doors throughout the neighborhood until finding someone to help her.

Sickeningly, one of the men, Morales-Marin, testified that he thought the little girl was a prostitute and that she went with them willingly. He claimed that he did not realize she was only a child until after he and his cohort had both raped her, when he noticed her small backpack.

Both men face up to life in prison and will be sentenced in January.

One of the rapists, Juan Hernandez-Monzalvo, had actually been previously deported to Mexico, but easily made his way back to Florida. He has been arrested many times for driving without a license.

Both Hernandez-Monzalvo and Morales-Marin are suspected of committing other sexual assaults in the area. The Orange County Sheriff’s Office say that DNA evidence has linked Morales-Marin to a recent rape near a local mall.


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Terrorist lawyer Lynne Stewart finally ordered to prison four years after her conviction

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On Tuesday, the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan ordered convicted criminal defense attorney Lynne Stewart to begin her prison sentence, as the court upheld her 2005 conviction for aiding imprisoned terrorist Omar Abdel-Rahman.

Despite the conviction for such a serious crime, Stewart had been allowed to remain free for the last four years, while her appeal was pending. During that time, she made speeches and numerous public appearances in which she often thumbed her nose at the country she betrayed, while describing terrorists as “liberationists.“

On February 10, 2005, Lynne Stewart was found guilty of conspiracy, providing material support to terrorists and defrauding the federal government. Stewart was contacting al-Gamma'a al-Islamiyya (The Islamic Group) on behalf of Abdel-Rahman. In addition to master-minding the 1993 plot to bomb the World Trade Center which killed six people and left more than 1,000 injured, the blind sheik was convicted of planning to destroy other New York City targets including the Lincoln and Holland tunnels, the United Nations building, and the George Washington bridge. The Islamic Group dubbed the multiple target attack plan "The Day of Terror."

Stewart was caught passing messages between her client Omar Abdel-Rahman and the Egyptian terrorist group of which he is the leader. Rahman also known as the "blind sheik," was the mastermind behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and was also found to be behind a plot to attack other New York City landmarks. Lynne Stewart knowingly aided a convicted terrorist and avowed enemy of the United States during a time of war and deserves to be executed for her crimes.

It was also discovered that Rahman planned to execute Egyptian President Mubarak. In light of Rahman's criminal history and ability to execute attacks on the United States with his henchmen in The Islamic Group, the blind sheik was forbidden to communicate with his followers.

However, Lynne Stewart aided Rahman's communications with his followers and even personally issued decries on his behalf. Stewart had defended Rahman in his 1995 trial and continued to visit Rahman in prison. Apparently at some point, Stewart ended her role as his lawyer and began one as his co-conspirator.

On her many visits, Stewart only pretended to discuss Rahman's case with him. In fact, he was actually discussing with his interpreter (Mohammed Yousry) how the cease-fire between his terrorist organization and the government of Egypt should be broken. Under the guise of giving legal counsel, Stewart helped pass along a fatwah from Rahman to his followers which commanded: "brother scholars everywhere in the Muslim world to do their part and issue a unanimous fatwah that urges the Muslim nations to fight the Jews and to kill them wherever they are."

An FBI affidavit states that during Rahman's conversations with Mohammed Yousry, Stewart "made random comments out loud for the prison guards to hear in order to conceal the real conversation."

During one particular session, Stewart pretended to take notes and attempted to mislead prison guards by saying: "Yes, the um...I am talking to you about...him going on a, uh chocolate eh...heart attack here." An FBI wiretapped conversation between Stewart, Yousry, and Rahman caught the three conspirators later laughing about Stewart's improvisation. Stewart said that she could "get an award for it, with the blind sheik contributing, "as long as the government is using secret evidence we will use secret doves (referring to Stewart)."

On June 14, 2000, Stewart even went so far as to issue a press release on behalf of The Islamic Group. She stated that Sheik Abdel-Rahman was "withdrawing his support for the cease-fire that currently exists."

In Rahman's 1995 trial, Stewart argued that issuing the order to destroy the World Trade Center was merely a necessary part of his religious duties as a Muslim leader. After Rahman was sentenced to life in prison plus an additional 65 years, Stewart was seen weeping uncontrollably inside the courtroom.

Federal prosecutors filed court papers which said Stewart's crime was in fact, "egregious, flagrant abuse of her profession, abuse that amounted to material support to a terrorist group, which deserves to be severely punished."

Amazingly, while U.S. District Judge John G. Koeltl said Stewart's actions could have had "potentially lethal consequences" and represented "extraordinarily severe criminal conduct," the Clinton-appointed judge waited until October 2006 to sentence Stewart…A full 20 months after her conviction.

Though Stewart could have received a 30 year sentence under federal guidelines (which the prosecution sought), Judge Koeltl only sentenced her to 28 months. In an insulting move to the victims of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, he has even allowed her to remain free while her appeal is pending.

