Thursday, October 28, 2010

Virginia Supreme Court hearing Ryan Frederick appeal

Today, Eric Korslund, the attorney for Ryan Frederick who was convicted of killing a Chespaeake police detective during a controversial raid by SWAT officers, began arguing his client’s appeal before the Virginia Supreme Court. Korslund maintains that the jury should not have been given the option of voluntary manslaughter because the facts did not support that charge.

In May, the Virginia Court of Appeals refused to hear the case.

Frederick has claimed self-defense against unknown attackers to explain why he fired a shot as police broke into his South Norfolk home in January 2008. Det. Jarrod Shivers, 34, was fatally wounded in the chaos.

The case drew national attention, and brought a great deal of criticism over the use of police informants, as well as questioning the use of no-knock warrants.

Frederick’s attorney, Eric Korslund said he would continue trying to win a new trial for his client. Korslund said: “Unfortunately, we’re not shocked by the decision by the Court of Appeals. This definitely isn’t over by any means.”

On the night of January 17, 2008, a police SWAT team surrounded Ryan Frederick´s home in Chesapeake, Va., to serve a drug warrant based on a tip from a criminal informant.

As usual, 28 year-old Ryan Frederick had gone to sleep early in order to leave the house before dawn for his job with a soda distributor. He awoke to a commotion of screams and the distinct sound of someone breaking down his front door.

Frederick´s house had been broken into a few days earlier, being a slight man of only a little over 100 pounds, Frederick feared for his safety. After the break-in, he purchased a firearm.

Understandably frightened, Frederick grabbed his gun and when he got to the front of his house, he saw a man trying to crawl through the bottom portion of his door. Terrified that the intruders had returned, he fired.

The man he shot was not an aggressive burglar, nor a drug-crazed murderer, he was Det. Jarrod Shivers. The police detective and military veteran died almost immediately. Frederick was quickly charged with first-degree murder.

As for the pot-growing operation for which police were looking, nothing was found. Only a very small amount of marijuana was discovered on the Frederick property, only enough to charge him with misdemeanor possession. Frederick admitted that he uses marijuana occasionally, but claims he has never been involved with producing or selling the drug.

Ryan Frederick has no prior history of violence, nor any criminal history whatsoever. He took care of his grandmother until her death in 2007, had a full-time job, and was engaged. In his spare time, he worked in his yard and tended to his Koi pond…Not quite the typical behavior of a drug dealer.

However, based solely on the word of a criminal informant, police obtained a warrant and stormed into Frederick’s house in the dark of night. The information turned out to be false, a police officer and father of three is dead, and a decent young man sits in prison--forever branded a cop-killer..

Frederick was eventually convicted of voluntary manslaughter and is now serving a 10-year prison sentence.

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Allegation of rape will always follow Bill Clinton...Part I

As Bill Clinton travels the country in an attempt to rally Democratic voters to the polls next week, many people do not see him so much as a former president, but rather as an accused rapist.

In 2005, the ugly specter of rape was once again associated with Bill Clinton, in Ed Kline's book "The Truth About Hillary." While the political left was quick to dismiss the accusations or simply ignore them completely--Clinton's undeniable past made his allegation worthy at least of examination.

Author Ed Kline could hardly be described as a conservative, nor as the leader of a "vast right-wing conspiracy." Kline once served as both the foreign editor of Newsweek as well as the editor-in-chief of New York Times Magazine. He held each post for 12 years. Both publications could be generously described as left-of-center, and even more accurately as outright liberal propaganda.

In "The Truth About Hillary," Kline cites a source who was vacationing with the Clintons in Bermuda, as hearing Bill declare: "I'm going back to my cottage to rape my wife."

According to Kline, that same source reported as to having discussed Hillary's pregnancy with the former President. Apparently, he was not surprised to first hear news of the impending birth in the Arkansas Gazette, rather than hearing the news straight from his wife.

Bill reportedly said that conception had taken place on the night of the alleged rape in Bermuda. Upon learning of the pregnancy, Clinton supposedly said: "Do you know what night that happened? It was Bermuda!"

Of course, Clinton was accused of exposing himself to Paula Jones in an Arkansas hotel room, and then trying to force himself on her. Her fight against him was the beginning of his legal troubles, and Jones later received a settlement, reportedly worth millions.

Several years ago, Juanita Broadrick claimed that before becoming President--Bill Clinton had in fact raped her. Her allegations have never been disproved.

While President, Clinton received a visit from Kathleen Willey whose husband was an old Clinton friend and was currently serving a prison sentence. Distraught and financially ruined, Mrs. Willey came to President Clinton seeking help. Several witnesses saw her running from the Oval Office, soon after she entered. Her clothes were disheveled, her hair was mussed, and she was obviously upset. She later claimed that Clinton had fondled her and tried to force himself on her.

Given the evidence which for years, continued to mount against him, many Americans see the 42nd President as a sexual predator. Also, given the evidence, it is a troubling possibility worthy of investigation.

Tomorrow…Juanita Broadrick’s story


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Criminal alien sex offender arrested in Virginia Beach

Earlier this month, Gov. Bob McDonnell and Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced the arrest of 15 illegal alien sex offenders in Virginia and Washington, D.C., and the identification of another 365 already in jail for other offenses. The five day effort was part of Operation SOAR (Sexual Offender Alien Removal).

One of those arrested was a 40-year old Philippine national living in Virginia Beach who was previously convicted of aggravated sexual battery on a victim under the age of 13.

Also arrested in Virginia were:

- A 40-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador was arrested in Henrico County. He was previously convicted of two counts of sexual battery on a minor.

-A 31-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador was arrested in Reston for immigration violations and failing to register as a sex offender. He was previously convicted of carnal knowledge of a child, 13 to 15 years old.

Governor McDonnell issued the following statement on the arrests: "We are committed to keeping Virginians safe and secure. No criminal alien sex offenders should be allowed to remain in our communities. Operation SOAR has identified and removed more criminal alien sex offenders. It builds on the success of our first operation which removed 171 convicted criminal alien sex offenders from the Commonwealth in 2008. This initiative is another example of how multi-agency collaboration safeguards our communities. We will remain diligent and determined in using all available resources to advance public safety in Virginia."

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Series of robberies taking place at ATMs throughout Newport News


Since early April, seven robberies have occurred at banks throughout Newport News, as the victims either made drop-offs in the night deposit slot or used an outside ATM.

The latest robbery took place last week at the Bank of America on Warwick Boulevard. The suspect approached a woman making a night deposit, pointed a gun at her and demanded the money. He then fled the scene on foot.

