Tuesday, September 27, 2011

CloudSigma Launches Its Pure-Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) in the U.S.

Press Release Source: CloudSigma On Tuesday September 27, 2011, 9:00 am EDT

LAS VEGAS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– CloudSigma, the only international, pure-play Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) provider, today announced its launch into the U.S. at the Hosting and Cloud Transformation Summit after repeated requests from European and North American customers and prospects. Unlike current offerings, CloudSigma’s IaaS offering is a flexible, open platform where the customer is given complete control of their software and data with total transparency of service usage. Customers also benefit from access to a range of unbundled cloud resources, such as storage, CPU, RAM and bandwidth, which can be purchased and provisioned on a utility basis.

CloudSigma’s highly-available, flexible cloud servers and cloud hosting services are located in both Switch’s Las Vegas SuperNAP campus and Interxion’s European Cloud Hubs, giving customers access to the world’s largest end-user and business markets. With this launch, CloudSigma is well positioned to meet the IaaS requirements for companies wishing to deploy private, public or hybrid clouds in both North America and/or Europe. Customers benefit from being able to quickly provision infrastructure when required, which improves time-to-market and delivers on-demand applications and services to markets in an extremely agile manner.

when using incumbent IaaS offerings, many companies who would like to migrate their services to the cloud, or from one cloud service to another, repeatedly encounter barriers for on and off ramping data. many are run from a traditional web hosting approach with a high contention of resources such as CPU, plus artificial restrictions on various components, including operating systems, server sizes and networking settings. CloudSigma takes the opposite approach, giving customers full control over the software and network layers, enabling them to use any AMD/Intel compatible operating systems and applications with full-root and administrative access. Customers can architect an elastic cloud infrastructure that’s highly tailored to their individual business needs, no matter their particular performance and availability requirements.

“CloudSigma provides us with a great level of flexibility,” said Viktor Petersson, CEO, WireLoad, Inc. “Our email migration tool, YippieMove, requires us to scale from a dozen to hundreds of servers rapidly. This is more or less impossible to do with physical hardware. With CloudSigma’s platform however, we can both save money and offer a better product to our users.”

CloudSigma also delivers transparent and efficient resource purchasing. many IaaS providers charge for a minimum full hour no matter how long a cloud server is actually running and bundle resources into fixed server packages. CloudSigma, however, bills customers by each resource separately based on usage, with the option to subscribe or pay-as-you-go in short 5-minute billing increments, preventing customers from purchasing resources they don’t necessarily need. CloudSigma also lets customers bill through cloud broker dealer Strategic Blue, where they can benefit from unified cross-cloud billing, discounted monthly rates and tailored credit terms.

“The IaaS market is comprised of cloud providers that don’t want to disrupt their legacy business, making it impossible for them to offer a platform that gives customers complete control and flexibility,” said CloudSigma CEO Patrick Baillie. “We developed CloudSigma as a pure-play cloud IaaS platform to address that customer need directly and let companies pick and choose the exact resources necessary to support their business requirements. the end result is a freedom-through- technology IaaS approach that delivers unparalleled pricing options and performance, and gives customers flexibility and control over their data, billing and resources.”

If you’re a member of the media and are interested in attending a data center tour of Switch’s SuperNAP facility and to see CloudSigma’s infrastructure, contact Meredith Eaton at cloudsigma@marchpr.com. also contact Meredith if you’re interested in scheduling an interview with a CloudSigma executive at the Hosting and Cloud Transformation Summit, where the company’s Chairman Anthony Foy will be participating today, September 27, at 11:10 a.m. on the executive panel, The Enterprise Cloud â€" Propaganda vs. Reality.

For more information about CloudSigma and the company’s IaaS, visit cloudcomputing.com.

About CloudSigma

CloudSigma is an innovative Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) provider that offers high-availability, flexible cloud servers and cloud hosting, with infrastructure in Interxion’s European Cloud Hubs and SwitchNap’s Las Vegas data center campus. CloudSigma was founded to meet the growing need for a pure IaaS that places little or no restrictions on how its users deploy their computing resources.

CloudSigma allows customers to provision processing, storage, networks and other fundamental computing resources, as well as deploy and run arbitrary software, which can include operating systems and applications. the customer does not manage or control the underlying infrastructure, but still has full control over operating systems, storage, and deployed applications; and possible control of public and private networking components. In 2010, CloudSigma was chosen as one of Europe’s top 25 cloud companies.

CloudSigma is the trading name and registered trademark of CLOUDSIGMA AG, a company incorporated in the canton of Zurich, Switzerland. the software used as part of the CloudSigma product was developed during the course of 2008 and early 2009. CLOUDSIGMA AG was incorporated in late 2009 to bring the product to market.

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