Friday, November 27, 2009

Illegal alien sentenced for burning woman to death

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On Monday, Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge Terrence J. McGann told convicted murderer Ramon Alvarado: "The inhumane manner you chose to exterminate a lady well into the autumn years of her life strongly suggests that you are sadistic. A civilized society demands that you be in prison for the remainder of your life."

Judge McGann sentenced the illegal alien to life in prison without the possibility of parole, for the 2008 murder of 83-year-old Lila Miezell.

Last November, Ramon Alvarado, along with his cousin Jose Alvarado went to Meizell’s home, beat her, breaking seven of her ribs, and doused her with gasoline, then set the house on fire. The elderly woman was still alive when the Mexican nationals set her ablaze.

A firefighter as well as two police officers were injured in the futile attempt to rescue Miezell from the burning house.

The coroner’s report confirmed that Miezell died from the flames and smoke. She was actually burned to death.

The two cousins did this to prevent her from reporting them to police, after they added two zeros to a check she gave them for yard work. Miezell gave them a check for $75, they then deposited the check which appeared to be written for $7,500, using the money to buy a car, a computer, and clothes.

According to prosecutors, Jose Alvarado paid his cousin $1,000 to help him kill Miezell.

Last month, Ramon Alvarado was convicted in a jury trial of murder and arson, while Jose Alvarado has pleaded guilty to the murder and now awaits sentencing.

Prosecutors showed Judge McGann photos of the murder scene, and Miezell’s charred body. Her face was unrecognizable.

McGann told Alvarado: "One cannot look at them very long without gagging. I'm going to put these in the envelope so they don't turn anyone else's stomach."

Before Alvarado was sentenced, a statement written by Miezell’s daughter was read to the court. She stated: "My mother was a very trusting woman. When it came to hiring people for her lawn, she was happy with this man."

A recent string of violent crimes committed by illegal aliens in Montgomery County, MD, has brought a great deal of criticism to the county, as well as the state of Maryland for the way they deal with criminal aliens.

As a direct result of Maryland’s continued lax attitude toward illegal immigration, the state’s sanctuary cities, and lack of cooperation with federal authorities, violent crimes committed by illegal aliens have recently soared.

Maryland is also one of a handful of states which issues driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. Additionally, the Maryland State Board of Education recently announced that they will not allow county school districts to count the number of illegal alien students registered in their respective districts.

Several high profile murders committed by illegal aliens in Montgomery County, MD forced city officials to change their policy in reporting criminal aliens to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. However, as Judicial Watch recently pointed-out, Montgomery County police only report illegal aliens to the feds when they have been arrested for a very serious crime such as rape or murder.

Illegal aliens arrested for burglary, simple assault, and most weapons violations are still not reported to ICE for deportation. Just as with any offender, bail is set for them and they are released back onto the streets to either commit more crimes in the county or to flee elsewhere.

Read more about crimes committed by illegal aliens in Montgomery County:


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