The robberies have taken place at the following locations and times:

April 9, 9:15 p.m. â€" Towne Bank, 1 Old Oyster Point Road (Night Deposit) April 23, 9:15 p.m. â€" Towne Bank, 1 Old Oyster Point Road (Night Deposit) June 11, 9:35 p.m. â€" Bank of America, 14346 Warwick Boulevard (Night Deposit) July 15, 11:15 p.m. â€" Bayport Credit Union, 3711 Huntington Avenue (ATM) July 24, 12:45 a.m. â€" Bayport Credit Union, 3711 Huntington Avenue (ATM) Sept. 6, 9:25 p.m. â€" Wachovia, 600 Thimble Shoals Boulevard (Night Deposit) Oct. 15, 9:00 p.m. at the Bank of America, 10500 Warwick Boulevard (Night Deposit)

In every case, the victims describe the assailant as a black male, but the height varies from 5'6" to 5'11", the weight varies from 140 to 180 pounds and the age varies from 18-24 to 30-40. In the April 23 robbery, the victim reported two suspects with one being described as 18-24 years of age, 5'8"-5'9" and weighing 140-150 pounds, the other robber was approximately 6' tall and weighed about 155 pounds.

Anyone with information on the suspect(s) responsible for these robberies is asked to call Crime Line at 1-888-LOCK-U-UP.




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Allegation of rape will always follow Bill Clinton...Part II (w/video interview)

Juanita Broaddrick alleges that Clinton raped her in April 1978, while she was attending a nursing home seminar at the Camelot Hotel in Little Rock. Since going public with her story, she has been audited by the IRS, her house has been broken into, and she claims she was followed constantly during Clinton’s impeachment trial.

Of course, Clinton has denied her allegations and that he was even in the hotel on the day of the alleged rape.

An investigation by NBC News confirmed that the event was held in the Camelot Hotel on April 25, 1978, and that then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton had no official appointments on that date.

According Broaddrick, Clinton came to her hotel room for a meeting. At the time she was working on Clinton’s gubernatorial campaign. He said that he threw her onto the bed, held her down and violently raped her.

Broaddrick claims to have begged him to stop, as he bit her lips and tore her clothing.

Afterwards, he allegedly told her not to worry about getting pregnant because a bout with mumps had left him sterile.

In 1999, Broaddrick told her story to the Wall Street Journal, saying that after the attack: “he … put on his sun glasses and walked out the door.”

She said that her friend, Norma Rogers, saw her right after the rape, and "that, I was sitting there crying and so upset at the time… I felt like the next person coming through the door to get rid of the body. I absolutely couldn't believe what had happened to me."

Rogers later confirmed the story saying she found Broaddrick in hock, her lip swollen and bruised, and her pantyhose torn.

Watch Broaddrick tell her story of threats and intimidation in the video below:

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Entire police force quits in Mexican town after drug cartel attack

On Monday night, police headquarters in Los Ramones in the state of Nuevo Leon was hit with more than 1,000 bullets and six grenades. The attack lasted a harrowing 20 minutes. Incredibly, no officers were injured in the assault.

Los Ramones Mayor Santos Salinas told the Noroeste newspaper: “Fortunately, those who were inside the building threw themselves on the ground and nobody was hurt.”

However, the attack resulted in the resignation of the town’s entire 14-member police force.

The new headquarters had been opened only three days earlier. Nuevo Leon, has been devastated by the ongoing war between the Gulf and Zetas drug cartels, and Monday’s attack was the second on a police station in the region in less than a week.

In 2008, Villa Ahumada Police Chief Jesus Blanco Cano was shot to death after only one day on the job. The town is located in the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua which is the territory of the very violent and powerful Juarez drug cartel.

The town had been without a police chief for months, after a band of 70 gunmen raided the town and murdered the previous chief, along with two of his officers as well as several civilians. After the attack, the rest of the town´s 20-officer police force resigned.


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Friday, October 22, 2010

Virginia Supreme Court hearing Ryan Frederick appeal

Today, Eric Korslund, the attorney for Ryan Frederick who was convicted of killing a Chespaeake police detective during a controversial raid by SWAT officers, began arguing his client’s appeal before the Virginia Supreme Court. Korslund maintains that the jury should not have been given the option of voluntary manslaughter because the facts did not support that charge.

In May, the Virginia Court of Appeals refused to hear the case.

Frederick has claimed self-defense against unknown attackers to explain why he fired a shot as police broke into his South Norfolk home in January 2008. Det. Jarrod Shivers, 34, was fatally wounded in the chaos.

The case drew national attention, and brought a great deal of criticism over the use of police informants, as well as questioning the use of no-knock warrants.

Frederick’s attorney, Eric Korslund said he would continue trying to win a new trial for his client. Korslund said: “Unfortunately, we’re not shocked by the decision by the Court of Appeals. This definitely isn’t over by any means.”

On the night of January 17, 2008, a police SWAT team surrounded Ryan Frederick´s home in Chesapeake, Va., to serve a drug warrant based on a tip from a criminal informant.

As usual, 28 year-old Ryan Frederick had gone to sleep early in order to leave the house before dawn for his job with a soda distributor. He awoke to a commotion of screams and the distinct sound of someone breaking down his front door.

Frederick´s house had been broken into a few days earlier, being a slight man of only a little over 100 pounds, Frederick feared for his safety. After the break-in, he purchased a firearm.

Understandably frightened, Frederick grabbed his gun and when he got to the front of his house, he saw a man trying to crawl through the bottom portion of his door. Terrified that the intruders had returned, he fired.

The man he shot was not an aggressive burglar, nor a drug-crazed murderer, he was Det. Jarrod Shivers. The police detective and military veteran died almost immediately. Frederick was quickly charged with first-degree murder.

As for the pot-growing operation for which police were looking, nothing was found. Only a very small amount of marijuana was discovered on the Frederick property, only enough to charge him with misdemeanor possession. Frederick admitted that he uses marijuana occasionally, but claims he has never been involved with producing or selling the drug.

Ryan Frederick has no prior history of violence, nor any criminal history whatsoever. He took care of his grandmother until her death in 2007, had a full-time job, and was engaged. In his spare time, he worked in his yard and tended to his Koi pond…Not quite the typical behavior of a drug dealer.

However, based solely on the word of a criminal informant, police obtained a warrant and stormed into Frederick’s house in the dark of night. The information turned out to be false, a police officer and father of three is dead, and a decent young man sits in prison--forever branded a cop-killer..

Frederick was eventually convicted of voluntary manslaughter and is now serving a 10-year prison sentence.

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Criminal alien sex offender arrested in Virginia Beach

Earlier this month, Gov. Bob McDonnell and Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced the arrest of 15 illegal alien sex offenders in Virginia and Washington, D.C., and the identification of another 365 already in jail for other offenses. The five day effort was part of Operation SOAR (Sexual Offender Alien Removal).

One of those arrested was a 40-year old Philippine national living in Virginia Beach who was previously convicted of aggravated sexual battery on a victim under the age of 13.

Also arrested in Virginia were:

- A 40-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador was arrested in Henrico County. He was previously convicted of two counts of sexual battery on a minor.

