Thursday, October 28, 2010

Allegation of rape will always follow Bill Clinton...Part I

As Bill Clinton travels the country in an attempt to rally Democratic voters to the polls next week, many people do not see him so much as a former president, but rather as an accused rapist.

In 2005, the ugly specter of rape was once again associated with Bill Clinton, in Ed Kline's book "The Truth About Hillary." While the political left was quick to dismiss the accusations or simply ignore them completely--Clinton's undeniable past made his allegation worthy at least of examination.

Author Ed Kline could hardly be described as a conservative, nor as the leader of a "vast right-wing conspiracy." Kline once served as both the foreign editor of Newsweek as well as the editor-in-chief of New York Times Magazine. He held each post for 12 years. Both publications could be generously described as left-of-center, and even more accurately as outright liberal propaganda.

In "The Truth About Hillary," Kline cites a source who was vacationing with the Clintons in Bermuda, as hearing Bill declare: "I'm going back to my cottage to rape my wife."

According to Kline, that same source reported as to having discussed Hillary's pregnancy with the former President. Apparently, he was not surprised to first hear news of the impending birth in the Arkansas Gazette, rather than hearing the news straight from his wife.

Bill reportedly said that conception had taken place on the night of the alleged rape in Bermuda. Upon learning of the pregnancy, Clinton supposedly said: "Do you know what night that happened? It was Bermuda!"

Of course, Clinton was accused of exposing himself to Paula Jones in an Arkansas hotel room, and then trying to force himself on her. Her fight against him was the beginning of his legal troubles, and Jones later received a settlement, reportedly worth millions.

Several years ago, Juanita Broadrick claimed that before becoming President--Bill Clinton had in fact raped her. Her allegations have never been disproved.

While President, Clinton received a visit from Kathleen Willey whose husband was an old Clinton friend and was currently serving a prison sentence. Distraught and financially ruined, Mrs. Willey came to President Clinton seeking help. Several witnesses saw her running from the Oval Office, soon after she entered. Her clothes were disheveled, her hair was mussed, and she was obviously upset. She later claimed that Clinton had fondled her and tried to force himself on her.

Given the evidence which for years, continued to mount against him, many Americans see the 42nd President as a sexual predator. Also, given the evidence, it is a troubling possibility worthy of investigation.

Tomorrow…Juanita Broadrick’s story


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