Monday, December 28, 2009

Memphis judge lets self-described Muslim jihadist out on $100 bail

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On Christmas Eve, Mohamed Ibrahim was arrested by police in Memphis, TN after allegedly making bomb threats in several local businesses. Witnesses told police that he told them he was a Muslim and that he was starting a jihad.

When Ibrahim was taken into custody, he had a butcher knife concealed in his coat sleeve.

Apparently, a judge was filled with the Christmas spirit and released the man who wants to start a Muslim holy war in the Music City on a mere $100 bail.

*Reporter's note: It is clear that our political leaders as well as many judges still do not understand the threat posed by the radical Muslim world. Our politicians and law enforcement officials seem to believe that the policy of appeasement will work with murderers. They are mistaken and if we do not wake them up to this fact...We will have no nation left to defend!


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