-A 31-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador was arrested in Reston for immigration violations and failing to register as a sex offender. He was previously convicted of carnal knowledge of a child, 13 to 15 years old.

Governor McDonnell issued the following statement on the arrests: "We are committed to keeping Virginians safe and secure. No criminal alien sex offenders should be allowed to remain in our communities. Operation SOAR has identified and removed more criminal alien sex offenders. It builds on the success of our first operation which removed 171 convicted criminal alien sex offenders from the Commonwealth in 2008. This initiative is another example of how multi-agency collaboration safeguards our communities. We will remain diligent and determined in using all available resources to advance public safety in Virginia."

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Series of robberies taking place at ATMs throughout Newport News


Since early April, seven robberies have occurred at banks throughout Newport News, as the victims either made drop-offs in the night deposit slot or used an outside ATM.

The latest robbery took place last week at the Bank of America on Warwick Boulevard. The suspect approached a woman making a night deposit, pointed a gun at her and demanded the money. He then fled the scene on foot.

The robberies have taken place at the following locations and times:

April 9, 9:15 p.m. â€" Towne Bank, 1 Old Oyster Point Road (Night Deposit) April 23, 9:15 p.m. â€" Towne Bank, 1 Old Oyster Point Road (Night Deposit) June 11, 9:35 p.m. â€" Bank of America, 14346 Warwick Boulevard (Night Deposit) July 15, 11:15 p.m. â€" Bayport Credit Union, 3711 Huntington Avenue (ATM) July 24, 12:45 a.m. â€" Bayport Credit Union, 3711 Huntington Avenue (ATM) Sept. 6, 9:25 p.m. â€" Wachovia, 600 Thimble Shoals Boulevard (Night Deposit) Oct. 15, 9:00 p.m. at the Bank of America, 10500 Warwick Boulevard (Night Deposit)

In every case, the victims describe the assailant as a black male, but the height varies from 5'6" to 5'11", the weight varies from 140 to 180 pounds and the age varies from 18-24 to 30-40. In the April 23 robbery, the victim reported two suspects with one being described as 18-24 years of age, 5'8"-5'9" and weighing 140-150 pounds, the other robber was approximately 6' tall and weighed about 155 pounds.

Anyone with information on the suspect(s) responsible for these robberies is asked to call Crime Line at 1-888-LOCK-U-UP.




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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Criminal alien sex offender arrested in Virginia Beach

Earlier this month, Gov. Bob McDonnell and Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced the arrest of 15 illegal alien sex offenders in Virginia and Washington, D.C., and the identification of another 365 already in jail for other offenses. The five day effort was part of Operation SOAR (Sexual Offender Alien Removal).

One of those arrested was a 40-year old Philippine national living in Virginia Beach who was previously convicted of aggravated sexual battery on a victim under the age of 13.

Also arrested in Virginia were:

- A 40-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador was arrested in Henrico County. He was previously convicted of two counts of sexual battery on a minor.

-A 31-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador was arrested in Reston for immigration violations and failing to register as a sex offender. He was previously convicted of carnal knowledge of a child, 13 to 15 years old.

Governor McDonnell issued the following statement on the arrests: "We are committed to keeping Virginians safe and secure. No criminal alien sex offenders should be allowed to remain in our communities. Operation SOAR has identified and removed more criminal alien sex offenders. It builds on the success of our first operation which removed 171 convicted criminal alien sex offenders from the Commonwealth in 2008. This initiative is another example of how multi-agency collaboration safeguards our communities. We will remain diligent and determined in using all available resources to advance public safety in Virginia."

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Virginia Supreme Court hearing Ryan Frederick appeal

Today, Eric Korslund, the attorney for Ryan Frederick who was convicted of killing a Chespaeake police detective during a controversial raid by SWAT officers, began arguing his client’s appeal before the Virginia Supreme Court. Korslund maintains that the jury should not have been given the option of voluntary manslaughter because the facts did not support that charge.

In May, the Virginia Court of Appeals refused to hear the case.

Frederick has claimed self-defense against unknown attackers to explain why he fired a shot as police broke into his South Norfolk home in January 2008. Det. Jarrod Shivers, 34, was fatally wounded in the chaos.

The case drew national attention, and brought a great deal of criticism over the use of police informants, as well as questioning the use of no-knock warrants.

Frederick’s attorney, Eric Korslund said he would continue trying to win a new trial for his client. Korslund said: “Unfortunately, we’re not shocked by the decision by the Court of Appeals. This definitely isn’t over by any means.”

On the night of January 17, 2008, a police SWAT team surrounded Ryan Frederick´s home in Chesapeake, Va., to serve a drug warrant based on a tip from a criminal informant.

As usual, 28 year-old Ryan Frederick had gone to sleep early in order to leave the house before dawn for his job with a soda distributor. He awoke to a commotion of screams and the distinct sound of someone breaking down his front door.

Frederick´s house had been broken into a few days earlier, being a slight man of only a little over 100 pounds, Frederick feared for his safety. After the break-in, he purchased a firearm.

Understandably frightened, Frederick grabbed his gun and when he got to the front of his house, he saw a man trying to crawl through the bottom portion of his door. Terrified that the intruders had returned, he fired.

The man he shot was not an aggressive burglar, nor a drug-crazed murderer, he was Det. Jarrod Shivers. The police detective and military veteran died almost immediately. Frederick was quickly charged with first-degree murder.

As for the pot-growing operation for which police were looking, nothing was found. Only a very small amount of marijuana was discovered on the Frederick property, only enough to charge him with misdemeanor possession. Frederick admitted that he uses marijuana occasionally, but claims he has never been involved with producing or selling the drug.

Ryan Frederick has no prior history of violence, nor any criminal history whatsoever. He took care of his grandmother until her death in 2007, had a full-time job, and was engaged. In his spare time, he worked in his yard and tended to his Koi pond…Not quite the typical behavior of a drug dealer.

However, based solely on the word of a criminal informant, police obtained a warrant and stormed into Frederick’s house in the dark of night. The information turned out to be false, a police officer and father of three is dead, and a decent young man sits in prison--forever branded a cop-killer..

Frederick was eventually convicted of voluntary manslaughter and is now serving a 10-year prison sentence.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Criminal alien sex offender arrested in Virginia Beach

Earlier this month, Gov. Bob McDonnell and Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced the arrest of 15 illegal alien sex offenders in Virginia and Washington, D.C., and the identification of another 365 already in jail for other offenses. The five day effort was part of Operation SOAR (Sexual Offender Alien Removal).

One of those arrested was a 40-year old Philippine national living in Virginia Beach who was previously convicted of aggravated sexual battery on a victim under the age of 13.

Also arrested in Virginia were:

- A 40-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador was arrested in Henrico County. He was previously convicted of two counts of sexual battery on a minor.

