Thursday, December 2, 2010

Illegal alien sentenced to prison for raping foster mom

On Wednesday, Henrico County Judge Daniel T. Balfour sentenced convicted rapist, Arturo F. Lopez, 18, to 50 years in prison, but suspended 20 of those years. Due to the grievous nature of the illegal alien’s crime, Judge Balfour actually went beyond the sentencing guidelines which ranged from nine years and 10 months to 21 years and one month for abduction and rape convictions.

Lopez, who took a bus to Richmond, after entering the country illegally last year, was placed with a foster couple after he was found wandering the streets, homeless.

On April 9, just five days after his 18th birthday, Lopez attacked his 55-year-old foster mom in the living room of the family home, as her husband slept upstairs. He brutalized the woman and raped her at knife point.

The victim was able to escape, by convincing Lopez that she had to get to work. Once out of the house, she immediately called police, along with her pastor.

During Lopez’ trial, Henrico Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney Robert M. Wood explained how the woman’s life had been destroyed by the savage attack.

The victim her self, told the jury of her pain, and how she can longer trust anyone, ending her long service as a foster mother, saying: “I don't have it in me emotionally to move over for someone else.”

At the time of his arrest, the Mexican national told detectives he simply walked across the border and took a bus to Richmond, Va.

*Reporter’s note: Not only has this woman become yet another victim of illegal immigration, but so have too, a great many struggling children…children who have been robbed of the love and guidance she can simply no longer give because of this brutal ordeal.

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