Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Therapy dog helps young girl testify against men (illegal aliens) who raped her

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On October 30, illegal aliens Juan Hernandez-Monzalvo, 25, and Richard Morales-Marin, 24, were found guilty by an Orange County, FL jury of kidnapping and sexual battery, along with other charges.

On February 5, 2009, the 11-year-old girl was walking to school when she was grabbed by the two Mexican nationals, who forced her into their car at knifepoint. They drove her to an abandoned house where both men took turns raping her.

Because of the girl’s young age and the severe trauma she has suffered, prosecutors brought a therapy dog into the courtroom to help calm her frayed nerves and allow her to testify against her brutal attackers.

The little girl never looked at her assailants, but locked eyes with the gentle Golden Retriever as he lay close to her, and described the ordeal to the courtroom.

“He grabbed my neck and put a knife to my throat,” she said.

She continued: “He told me to get in the car, I was crying. He told me if I didn’t he’d kill me.”

She said that when the pair was finished with her, they ordered her to put her clothes on and get back into the car. They drove her to another area and fled.

She said: “He told me to get out and they drove off really fast.”

The girl then knocked on doors throughout the neighborhood until finding someone to help her.

Sickeningly, one of the men, Morales-Marin, testified that he thought the little girl was a prostitute and that she went with them willingly. He claimed that he did not realize she was only a child until after he and his cohort had both raped her, when he noticed her small backpack.

Both men face up to life in prison and will be sentenced in January.

One of the rapists, Juan Hernandez-Monzalvo, had actually been previously deported to Mexico, but easily made his way back to Florida. He has been arrested many times for driving without a license.

Both Hernandez-Monzalvo and Morales-Marin are suspected of committing other sexual assaults in the area. The Orange County Sheriff’s Office say that DNA evidence has linked Morales-Marin to a recent rape near a local mall.


immigration news - sex crimes of illegal immigrants

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