Saturday, December 4, 2010

American-born teenager admits to four beheadings for Mexican cartel

On Thursday, the Mexican army arrested 14-year-old Edgar Jimenez Lugo, a U.S. citizen who goes by the nickname “El Ponchis” (the cloaked one), has apparently been working as a hit man for the South Pacific Cartel since he was 11-years-old.

The diminutive assassin was captured at the airport near Cuernavaca, as he tried to board a flight, in an attempt to return to the U.S. He, along with his 16-year-old sister planned to fly to Tijuana and then cross the border to San Diego, where their family reportedly lives.

At a Friday press conference, the unapologetic teenager said: “I participated in four executions, but I did it drugged and under threat that if I didn't, they would kill me.”

Apparently, the boy’s sister would help dump the bodies, after her brother decapitated the victims.

Morelos state Gov. Marco Adame Castillo told reporters that Lugo was born in San Diego, but he may also be a citizen of Mexico as well.

The South Pacific Cartel is run by Hector Beltran-Leyva, his brother, Arturo Beltran-Leyva, was killed last year by the Mexican military marines in Cuernavaca. After he was killed, a fight ensued for control of the cartel which has produced unprecedented violence in an around the resort city of Acapulco.

Read about another American teenager recruited by the cartels:

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