Saturday, November 7, 2009

Alleged Fort Hood shooter still alive

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It was previously reported that the alleged shooter, Maj. Malik Hasan was killed, along with the civilian police officer who shot him. However, it has now been learned that as of 11:30 p.m. EST, Maj. Hasan was alive and in stable condition with multiple gunshot wounds.

The female police officer who shot Hasan is also alive after being taken into surgery at a local hospital.

It has also been learned that Maj. Hasan grew up in Northern Virginia, and attended Virginia Tech University. An Army psychiatrist, Hasan worked at Walter Reed Army Hospital for six years, where he received an “unfavorable” job performance report before being sent to Ft. Hood.

Thursday evening, Fox News’ anchor Shepard Smith did an interview with Col. Terry Lee (ret.) who worked with Maj. Hasan, and reported some very troubling statements allegedly made by the man now believed responsible for the murder of 12 of his fellow soldiers.

Col. Lee reported that on one occasion, Hasan said that “Muslims should stand up and fight against the aggressor,” referring to the “aggressor” as the United States.

Lee also said that while he and several other Army officers were discussing a shooting at an Army recruiting station in Little Rock, AR, “he (Hasan) was almost, sort of happy about it.”

When confronted by his fellow officers as to how he could say such a thing, Hasan is reported to have said: “This is what Muslims should do.”

Hasan reportedly continued: “Maybe we should have more of these, where people strap bombs on themselves and go into Times Square.”

The following is the link to the full interview:

The Associated Press has just reported that Hasan has also written “radical Internet postings.”

Former imam Faizul Khan, who worked at the mosque Hasan attended in Silver Spring, MD, told the AP that Hasan is not a recent convert to Islam, but a lifelong Muslim. Interestingly, though born in the United States, Hasan listed his nationality as Palestinian on a form filled out at the mosque.


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