While 30 years is the maximum sentence Stewart could have received, there is precedence for Stewart's crime to be punished with at least life in prison. In 1947, Hans Max Haupt was tried for and convicted of treason, and sentenced to spend the rest of his life behind bars. Haupt was discovered aiding his son (Herbert Hans Haupt) who was a German spy. The elder Haupt only gave his son a place to stay and bought him a car, though he was fully aware that his son was spying for Nazi Germany.

Lynne Stewart seems to have a particular affinity for murderers and enemies of the state. Over her career, she has defended Black Panther Willie Holder, Weather Underground terrorist Kathy Boudin, Philadelphia cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, and mafia hit-man Sammy "The Bull" Gravano. Stewart has even expressed a desire to defend Osama bin Laden.

In a 2003 speech to the National Lawyers Guild, Stewart listed Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, and Mao Tse Tung as "heroes."

In 2002, Stewart told reporter Susie Day of Monthly Review: “I don't have any problem with Mao or Stalin or the Vietnamese leaders or certainly Fidel locking up people they see as dangerous. Because so often, dissidence has been used by the greater powers to undermine a people's revolution."

She went on to talk about her client Abdel-Rahman, by saying: "Now, certainly somebody like Sheikh Omar, who was a world figure, someone who was listened to by the entire Muslim population for being a very learned scholar, deserved to have a platform, deserved not to be entombed in the middle of America and not able to speak. They said the Sheikh was responsible for, I dunno, everything except flat feet. They made it sound like a worldwide conspiracy… He's a blind, elderly, sick man. He may be a spiritual head, he may be intellectually involved in [Islamic Group's] struggle [in Egypt]. But he's certainly not a combatant in any sense whatsoever.”

She also described terrorists to Day as “basically forces of national liberation.”
Stewart has also said publicly that she approves of the use of violence as a mean of activism. She made this point clear in a 1995 New York Times interview when she said: “I don't believe in anarchist violence but in directed violence. That would be violence directed at the institutions which perpetuate capitalism, racism, sexism, and at the people who are the appointed guardians of those institutions and accompanied by popular support."

Though she has been disbarred, Stewart has become a regular speaker at several law schools. In 2003, one such event at Oregon’s Portland State University Law School was billed as “Lynne Stewart vs. John Ashcroft." Another engagement at the Arizona State University School of Law was entitled “Emphatically Not Guilty.” A Stanford University speech was canceled by Law School dean Kathleen Sullivan, when she learned of Stewart’s advocacy of violence.

Stewart is certainly not without her admirers. According to the IRS, left-wing activist George Soros gave Stewart a $20,000 donation for her legal defense. In addition to money, Stewart also receives honors. In 2003, the law students at City University of New York voted to honor her with that school’s Public Interest Lawyer of the Year award. However, once news of the award was picked up by the press, the dean thought better of it and rescinded the offer.

Stewart has remained defiant and filled with hatred for the United States. Stewart's official website ( states that her prosecution is "an obvious attempt by the U.S. government to silence dissent, curtail vigorous defense lawyers and instill fear in those who would fight against the U.S. government's racism.”

In addition to soliciting donations for her legal defense fund, her website also provides a list of public appearances she will be making. Among other events, on March 24, 2009, Stewart is scheduled to be in Colorado, offering her public support for disgraced professor Ward Churchill's trial against the University of Colorado. She also gives details of her life with her longtime boyfriend Ralph, and their cozy adventures at their vacation home in the country.

Stewart is as hypocritical as she is unrepentant. She has said that she approves of Fidel Castro “locking up” dissidents, but complains that the U.S. government has prosecuted her to “silence dissent.” Apparently, imprisonment is fine when communists use it against those who speak out for their freedom, but somehow wrong when it is used by a democratic republic against their enemies.

However, while Stewart seems to relish the role of dissident martyr, she is neither a dissident, nor is she a martyr. She is in fact, a convicted felon who has aided and abetted a terrorist leader and his organization. Period.

It is more than outrageous that Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean who sat in prison for two years, for shooting a drug smuggler, were not allowed to remain free while their appeals were pending (as is customary for law enforcement officers charged with crimes relating to the performance of their job), though Lynne Stewart who knowingly and willfully gave aid to a terrorist was given that courtesy.

While a lengthy sentence for someone who has colluded with the enemy during a time of war is of course not without precedence, it is also not without precedence that one could be put to death for this crime. Had Lynne Stewart committed her crime during World War II or even the early days of the Cold War, she would have undoubtedly been hanged for her actions.

Stewart however, has been the beneficiary of a federal bench heavy with left-leaning judges and a political climate which now has a great tolerance for what our parents and grandparents knew to be treason.

Every single day which Lynne Stewart was allowed to give speeches, talk to magazines, attend swanky dinners for some leftist cause, and sign autographs for adoring college students was a terrible affront not only to those who were killed and maimed in the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center, but to every man and woman who has ever fought and died for this country.

Now, it appears that Stewart will finally join the many criminals she has so fervently defended.


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