Thursday, December 31, 2009

Memphis judge lets self-described Muslim jihadist out on $100 bail

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On Christmas Eve, Mohamed Ibrahim was arrested by police in Memphis, TN after allegedly making bomb threats in several local businesses. Witnesses told police that he told them he was a Muslim and that he was starting a jihad.

When Ibrahim was taken into custody, he had a butcher knife concealed in his coat sleeve.

Apparently, a judge was filled with the Christmas spirit and released the man who wants to start a Muslim holy war in the Music City on a mere $100 bail.

*Reporter's note: It is clear that our political leaders as well as many judges still do not understand the threat posed by the radical Muslim world. Our politicians and law enforcement officials seem to believe that the policy of appeasement will work with murderers. They are mistaken and if we do not wake them up to this fact...We will have no nation left to defend!


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Two illegal aliens charged with murder in Virginia Beach (sanctuary city)

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On Saturday night, Virginia Beach police arrested Jorge Alberto Fuertes Loredo, 31, and Isidor Loredo Amaya, 31, after Florentino Martinez-Melendez, 40, was shot to death in a trailer park. A second victim survived the shooting but remains in critical condition in a local hospital.

Apparently, the fatal shooting was the result of a heated argument.

Both Loredo and Amaya have been charged with murder and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony. Both Mexican nationals are in the country illegally, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement have placed a hold on them.

Virginia Beach Commonwealth Attorney, Harvey Bryant, said that the two illegal aliens have been living in the state for quite some time.

Bryant said: "It appears that Mr. Amaya has been in Virginia for about 10 years, spending his time between Harrisburg, Virginia and here.”

A hearing for the two is scheduled for Feb. 4, 2010.

Both shooting victims were also illegal aliens.

This case demonstrates the ongoing dangers posed by the city’s large illegal immigrant population.

In April 2007, in Virginia Beach, Va., a Mexican national named Alfredo Ramos slammed into the rear of a vehicle in which Allison Kuhnhardt and Tessa Tranchant were stopped while waiting at a traffic light. Ramos, 22 was traveling at a high rate of speed and was drunk at the time (he blew a .14 BAC). The two high school students had to be cut from their crumpled car and both later died after being taken to the hospital. Ramos suffered only a busted lip.

Though an illegal alien, Alfredo Ramos had been living in Virginia Beach for quite a while and worked at local a Mexican restaurant known as Mi Casita. Ramos had been previously convicted of three separate charges of public intoxication, identity theft, and even a DUI, but continued to live in the area. He speaks only Spanish and required an interpreter at all of his court proceedings.

The girls which Ramos killed were ages 16 and 17. Tessa Tranchant's brother Dylan had only been home from Iraq for two weeks, when his sister was killed. Dylan was tasked with identifying his little sister's body. The case gained national fame thanks to the reporting of Fox News' Bill O'Reilly, who helped expose Virginia Beach as a haven for illegal aliens.

O’Reilly placed the spotlight on that city's Mayor and Police Chief and characterized the resort town as a place where drunken Mexican invaders are allowed to roam freely.

Immediately after the case was reported on the O’Reilly Factor, Virginia Beach Police Chief Jake Jacocks went on the offensive and claimed that O'Reilly was wrong in focusing on the fact that Ramos was an illegal alien. He accused the Fox News commentator of turning the girls' deaths into a "political issue."

However, local ABC affiliate WVEC showed that the police chief was at least culpable in the tragedy when they reported that "Chief Jacocks says the policy of not reporting illegals until after three DUI charges was his idea. He hoped it would let illegal immigrants feel comfortable if they were involved in an accident."

Former Mayor Obendorf told reporters: "I never want anyone to miss the fact that someone who was drunk caused the death of two innocent young women, and it had nothing to do with nationality or anyone doing anything inappropriate as far as the government is concerned."

While the leadership of Virginia Beach has never formally declared the city to be a 'sanctuary' for illegal aliens, the way the leadership of Chicago or Tucson have done, it is every bit the haven to invaders that those two cities represent. Virginia Beach is dominated by hotels, restaurants, and housing developers, all of which hire tremendous numbers of illegal aliens.

Hotel owners often declare that they could simply not operate without the influx of Mexican and Central American nationals who can frequently be seen passed out drunk on the beach during the summer. The city has also seen thousands of over-priced cookie cutter homes built in the last several years, most of which have been constructed by illegal Mexican labor.

