Thursday, October 28, 2010

Allegation of rape will always follow Bill Clinton...Part II (w/video interview)

Juanita Broaddrick alleges that Clinton raped her in April 1978, while she was attending a nursing home seminar at the Camelot Hotel in Little Rock. Since going public with her story, she has been audited by the IRS, her house has been broken into, and she claims she was followed constantly during Clinton’s impeachment trial.

Of course, Clinton has denied her allegations and that he was even in the hotel on the day of the alleged rape.

An investigation by NBC News confirmed that the event was held in the Camelot Hotel on April 25, 1978, and that then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton had no official appointments on that date.

According Broaddrick, Clinton came to her hotel room for a meeting. At the time she was working on Clinton’s gubernatorial campaign. He said that he threw her onto the bed, held her down and violently raped her.

Broaddrick claims to have begged him to stop, as he bit her lips and tore her clothing.

Afterwards, he allegedly told her not to worry about getting pregnant because a bout with mumps had left him sterile.

In 1999, Broaddrick told her story to the Wall Street Journal, saying that after the attack: “he … put on his sun glasses and walked out the door.”

She said that her friend, Norma Rogers, saw her right after the rape, and "that, I was sitting there crying and so upset at the time… I felt like the next person coming through the door to get rid of the body. I absolutely couldn't believe what had happened to me."

Rogers later confirmed the story saying she found Broaddrick in hock, her lip swollen and bruised, and her pantyhose torn.

Watch Broaddrick tell her story of threats and intimidation in the video below:

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