Monday, July 16, 2012

Mexican Mafia members charged with plotting to kill Sheriff Joe Arpaio

On Wednesday, three gang members were charged with plotting to assassinate Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

According to a Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) press release, investigators within the MCSO's Threats Unit "arrested three maximum security inmates for conspiracy to commit murder stemming from a complex plot from assassinating Sheriff Arpaio to killing a fellow inmate."

Those charged were Mexican Mafia gang members Mark Cons, 33, and Rudolfo Santos, 37, both of whom are currently being held in the 4th Avenue Jail on other felony charges.

Also charged was Samuel Matta, 29, who is described as "a member of a documented street gang" and currently incarcerated in the state prison in Florence.

All three have been charged with conspiracy to commit murder.

Samuel Matta was reportedly planning to publicly assassinate Sheriff Arpaio with a high powered rifle once he was released from jail. However, he failed to make bond and was unable to carry out his plan.

Matta "believed that the sheriff was personally responsible for the deportation of some of his members of his family to Mexico from their home in El Mirage, AZ,” the release states.

Sheriff Arpaio told reporters: “Given our jailhouse clientele, my staff is always monitoring situations which can potentially lead to violent criminal activity both inside and outside of the jail walls. In this case, their professionalism and perseverance prevented two potential murders.”

According to the MCSO, this is the third assassination plot against the sheriff uncovered this year alone.

Of course, Sheriff Arpaio is arguably the most high-profile law enforcement official in the country, as always, with increased notoriety comes increased danger.

This, combined with Arpaio's tough stance on illegal immigration, the numerous arrests he has made of both drug and human smugglers and his refusal to back down against the Obama administration, it is little wonder the five-time sheriff is so often targeted.

In March, the MCSO's Cold Case Posse announced that their investigation uncovered evidence suggesting Obama’s birth documentation is fraudulent.

Arpaio is set to hold another news conference on July 17, in which he has promised to announce more "shocking" evidence against President Obama's eligibility.

Read more articles about Sheriff Joe Arpaio:

Sheriff Joe is our actual 'jobs czar'

Sheriff Arpaio does his job and answers his critics

Sheriff Joe should arrest Eric Holder

Assassination plot uncovered earlier this year

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