The building boom turned local convenience and home improvement store parking lots into gathering spots for groups of often drunken Latino men. While the city is very happy raking in huge profits in increased real estate taxes, they pass precious little of that revenue on to the citizens. While having a population of 450,000 residents, Virginia Beach still relies solely on a volunteer rescue squad for medical emergencies.

*Reporter’s note: While city leaders bristled in 2007, at his accusations, Bill O'Reilly got it right. I live here and I am a daily witness to the unlawful transformation of this once beautiful city.

When I initially called the Virginia Beach Correctional Facility and asked a deputy about the immigration status of Loredo and Amaya, I was put on hold for quite a while. When the young man came back on the line, he directed me to another deputy. When I called that number with no answer, I started the process over again.

I was then told that whether or not ICE had placed a hold on the two was “privileged information” and he could not tell me. In fact, until I pressed him, he would not even tell me whether or not the Mexican nationals had been formally charged.

Despite the deputy’s insistence, the suspects’ immigration status is public information, but it was obvious he was only following orders from his superiors.

The rise in crime in Virginia Beach that can be attributed to illegal aliens is no doubt embarrassing to city officials. However, unless the city begins to take seriously the threat posed by the illegal aliens they have welcomed…They will continue to be asked uncomfortable questions as that city’s death toll rises.


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Why was a Nigerian passenger allowed to spend an hour in the bathroom?

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The day after a Nigerian Muslim attempted to blow up a commercial airliner near Detroit, another Nigerian man refused to comply with the flight crew on Northwest Airlines flight 253. Despite orders from attendants, the man spent more than an hour in the restroom.

Police officers and FBI agents were waiting for the plane to arrive after the pilot notified officials of the situation and that he had a "belligerent and uncooperative" passenger aboard.

Though another Nigerian, on another flight from Amsterdam to Detroit, acting strangely and spending an unusual amount of time in the restroom, just as the bomber did the day before…Authorities claim that the man was merely ill and not a terrorist.

Department of Homeland Security spokesperson Sara Kuban told reporters that he was questioned extensively "and no other suspicious behavior or materials have been found."

However, the explosive powder which was carried onto the plane on Christmas Day by accused terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab also went undetected by airport screeners until he tried to detonate the tiny though powerful bomb.

It is certainly possible the official version of this incident is true.

Of course, it is also possible that the man we are being told caused a panic because he had “food poisoning,” could have simply failed when he tried to detonate his bomb in the bathroom. He could have disposed of the small amount of powder in the sink or toilet.

It would not be the first time this government has covered-up or even lied to us about acts of terrorism. We all remember Army officials initially telling us that the Fort Hood shootings were not “terror-related.”

Dismissing the threat of Islamic terrorism from the Obama administration is nothing new, nor should it come as a shock to anyone.

However, what is shocking is the reaction of the flight crew and passengers to the belligerent passenger from Nigeria.

Under questioning, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab told FBI agents that there are many more terrorists like him in Yemen, planning to blow up U.S. flights.

Furthermore, only four days before the attempted Christmas attack, an al Qaeda leader in Yemen released a tape saying: "We are carrying a bomb to hit the enemies of God."

Given these facts, and faced with another Nigerian man aboard the very same flight acting suspiciously, just a day later, the question remains…Why wasn’t this man forcibly removed from the bathroom and hogtied until the plane landed?

Apparently, under the influence of the weak leadership of Obama, combined with the oppressive air of political correctness now enveloping the country, people would literally rather die than take action even when faced with glaring clues.

In this writer’s humble opinion, when Americans are more concerned with possibly offending someone who appears at least to be a terrorist…It is not only bomb-laden radical Muslims who are suicidal, but the American people as well.


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Illegal alien accused of murdering teenager for speaking English

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A few days before Christmas, Collier County Sheriff's deputies arrested Mexican national Mauricio Escalante, 33, and charged him with the murder of a 17-year-old. The young man he is accused of killing was Charlie Guzman, a farm worker and student at Beacon High School.

According to the arrest report, around 3:00 a.m., the victim and Escalante were gathered with a group of others in the laundry room of an Imolakee, FL apartment building. An argument broke out and blows were exchanged.

The argument started when Escalante became enraged over the fact that Guzman was speaking in English to his friends, rather than in Spanish.

Witnesses said Escalante ran into his apartment and returned with an 8-inch knife, which he allegedly used to repeatedly stab Guzman.