-A 31-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador was arrested in Reston for immigration violations and failing to register as a sex offender. He was previously convicted of carnal knowledge of a child, 13 to 15 years old.

Governor McDonnell issued the following statement on the arrests: "We are committed to keeping Virginians safe and secure. No criminal alien sex offenders should be allowed to remain in our communities. Operation SOAR has identified and removed more criminal alien sex offenders. It builds on the success of our first operation which removed 171 convicted criminal alien sex offenders from the Commonwealth in 2008. This initiative is another example of how multi-agency collaboration safeguards our communities. We will remain diligent and determined in using all available resources to advance public safety in Virginia."

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Virginia Supreme Court hearing Ryan Frederick appeal

Today, Eric Korslund, the attorney for Ryan Frederick who was convicted of killing a Chespaeake police detective during a controversial raid by SWAT officers, began arguing his client’s appeal before the Virginia Supreme Court. Korslund maintains that the jury should not have been given the option of voluntary manslaughter because the facts did not support that charge.

In May, the Virginia Court of Appeals refused to hear the case.

Frederick has claimed self-defense against unknown attackers to explain why he fired a shot as police broke into his South Norfolk home in January 2008. Det. Jarrod Shivers, 34, was fatally wounded in the chaos.

The case drew national attention, and brought a great deal of criticism over the use of police informants, as well as questioning the use of no-knock warrants.

Frederick’s attorney, Eric Korslund said he would continue trying to win a new trial for his client. Korslund said: “Unfortunately, we’re not shocked by the decision by the Court of Appeals. This definitely isn’t over by any means.”

On the night of January 17, 2008, a police SWAT team surrounded Ryan Frederick´s home in Chesapeake, Va., to serve a drug warrant based on a tip from a criminal informant.

As usual, 28 year-old Ryan Frederick had gone to sleep early in order to leave the house before dawn for his job with a soda distributor. He awoke to a commotion of screams and the distinct sound of someone breaking down his front door.

Frederick´s house had been broken into a few days earlier, being a slight man of only a little over 100 pounds, Frederick feared for his safety. After the break-in, he purchased a firearm.

Understandably frightened, Frederick grabbed his gun and when he got to the front of his house, he saw a man trying to crawl through the bottom portion of his door. Terrified that the intruders had returned, he fired.

The man he shot was not an aggressive burglar, nor a drug-crazed murderer, he was Det. Jarrod Shivers. The police detective and military veteran died almost immediately. Frederick was quickly charged with first-degree murder.

As for the pot-growing operation for which police were looking, nothing was found. Only a very small amount of marijuana was discovered on the Frederick property, only enough to charge him with misdemeanor possession. Frederick admitted that he uses marijuana occasionally, but claims he has never been involved with producing or selling the drug.

Ryan Frederick has no prior history of violence, nor any criminal history whatsoever. He took care of his grandmother until her death in 2007, had a full-time job, and was engaged. In his spare time, he worked in his yard and tended to his Koi pond…Not quite the typical behavior of a drug dealer.

However, based solely on the word of a criminal informant, police obtained a warrant and stormed into Frederick’s house in the dark of night. The information turned out to be false, a police officer and father of three is dead, and a decent young man sits in prison--forever branded a cop-killer..

Frederick was eventually convicted of voluntary manslaughter and is now serving a 10-year prison sentence.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Criminal alien sex offender arrested in Virginia Beach

Earlier this month, Gov. Bob McDonnell and Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced the arrest of 15 illegal alien sex offenders in Virginia and Washington, D.C., and the identification of another 365 already in jail for other offenses. The five day effort was part of Operation SOAR (Sexual Offender Alien Removal).

One of those arrested was a 40-year old Philippine national living in Virginia Beach who was previously convicted of aggravated sexual battery on a victim under the age of 13.

Also arrested in Virginia were:

- A 40-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador was arrested in Henrico County. He was previously convicted of two counts of sexual battery on a minor.

-A 31-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador was arrested in Reston for immigration violations and failing to register as a sex offender. He was previously convicted of carnal knowledge of a child, 13 to 15 years old.

Governor McDonnell issued the following statement on the arrests: "We are committed to keeping Virginians safe and secure. No criminal alien sex offenders should be allowed to remain in our communities. Operation SOAR has identified and removed more criminal alien sex offenders. It builds on the success of our first operation which removed 171 convicted criminal alien sex offenders from the Commonwealth in 2008. This initiative is another example of how multi-agency collaboration safeguards our communities. We will remain diligent and determined in using all available resources to advance public safety in Virginia."

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Virginia Supreme Court hearing Ryan Frederick appeal

Today, Eric Korslund, the attorney for Ryan Frederick who was convicted of killing a Chespaeake police detective during a controversial raid by SWAT officers, began arguing his client’s appeal before the Virginia Supreme Court. Korslund maintains that the jury should not have been given the option of voluntary manslaughter because the facts did not support that charge.

In May, the Virginia Court of Appeals refused to hear the case.

Frederick has claimed self-defense against unknown attackers to explain why he fired a shot as police broke into his South Norfolk home in January 2008. Det. Jarrod Shivers, 34, was fatally wounded in the chaos.

The case drew national attention, and brought a great deal of criticism over the use of police informants, as well as questioning the use of no-knock warrants.

Frederick’s attorney, Eric Korslund said he would continue trying to win a new trial for his client. Korslund said: “Unfortunately, we’re not shocked by the decision by the Court of Appeals. This definitely isn’t over by any means.”

On the night of January 17, 2008, a police SWAT team surrounded Ryan Frederick´s home in Chesapeake, Va., to serve a drug warrant based on a tip from a criminal informant.

As usual, 28 year-old Ryan Frederick had gone to sleep early in order to leave the house before dawn for his job with a soda distributor. He awoke to a commotion of screams and the distinct sound of someone breaking down his front door.

Frederick´s house had been broken into a few days earlier, being a slight man of only a little over 100 pounds, Frederick feared for his safety. After the break-in, he purchased a firearm.

Understandably frightened, Frederick grabbed his gun and when he got to the front of his house, he saw a man trying to crawl through the bottom portion of his door. Terrified that the intruders had returned, he fired.

The man he shot was not an aggressive burglar, nor a drug-crazed murderer, he was Det. Jarrod Shivers. The police detective and military veteran died almost immediately. Frederick was quickly charged with first-degree murder.

As for the pot-growing operation for which police were looking, nothing was found. Only a very small amount of marijuana was discovered on the Frederick property, only enough to charge him with misdemeanor possession. Frederick admitted that he uses marijuana occasionally, but claims he has never been involved with producing or selling the drug.

Ryan Frederick has no prior history of violence, nor any criminal history whatsoever. He took care of his grandmother until her death in 2007, had a full-time job, and was engaged. In his spare time, he worked in his yard and tended to his Koi pond…Not quite the typical behavior of a drug dealer.

