Monday, July 16, 2012

Dog stolen from disabled veteran in Norfolk

Shortly after Lynnette Combs dropped her beloved dog, Fergie off at her friend's house in the Ocean View section of Norfolk on Monday evening, the pit-bull terrier got loose and headed toward the place she loves the most..the Ocean View dog park.

The woman tried desperately to keep up with her, but the young dog was too fast and she quickly lost sight of her and by the time she reached the park, Fergie was gone.

Of course, Ms. Combs was devastated and spent the next several hours making fliers and posting them around the neighborhood.

Then, she learned something very troubling.

A witness contacted her and said she saw someone grab Fergie near the intersection of Maple Avenue and Granby Street and quickly place her into his vehicle and drive away.

The man, described only as a black male was driving a silver Hyundai Elantra. The witness was only able to write down a partial license plate number (VGF-404).

Unfortunately, dog fighting is common in Norfolk and given Fergie's breed, it is not hard to imagine the reason why someone would take her and not contact the owner, nor a local shelter.

Fergie was wearing a tag with a phone number and she is micro-chipped as well.

Ms. Combs has been n constant contact with the local shelters and animal control but has yet to hear anything.

Both animal control and the Norfolk Police Department are looking for this dog. It is a felony to steal someone's pet in Virginia.

Because of Fergie's incredibly sweet disposition, Ms. Combs was in the process of training her to be used as a therapy dog. A disabled Navy veteran herself, her greatest hope was that she and Fergie could travel to veterans' hospitals in an effort to give back to those who have given so much for the rest of us.

If you have any information on the vehicle in question, the person who took the dog or know where Fergie is being held, please contact Ms. Combs at 757-480-5952 or 757-348-2605.

Fergie is now in desperate need of her medication which treats a seizure disorder.

A reward of $200 is being offered for Fergie's safe return.

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