The report written by Det. William Still states: "[The victim] screamed as if he had been severely injured and then retaliated by striking Mr. Escalante with his fist several times. "The men fell to the ground and [the victim] landed on top of Mr. Escalante."

The other men separated the two.

Guzman walked a short distance and collapsed. He suffered stab wounds to his chest, abdomen, and groin. He was pronounced dead at NCH North Naples Hospital.

Though Escalante reportedly admitted to killing Guzman, he claimed that he was merely defending himself.

On Dec. 21, 2008, Escalante was jailed for public intoxication. However, no charges were ever filed against him, and despite his illegal status, he was released the next day.

Circuit Judge Christine Greider set bail for Escalante at $500,000. He is currently being held in the Collier County Jail.


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Illegal alien charged with murder for dumping newborn baby into dumpster

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On Wednesday, the staff at Anaheim Medical Center became suspicious of the story given them by Juana Perez Valencia, 19, who though showing all of the signs, claimed she had not just given birth. Orange County deputies arrived and questioned her, eventually finding the corpse of her newborn daughter in the dumpster behind Sombrero’s restaurant, where Valencia works as a waitress.

Apparently, Valencia gave birth to the girl on Tuesday night in the restaurant’s bathroom, and allegedly placed the baby into a plastic bag, before tossing her into the dumpster.

An autopsy concluded that the baby had in fact been born alive and healthy.

Deputy District Attorney Ebrahim Baytieh told the Orange County Register that the Mexican national had concealed her pregnancy, and was fully aware that she could have simply handed the baby over to authorities with no questions asked, but instead chose to let her die in a trash bin.

The Orange County District Attorney‘s Office issued the following statement: "The baby girl was born alive. Baby Doe weighed 6.3 pounds and was 17 inches long. The defendant is accused of murdering the baby, putting Baby Doe in a plastic bag, and throwing her body in a dumpster behind the restaurant."

Valencia has been charged with murder and currently sits in the Orange County Jail awaiting her arraignment next week. If convicted, she faces a sentence of 25 years to life. Prosecutors are seeking $1 million bail.


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Monday, December 28, 2009

Why was a Nigerian passenger allowed to spend an hour in the bathroom?

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The day after a Nigerian Muslim attempted to blow up a commercial airliner near Detroit, another Nigerian man refused to comply with the flight crew on Northwest Airlines flight 253. Despite orders from attendants, the man spent more than an hour in the restroom.

Police officers and FBI agents were waiting for the plane to arrive after the pilot notified officials of the situation and that he had a "belligerent and uncooperative" passenger aboard.

Though another Nigerian, on another flight from Amsterdam to Detroit, acting strangely and spending an unusual amount of time in the restroom, just as the bomber did the day before…Authorities claim that the man was merely ill and not a terrorist.

Department of Homeland Security spokesperson Sara Kuban told reporters that he was questioned extensively "and no other suspicious behavior or materials have been found."

However, the explosive powder which was carried onto the plane on Christmas Day by accused terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab also went undetected by airport screeners until he tried to detonate the tiny though powerful bomb.

It is certainly possible the official version of this incident is true.

Of course, it is also possible that the man we are being told caused a panic because he had “food poisoning,” could have simply failed when he tried to detonate his bomb in the bathroom. He could have disposed of the small amount of powder in the sink or toilet.

It would not be the first time this government has covered-up or even lied to us about acts of terrorism. We all remember Army officials initially telling us that the Fort Hood shootings were not “terror-related.”

Dismissing the threat of Islamic terrorism from the Obama administration is nothing new, nor should it come as a shock to anyone.

However, what is shocking is the reaction of the flight crew and passengers to the belligerent passenger from Nigeria.

Under questioning, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab told FBI agents that there are many more terrorists like him in Yemen, planning to blow up U.S. flights.

Furthermore, only four days before the attempted Christmas attack, an al Qaeda leader in Yemen released a tape saying: "We are carrying a bomb to hit the enemies of God."

Given these facts, and faced with another Nigerian man aboard the very same flight acting suspiciously, just a day later, the question remains…Why wasn’t this man forcibly removed from the bathroom and hogtied until the plane landed?

Apparently, under the influence of the weak leadership of Obama, combined with the oppressive air of political correctness now enveloping the country, people would literally rather die than take action even when faced with glaring clues.