However, based solely on the word of a criminal informant, police obtained a warrant and stormed into Frederick’s house in the dark of night. The information turned out to be false, a police officer and father of three is dead, and a decent young man sits in prison--forever branded a cop-killer..

Frederick was eventually convicted of voluntary manslaughter and is now serving a 10-year prison sentence.

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Criminal alien sex offender arrested in Virginia Beach

Earlier this month, Gov. Bob McDonnell and Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced the arrest of 15 illegal alien sex offenders in Virginia and Washington, D.C., and the identification of another 365 already in jail for other offenses. The five day effort was part of Operation SOAR (Sexual Offender Alien Removal).

One of those arrested was a 40-year old Philippine national living in Virginia Beach who was previously convicted of aggravated sexual battery on a victim under the age of 13.

Also arrested in Virginia were:

- A 40-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador was arrested in Henrico County. He was previously convicted of two counts of sexual battery on a minor.

-A 31-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador was arrested in Reston for immigration violations and failing to register as a sex offender. He was previously convicted of carnal knowledge of a child, 13 to 15 years old.

Governor McDonnell issued the following statement on the arrests: "We are committed to keeping Virginians safe and secure. No criminal alien sex offenders should be allowed to remain in our communities. Operation SOAR has identified and removed more criminal alien sex offenders. It builds on the success of our first operation which removed 171 convicted criminal alien sex offenders from the Commonwealth in 2008. This initiative is another example of how multi-agency collaboration safeguards our communities. We will remain diligent and determined in using all available resources to advance public safety in Virginia."

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

10 years after the USS Cole attack...Obama delaying prosecution of terror mastermind

On October 12, 2000, while the USS Cole was anchored off the port of Aden, Yemen, when a small boat filled with explosives pulled alongside the ship and the terrorists aboard, detonated their charges. The explosion ripped open a 40-by-40-foot hole in the ship's port side, killing 17 sailors and injuring another 39.

10 years later, the Obama administration has now set aside the prosecution of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the alleged mastermind behind the suicide attack on the USS Cole.

In late August, the Justice Department filed a motion in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, stating that "no charges are either pending or contemplated with respect to al-Nashiri in the near future."

The statement was quietly hidden in a motion to dismiss a petition by Nashiri's attorneys, and of course, all but completely ignored by the mainstream press.

The move by the Obama administration to at least temporarily delay trial is a puzzling one since military prosecutors have been prepared to try Nashiri for months, and had planned to do so this past summer.

On June 30, 2008, Brig. Gen. Thomas W. Hartmann announced charges against Nashiri for “organizing and directing” the bombing plot, and that the Defense Department would seek the death penalty against the Saudi national.

Nashiri has been held at the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay since 2006.

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Police arrest stepmother of missing N.C. girl

On Sunday, police arrested Elisa Baker, the stepmother of Zahra Clare Baker who went missing over the weekend from her home in Hickory, North Carolina.

Baker is facing over a dozen charges unrelated to Zahra’s disappearance. The charges include communicating threats and writing bad checks.

On Saturday, an Amber Alert was issued for the 10-year-old girl. Her parents claim they last saw her sleeping in her bed around 2:30 a.m. Saturday.

Baker is white, 5 feet 1 inch tall and weighs 85 pounds. She is hearing impaired and wears a prosthesis below her left knee.

According to Clyde Deal, deputy chief of the Hickory Police Department, Zahra was last seen wearing a camouflage T-shirt and black knee-length tights.

Chief Deal told reporters: “We are conducting interviews now and following up on the leads we have so far. As of right now, we haven't ruled anything out. We're exploring all possibilities.”

Anyone with information on the whereabouts of this girl should call Hickory police at 828-328-5551 or simply dial 911.

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Illegal alien pleads guilty to carnal knowledge of VA girl

On Monday, Yoar Antonio Mendoza Jaco, 22, pleaded guilty in a Warren County courtroom to carnally knowing a 14-year-old girl. The illegal alien has been living in Front Royal.

The incidents occurred between Dec. 26, 2009, and March 11, 2010.

Jaco was sentenced to five years in prison, but had all but his time served suspended. The Salvadoran national is also being held on an Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer.

It is not clear yet whether or not Jaco will be deported. If he is allowed to stay in the U.S., he will be placed on three years of supervised probation, and cannot have any contact with his victim.  

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Amber Alert issued for disabled North Carolina girl

Police in Hickory, North Carolina have issued an Amber Alert for 10-year-old Zahra Clare Baker, who was last seen sleeping in her bed around 2:30 a.m. Saturday.

Baker is white, 5 feet 1 inch tall and weighs 85 pounds. She is hearing impaired and wears a prosthesis below her left knee.

According to Clyde Deal, deputy chief of the Hickory Police Department, Zahra was last seen wearing a camouflage T-shirt and black knee-length tights.

Chief Deal told reporters: “We are conducting interviews now and following up on the leads we have so far. As of right now, we haven't ruled anything out. We're exploring all possibilities.”

Anyone with information on the whereabouts of this girl should call Hickory police at 828-328-5551 or simply dial 911.

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Police believe missing North Carolina girl was murdered, stepmother admits to writing ransom note

At a Tuesday morning press conference, Hickory Police Chief Tom Adkins announced that the Amber Alert issued over the weekend for 10-year-old Zahra Clare Baker has been dropped, and the case has shifted to a homicide investigation.

Chief Adkins said that Elisa Baker, the girl's stepmother has confessed to writing a ransom note found at the girl’s home, she has been charged with felony obstruction of justice in the case.

While the girl’s parents claimed to have seen her sleeping in her bed hours before she disappeared, police cannot find anyone who has seen Zahra in over a month.

Adkins told reporters: “We understand the public wants to help find Zahra. The problem is we cannot confirm with any confidence how long Zahra has been missing. Without this information, we cannot positively select the area to search for her.”

The girl’s father, Adam Baker, is cooperating with police and has reportedly said he believes it is possible that his wife is responsible.

Family members are now alleging that Elisa Baker frequently abused her stepdaughter, who lost her leg to bone cancer and used hearing aids.

Read more about this tragic case:

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Another William and Mary student commits suicide...third this year

On Friday morning, the body of William and Mary sophomore Whitney L. Mayer, of Plano, Texas, was discovered in the Lake Matoaka area.

In a campus-wide email, Vice President for Student Affairs Ginger Ambler said: “Whitney was a Sharpe Scholar who had tremendous academic talent. Her faculty have described her as having a particular passion for biodiversity and for exploring the relationship between the environment and quality of life issues.”

Ambler continued: "She also had a keen sense of community and gave of herself to others. Although Whitney had yet to declare a major, much of her coursework reflected that commitment to the environment. She was also learning to play the mandolin.”

No further details about the student’s death have been released.

Mayer is the third William and Mary student to have committed suicide in 2010. In April, Ian Kramer Smith-Christmas was found dead inside his car in a Virginia Beach parking lot; and in February, Dominique T. Chandler was found dead in her dorm room.

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Virginia high school student gunned down in Honduras

Less than two weeks ago, Jimmy Gerardo Portillo Oliva, 18, who attended Heritage High School in Leesburg was shot to death in Honduras. He had returned to his native country to fulfill his visa requirements.

Oliva, along with several friends were returning from home when he was shot by four masked men. None of the gunmen have been caught.

Four others, including Oliva’s cousin, William Alexander Oliva Cortez, 16, were also killed.

Oliva’s mother and stepfather, traveled from Leesburg to Honduras for their son’s funeral.

“This is just an awful, very sad incident,” said Heritage principal Margaret Huckaby.

Heritage High School principal Margaret Huckaby told the Loudoun-Times Mirror: “Jimmy was a great kid. He was a good student and he played on our JV soccer team last year. He was an all-around great young man.”

Huckaby was in the United States as a legal resident, and returned to Honduras after turning 18, to obtain his own visa. He had been in the Central American nation for two months when he was murdered.

Huckaby said: “He was following the rules. He was doing things the way they are supposed to be done.”

The Honduran newspaper La Prensa, reported that local police believe the gunmen were targeting the survivor of another massacre four months earlier. It was apparently a case of mistaken identity.

Choloma, where Oliva was killed, has become overrun with violence from organized crime.

Honduras is home to the notoriously violent street gang, known as MS-13. The gang engages in kidnapping, drug distribution, and murder-for-hire.

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Amber Alert issued for disabled North Carolina girl

Police in Hickory, North Carolina have issued an Amber Alert for 10-year-old Zahra Clare Baker, who was last seen sleeping in her bed around 2:30 a.m. Saturday.

Baker is white, 5 feet 1 inch tall and weighs 85 pounds. She is hearing impaired and wears a prosthesis below her left knee.

According to Clyde Deal, deputy chief of the Hickory Police Department, Zahra was last seen wearing a camouflage T-shirt and black knee-length tights.

Chief Deal told reporters: “We are conducting interviews now and following up on the leads we have so far. As of right now, we haven't ruled anything out. We're exploring all possibilities.”

Anyone with information on the whereabouts of this girl should call Hickory police at 828-328-5551 or simply dial 911.

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10 years after the USS Cole attack...Obama delaying prosecution of terror mastermind

On October 12, 2000, while the USS Cole was anchored off the port of Aden, Yemen, when a small boat filled with explosives pulled alongside the ship and the terrorists aboard, detonated their charges. The explosion ripped open a 40-by-40-foot hole in the ship's port side, killing 17 sailors and injuring another 39.

10 years later, the Obama administration has now set aside the prosecution of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the alleged mastermind behind the suicide attack on the USS Cole.

In late August, the Justice Department filed a motion in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, stating that "no charges are either pending or contemplated with respect to al-Nashiri in the near future."

The statement was quietly hidden in a motion to dismiss a petition by Nashiri's attorneys, and of course, all but completely ignored by the mainstream press.

The move by the Obama administration to at least temporarily delay trial is a puzzling one since military prosecutors have been prepared to try Nashiri for months, and had planned to do so this past summer.

On June 30, 2008, Brig. Gen. Thomas W. Hartmann announced charges against Nashiri for “organizing and directing” the bombing plot, and that the Defense Department would seek the death penalty against the Saudi national.

Nashiri has been held at the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay since 2006.

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Police arrest stepmother of missing N.C. girl

On Sunday, police arrested Elisa Baker, the stepmother of Zahra Clare Baker who went missing over the weekend from her home in Hickory, North Carolina.

Baker is facing over a dozen charges unrelated to Zahra’s disappearance. The charges include communicating threats and writing bad checks.

On Saturday, an Amber Alert was issued for the 10-year-old girl. Her parents claim they last saw her sleeping in her bed around 2:30 a.m. Saturday.

Baker is white, 5 feet 1 inch tall and weighs 85 pounds. She is hearing impaired and wears a prosthesis below her left knee.

According to Clyde Deal, deputy chief of the Hickory Police Department, Zahra was last seen wearing a camouflage T-shirt and black knee-length tights.

Chief Deal told reporters: “We are conducting interviews now and following up on the leads we have so far. As of right now, we haven't ruled anything out. We're exploring all possibilities.”

Anyone with information on the whereabouts of this girl should call Hickory police at 828-328-5551 or simply dial 911.

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Police believe missing North Carolina girl was murdered, stepmother admits to writing ransom note

At a Tuesday morning press conference, Hickory Police Chief Tom Adkins announced that the Amber Alert issued over the weekend for 10-year-old Zahra Clare Baker has been dropped, and the case has shifted to a homicide investigation.

Chief Adkins said that Elisa Baker, the girl's stepmother has confessed to writing a ransom note found at the girl’s home, she has been charged with felony obstruction of justice in the case.

While the girl’s parents claimed to have seen her sleeping in her bed hours before she disappeared, police cannot find anyone who has seen Zahra in over a month.

Adkins told reporters: “We understand the public wants to help find Zahra. The problem is we cannot confirm with any confidence how long Zahra has been missing. Without this information, we cannot positively select the area to search for her.”

The girl’s father, Adam Baker, is cooperating with police and has reportedly said he believes it is possible that his wife is responsible.

Family members are now alleging that Elisa Baker frequently abused her stepdaughter, who lost her leg to bone cancer and used hearing aids.

Read more about this tragic case:

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Monday, October 11, 2010

Virginia high school student gunned down in Honduras

Less than two weeks ago, Jimmy Gerardo Portillo Oliva, 18, who attended Heritage High School in Leesburg was shot to death in Honduras. He had returned to his native country to fulfill his visa requirements.

Oliva, along with several friends were returning from home when he was shot by four masked men. None of the gunmen have been caught.

Four others, including Oliva’s cousin, William Alexander Oliva Cortez, 16, were also killed.

Oliva’s mother and stepfather, traveled from Leesburg to Honduras for their son’s funeral.

“This is just an awful, very sad incident,” said Heritage principal Margaret Huckaby.

Heritage High School principal Margaret Huckaby told the Loudoun-Times Mirror: “Jimmy was a great kid. He was a good student and he played on our JV soccer team last year. He was an all-around great young man.”

Huckaby was in the United States as a legal resident, and returned to Honduras after turning 18, to obtain his own visa. He had been in the Central American nation for two months when he was murdered.

Huckaby said: “He was following the rules. He was doing things the way they are supposed to be done.”

The Honduran newspaper La Prensa, reported that local police believe the gunmen were targeting the survivor of another massacre four months earlier. It was apparently a case of mistaken identity.

Choloma, where Oliva was killed, has become overrun with violence from organized crime.