In this writer’s humble opinion, when Americans are more concerned with possibly offending someone who appears at least to be a terrorist…It is not only bomb-laden radical Muslims who are suicidal, but the American people as well.


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Illegal alien accused of murdering teenager for speaking English

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A few days before Christmas, Collier County Sheriff's deputies arrested Mexican national Mauricio Escalante, 33, and charged him with the murder of a 17-year-old. The young man he is accused of killing was Charlie Guzman, a farm worker and student at Beacon High School.

According to the arrest report, around 3:00 a.m., the victim and Escalante were gathered with a group of others in the laundry room of an Imolakee, FL apartment building. An argument broke out and blows were exchanged.

The argument started when Escalante became enraged over the fact that Guzman was speaking in English to his friends, rather than in Spanish.

Witnesses said Escalante ran into his apartment and returned with an 8-inch knife, which he allegedly used to repeatedly stab Guzman.

The report written by Det. William Still states: "[The victim] screamed as if he had been severely injured and then retaliated by striking Mr. Escalante with his fist several times. "The men fell to the ground and [the victim] landed on top of Mr. Escalante."

The other men separated the two.

Guzman walked a short distance and collapsed. He suffered stab wounds to his chest, abdomen, and groin. He was pronounced dead at NCH North Naples Hospital.

Though Escalante reportedly admitted to killing Guzman, he claimed that he was merely defending himself.

On Dec. 21, 2008, Escalante was jailed for public intoxication. However, no charges were ever filed against him, and despite his illegal status, he was released the next day.

Circuit Judge Christine Greider set bail for Escalante at $500,000. He is currently being held in the Collier County Jail.


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Memphis judge lets self-described Muslim jihadist out on $100 bail

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On Christmas Eve, Mohamed Ibrahim was arrested by police in Memphis, TN after allegedly making bomb threats in several local businesses. Witnesses told police that he told them he was a Muslim and that he was starting a jihad.

When Ibrahim was taken into custody, he had a butcher knife concealed in his coat sleeve.

Apparently, a judge was filled with the Christmas spirit and released the man who wants to start a Muslim holy war in the Music City on a mere $100 bail.

*Reporter's note: It is clear that our political leaders as well as many judges still do not understand the threat posed by the radical Muslim world. Our politicians and law enforcement officials seem to believe that the policy of appeasement will work with murderers. They are mistaken and if we do not wake them up to this fact...We will have no nation left to defend!


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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Memphis judge lets self-described Muslim jihadist out on $100 bail

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On Christmas Eve, Mohamed Ibrahim was arrested by police in Memphis, TN after allegedly making bomb threats in several local businesses. Witnesses told police that he told them he was a Muslim and that he was starting a jihad.

When Ibrahim was taken into custody, he had a butcher knife concealed in his coat sleeve.

Apparently, a judge was filled with the Christmas spirit and released the man who wants to start a Muslim holy war in the Music City on a mere $100 bail.

*Reporter's note: It is clear that our political leaders as well as many judges still do not understand the threat posed by the radical Muslim world. Our politicians and law enforcement officials seem to believe that the policy of appeasement will work with murderers. They are mistaken and if we do not wake them up to this fact...We will have no nation left to defend!


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Illegal alien accused of murdering teenager for speaking English

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A few days before Christmas, Collier County Sheriff's deputies arrested Mexican national Mauricio Escalante, 33, and charged him with the murder of a 17-year-old. The young man he is accused of killing was Charlie Guzman, a farm worker and student at Beacon High School.

According to the arrest report, around 3:00 a.m., the victim and Escalante were gathered with a group of others in the laundry room of an Imolakee, FL apartment building. An argument broke out and blows were exchanged.

The argument started when Escalante became enraged over the fact that Guzman was speaking in English to his friends, rather than in Spanish.

Witnesses said Escalante ran into his apartment and returned with an 8-inch knife, which he allegedly used to repeatedly stab Guzman.

The report written by Det. William Still states: "[The victim] screamed as if he had been severely injured and then retaliated by striking Mr. Escalante with his fist several times. "The men fell to the ground and [the victim] landed on top of Mr. Escalante."

The other men separated the two.

Guzman walked a short distance and collapsed. He suffered stab wounds to his chest, abdomen, and groin. He was pronounced dead at NCH North Naples Hospital.

Though Escalante reportedly admitted to killing Guzman, he claimed that he was merely defending himself.