Honduras is home to the notoriously violent street gang, known as MS-13. The gang engages in kidnapping, drug distribution, and murder-for-hire.

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Police arrest stepmother of missing N.C. girl

On Sunday, police arrested Elisa Baker, the stepmother of Zahra Clare Baker who went missing over the weekend from her home in Hickory, North Carolina.

Baker is facing over a dozen charges unrelated to Zahra’s disappearance. The charges include communicating threats and writing bad checks.

On Saturday, an Amber Alert was issued for the 10-year-old girl. Her parents claim they last saw her sleeping in her bed around 2:30 a.m. Saturday.

Baker is white, 5 feet 1 inch tall and weighs 85 pounds. She is hearing impaired and wears a prosthesis below her left knee.

According to Clyde Deal, deputy chief of the Hickory Police Department, Zahra was last seen wearing a camouflage T-shirt and black knee-length tights.

Chief Deal told reporters: “We are conducting interviews now and following up on the leads we have so far. As of right now, we haven't ruled anything out. We're exploring all possibilities.”

Anyone with information on the whereabouts of this girl should call Hickory police at 828-328-5551 or simply dial 911.

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Amber Alert issued for disabled North Carolina girl

Police in Hickory, North Carolina have issued an Amber Alert for 10-year-old Zahra Clare Baker, who was last seen sleeping in her bed around 2:30 a.m. Saturday.

Baker is white, 5 feet 1 inch tall and weighs 85 pounds. She is hearing impaired and wears a prosthesis below her left knee.

According to Clyde Deal, deputy chief of the Hickory Police Department, Zahra was last seen wearing a camouflage T-shirt and black knee-length tights.

Chief Deal told reporters: “We are conducting interviews now and following up on the leads we have so far. As of right now, we haven't ruled anything out. We're exploring all possibilities.”

Anyone with information on the whereabouts of this girl should call Hickory police at 828-328-5551 or simply dial 911.

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10 years after the USS Cole attack...Obama delaying prosecution of terror mastermind

On October 12, 2000, while the USS Cole was anchored off the port of Aden, Yemen, when a small boat filled with explosives pulled alongside the ship and the terrorists aboard, detonated their charges. The explosion ripped open a 40-by-40-foot hole in the ship's port side, killing 17 sailors and injuring another 39.

10 years later, the Obama administration has now set aside the prosecution of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the alleged mastermind behind the suicide attack on the USS Cole.

In late August, the Justice Department filed a motion in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, stating that "no charges are either pending or contemplated with respect to al-Nashiri in the near future."

The statement was quietly hidden in a motion to dismiss a petition by Nashiri's attorneys, and of course, all but completely ignored by the mainstream press.

The move by the Obama administration to at least temporarily delay trial is a puzzling one since military prosecutors have been prepared to try Nashiri for months, and had planned to do so this past summer.

On June 30, 2008, Brig. Gen. Thomas W. Hartmann announced charges against Nashiri for “organizing and directing” the bombing plot, and that the Defense Department would seek the death penalty against the Saudi national.

Nashiri has been held at the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay since 2006.

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Virginia high school student gunned down in Honduras

Less than two weeks ago, Jimmy Gerardo Portillo Oliva, 18, who attended Heritage High School in Leesburg was shot to death in Honduras. He had returned to his native country to fulfill his visa requirements.

Oliva, along with several friends were returning from home when he was shot by four masked men. None of the gunmen have been caught.

Four others, including Oliva’s cousin, William Alexander Oliva Cortez, 16, were also killed.

Oliva’s mother and stepfather, traveled from Leesburg to Honduras for their son’s funeral.

“This is just an awful, very sad incident,” said Heritage principal Margaret Huckaby.

Heritage High School principal Margaret Huckaby told the Loudoun-Times Mirror: “Jimmy was a great kid. He was a good student and he played on our JV soccer team last year. He was an all-around great young man.”

Huckaby was in the United States as a legal resident, and returned to Honduras after turning 18, to obtain his own visa. He had been in the Central American nation for two months when he was murdered.

Huckaby said: “He was following the rules. He was doing things the way they are supposed to be done.”

The Honduran newspaper La Prensa, reported that local police believe the gunmen were targeting the survivor of another massacre four months earlier. It was apparently a case of mistaken identity.

Choloma, where Oliva was killed, has become overrun with violence from organized crime.

Honduras is home to the notoriously violent street gang, known as MS-13. The gang engages in kidnapping, drug distribution, and murder-for-hire.

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Amber Alert issued for disabled North Carolina girl

Police in Hickory, North Carolina have issued an Amber Alert for 10-year-old Zahra Clare Baker, who was last seen sleeping in her bed around 2:30 a.m. Saturday.

Baker is white, 5 feet 1 inch tall and weighs 85 pounds. She is hearing impaired and wears a prosthesis below her left knee.

According to Clyde Deal, deputy chief of the Hickory Police Department, Zahra was last seen wearing a camouflage T-shirt and black knee-length tights.

Chief Deal told reporters: “We are conducting interviews now and following up on the leads we have so far. As of right now, we haven't ruled anything out. We're exploring all possibilities.”

Anyone with information on the whereabouts of this girl should call Hickory police at 828-328-5551 or simply dial 911.

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10 years after the USS Cole attack...Obama delaying prosecution of terror mastermind

On October 12, 2000, while the USS Cole was anchored off the port of Aden, Yemen, when a small boat filled with explosives pulled alongside the ship and the terrorists aboard, detonated their charges. The explosion ripped open a 40-by-40-foot hole in the ship's port side, killing 17 sailors and injuring another 39.

10 years later, the Obama administration has now set aside the prosecution of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the alleged mastermind behind the suicide attack on the USS Cole.

In late August, the Justice Department filed a motion in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, stating that "no charges are either pending or contemplated with respect to al-Nashiri in the near future."

The statement was quietly hidden in a motion to dismiss a petition by Nashiri's attorneys, and of course, all but completely ignored by the mainstream press.

The move by the Obama administration to at least temporarily delay trial is a puzzling one since military prosecutors have been prepared to try Nashiri for months, and had planned to do so this past summer.

On June 30, 2008, Brig. Gen. Thomas W. Hartmann announced charges against Nashiri for “organizing and directing” the bombing plot, and that the Defense Department would seek the death penalty against the Saudi national.

Nashiri has been held at the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay since 2006.

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Friday, October 8, 2010

Virginia high school student gunned down in Honduras

Less than two weeks ago, Jimmy Gerardo Portillo Oliva, 18, who attended Heritage High School in Leesburg was shot to death in Honduras. He had returned to his native country to fulfill his visa requirements.

Oliva, along with several friends were returning from home when he was shot by four masked men. None of the gunmen have been caught.

Four others, including Oliva’s cousin, William Alexander Oliva Cortez, 16, were also killed.

Oliva’s mother and stepfather, traveled from Leesburg to Honduras for their son’s funeral.