On Dec. 21, 2008, Escalante was jailed for public intoxication. However, no charges were ever filed against him, and despite his illegal status, he was released the next day.

Circuit Judge Christine Greider set bail for Escalante at $500,000. He is currently being held in the Collier County Jail.


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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Illegal alien accused of murdering teenager for speaking English

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A few days before Christmas, Collier County Sheriff's deputies arrested Mexican national Mauricio Escalante, 33, and charged him with the murder of a 17-year-old. The young man he is accused of killing was Charlie Guzman, a farm worker and student at Beacon High School.

According to the arrest report, around 3:00 a.m., the victim and Escalante were gathered with a group of others in the laundry room of an Imolakee, FL apartment building. An argument broke out and blows were exchanged.

The argument started when Escalante became enraged over the fact that Guzman was speaking in English to his friends, rather than in Spanish.

Witnesses said Escalante ran into his apartment and returned with an 8-inch knife, which he allegedly used to repeatedly stab Guzman.

The report written by Det. William Still states: "[The victim] screamed as if he had been severely injured and then retaliated by striking Mr. Escalante with his fist several times. "The men fell to the ground and [the victim] landed on top of Mr. Escalante."

The other men separated the two.

Guzman walked a short distance and collapsed. He suffered stab wounds to his chest, abdomen, and groin. He was pronounced dead at NCH North Naples Hospital.

Though Escalante reportedly admitted to killing Guzman, he claimed that he was merely defending himself.

On Dec. 21, 2008, Escalante was jailed for public intoxication. However, no charges were ever filed against him, and despite his illegal status, he was released the next day.

Circuit Judge Christine Greider set bail for Escalante at $500,000. He is currently being held in the Collier County Jail.


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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Bernie Madoff reportedly treated at hospital for severe injuries

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The Associated Press has reported that billionaire embezzler Bernie Madoff was recently discharged from Duke University Medical Center in Durham, NC, with severe injuries consistent with a violent assault.

An unnamed source told an ABC News affiliate that Madoff was treated at the hospital for facial fractures, broken ribs, and a collapsed lung. The source later reported that Madoff received the injuires after simply falling out of his bed.

Officials at Butner Federal Prison, where Madoff is currently serving a 150 year sentence, will not confirm the story. However, they say that Madoff is now being held in the prison’s medical ward. Spokeswoman Traci Billingsley has denied that Madoff was assaulted.

Madoff’s attorney, Ira Sorkin, denied the story and said that his client had merely been treated for “some dizzy spells and some high blood pressure."

*Reporter’s note: In my opinion, Madoff will not last one year in prison. He has lived a life of luxury that most could not even imagine. He was motivated by greed and the arrogant belief that he more than his victims, deserved to live like a sultan. Prison, with its filth, danger, and lack of amenities is a stark contrast to the world of yachts and exclusive dinner parties to which Madoff had become so accustomed.

Bernie Madoff may initially try to survive in prison simply due to the common human need for self preservation. However, prison is not a world friendly to billionaires and given the fact that he has no hope of ever being released, Madoff will eventually commit suicide.

In his mind, it will be a way to cheat his victims one last time.


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Illegal alien sentenced to less than two years for hit and run death of toddler

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A few days ago, Marion County Circuit Judge Gale M. Reider sentenced Juan Lopez-Perez, 31, to 17 months in prison after he pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of to failing to perform the duties of a driver in a crash.

On the evening of November 24, Lopez-Perez hit 2-year-old Erika Rubi Meza with his pick up truck, as she walked with her older sister through the parking lot in front of their apartment house in Salem, OR.

The Mexican national immediately fled the scene and was arrested early the next morning, Salem police charged him with felony hit and run. Witnesses say Lopez-Perez was speeding through the apartment complex.

Maggie Tarsia, was walking her dog and saw Lopez-Perez speed past, with tires squealing, and called 911. She told the Statesman Journal: “It was flying. I'd say about 45 mph."

The little girl’s injuries were so severe that she died in the parking lot.

Before his client was sentenced, defense attorney Steven Walls explained to the judge that Lopez-Perez ran from the scene without calling for help because he feared the gathering crowd.

The girl’s mother Martha Meza, who speaks only Spanish told Salem’s KOIN local 6 news through an interpreter: "She was really special. She was really special to her and to other people. If it was an accident, why didn't he stop to help the little girl? She wants him to pay for what he did."


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