“This is just an awful, very sad incident,” said Heritage principal Margaret Huckaby.

Heritage High School principal Margaret Huckaby told the Loudoun-Times Mirror: “Jimmy was a great kid. He was a good student and he played on our JV soccer team last year. He was an all-around great young man.”

Huckaby was in the United States as a legal resident, and returned to Honduras after turning 18, to obtain his own visa. He had been in the Central American nation for two months when he was murdered.

Huckaby said: “He was following the rules. He was doing things the way they are supposed to be done.”

The Honduran newspaper La Prensa, reported that local police believe the gunmen were targeting the survivor of another massacre four months earlier. It was apparently a case of mistaken identity.

Choloma, where Oliva was killed, has become overrun with violence from organized crime.

Honduras is home to the notoriously violent street gang, known as MS-13. The gang engages in kidnapping, drug distribution, and murder-for-hire.

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

HIV-infected prostitute sentenced to prison

On Monday, in a Virginia Beach courtroom, Patricia Ann Curry, 45, was sentenced to one year in prison for prostitution and failing to disclose her HIV status to an undercover police officer.

Curry was arrested in July 2009 after offering sex to two undercover detectives for $20 each.

She was diagnosed with HIV in 2007.

According to court documents, Curry told police officers that she was addicted to crack and needed money for drugs, and also admitted that she has unprotected sex with approximately 50 people every month.

Judge Frederick B. Lowe told Curry: “The court, in its concern, can't do much of anything but keep you off the street for now.”

Virginia Beach police have only arrested one other individual for intentionally trying to spread HIV, a felony, in the last five years.

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North Carolina Pizza Hut worker shoots, kills two armed robbers

On Monday night, two armed robbers burst into a Charlotte Pizza Hut, while workers were in the back cleaning. According to police, as one of the employees was being beaten and herded into a cooler with his co-workers, he pulled his own gun and shot the men.

The dead assailants have been identified as Gregory James Hardy and Dauntrae Wallace, both 21 and both were convicted felons.

The unidentified Pizza Hut employee told the Charlotte Observer that he began carrying a gun after he was robbed twice in two years.

He said: “If the bad guys attack, you know they'll have guns. The police can't protect everyone.”

In July 2008, the owner of a Virginia Beach pizzeria shot and killed an armed robber, who was threatening to kill one of his employees.

It was a Saturday night when a masked Johnny Morocco Williams, 41, slipped in the backdoor of Dominick’s Pizza and Pasta, demanding that the owner, Ferdinando Abbodante, open the safe.

However, what Williams did not know was that the safe was where Abbodante kept his own handgun.

The robber became increasingly violent, putting his gun to the head of a female employee, refusing to simply take the money from the cash register and leave.

Abbodante told the Virginian-Pilot: “I told him to walk to the register, get the money, leave my store, and no one would get hurt.”

But Williams kept yelling: “Open the safe!”

So Abbodante did what Williams said…he opened the safe and grabbed his gun. Williams fired once and missedâ€"Abbodante fired several times, killing the armed robber.

Here are a few facts about armed Americans:

-Armed citizens shoot and kill at least twice as many criminals as the police do every year in this country (1,527 to 606).

-A 1996 University of Chicago study concluded that states which passed concealed carry laws reduced their murder rates by 8.5 percent, rapes by 5 percent, aggravated assaults by 7 percent, and robbery by 3 percent.

-According to the National Safety Council, with guns being used 2.5 million times a year in self defense against criminals, firearms are actually used more than 80 times more often to protect lives, rather than to take lives.

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Suffolk police looking for man who allegedly set dog on fire

Suffolk police officers responded to an injured animal call in the 400 block of Webb St. this morning, to find a dog who had been set on fire. The pit bull’s owner said that his own brother poured gasoline on the dog and set him ablaze, after an argument.

The dog suffered burns to his face, neck and chest, but is expected to recover.

Tonight, police are searching for Lashawn M. Harper, 28, who will be charged with animal cruelty and malicious wounding of an animal.

Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Harper is urged to call Crime Line at 1-888-LOCK-U-UP.

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Police still unsure if Craigslist ad about baby in dumpster was real or not

On Friday night, police in Colorado Springs, Colorado began a desperate search for an abandoned baby, after an ad appeared on Craigslist proclaiming: “DESPERATE BABY WILL DIE IF SOMEONE DOESN'T COME PICK IT UP.”

The person posting the ad claimed to be a teenager who had just given birth, and that her boyfriend would toss the newborn into a dumpster at 232 University Drive. The ad also included a photo of a newborn baby, covered in blood.

The ad continued, “I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!! please help my baby.”

No baby was found.

Police traced the IP address from which the posting originated to a home in Colorado Springs. However, detectives believe that the family inside the home had nothing to do with the posting and that their wireless connection which is unsecured was used by someone else.

Colorado Springs Police spokesman Sgt. Steve Noblitt said that his department will continue to look for the baby until they find the person responsible for placing the ad.

Sgt. Noblitt told reporters: “Until we find the people that actually placed the ad we’re going to investigate it as a serious situation. We have no option.”

Colorado has a Safe Haven law which allows mothers to drop off a baby at any hospital or fire station within 72 hours of birth, with no questions asked.

Police in Hampton, Virginia recently arrested Kimberly Vick Fisher, 30, and charged her with one count of attempted murder, after she allegedly left her newborn infant in the woods.

The baby was found by some contractors working on Rendon Drive. They heard crying coming from a heavily wooded area, and when they investigated, they discovered an infant girl wrapped in a trash bag with the umbilical cord still attached.

The baby was transported to the Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters, where she quickly recovered from exposure, and is now in protective custody.

On Monday, Fisher was denied bond and is being held in the Hampton City Jail. Her next court appearance is set for November 12.

Virginia law also allows for mothers to drop their unwanted babies off at any hospital or fire station throughout the state, with no questions asked. The law was enacted to prevent crimes such as this one, which could have easily ended in tragedy.


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Suffolk man arrested for exposing himself to children

Suffolk police arrested Scott Prenell, 20, after he allegedly exposed himself to a group of children at the Hoffler Apartment complex over the weekend.

Several witnesses reported seeing Prenell repeatedly pull his pants up and down in front of the children.

Prenell was charged with one count of indecent exposure.

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Richmond youth basketball coach arrested for sexually assaulting minor

Antwain Fletcher, 31, was arrested last week in Burlington, North Carolina and charged with false imprisonment and sexual battery on a 17-year-old boy. The arrest occurred at the Econolodge motel where the minor was allegedly being held against his will.

Fletcher who has been a volunteer coach with Squires Richmond Basketball, an AAU basketball program for the last nine years, is being held on $40,000 bond in the Alamance County Jail.

Fletcher works with boys ages 12 to 17, and was in North Carolina attending a basketball camp.  

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