Monday, December 28, 2009

Why was a Nigerian passenger allowed to spend an hour in the bathroom?

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The day after a Nigerian Muslim attempted to blow up a commercial airliner near Detroit, another Nigerian man refused to comply with the flight crew on Northwest Airlines flight 253. Despite orders from attendants, the man spent more than an hour in the restroom.

Police officers and FBI agents were waiting for the plane to arrive after the pilot notified officials of the situation and that he had a "belligerent and uncooperative" passenger aboard.

Though another Nigerian, on another flight from Amsterdam to Detroit, acting strangely and spending an unusual amount of time in the restroom, just as the bomber did the day before…Authorities claim that the man was merely ill and not a terrorist.

Department of Homeland Security spokesperson Sara Kuban told reporters that he was questioned extensively "and no other suspicious behavior or materials have been found."

However, the explosive powder which was carried onto the plane on Christmas Day by accused terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab also went undetected by airport screeners until he tried to detonate the tiny though powerful bomb.

It is certainly possible the official version of this incident is true.

Of course, it is also possible that the man we are being told caused a panic because he had “food poisoning,” could have simply failed when he tried to detonate his bomb in the bathroom. He could have disposed of the small amount of powder in the sink or toilet.

It would not be the first time this government has covered-up or even lied to us about acts of terrorism. We all remember Army officials initially telling us that the Fort Hood shootings were not “terror-related.”

Dismissing the threat of Islamic terrorism from the Obama administration is nothing new, nor should it come as a shock to anyone.

However, what is shocking is the reaction of the flight crew and passengers to the belligerent passenger from Nigeria.

Under questioning, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab told FBI agents that there are many more terrorists like him in Yemen, planning to blow up U.S. flights.

Furthermore, only four days before the attempted Christmas attack, an al Qaeda leader in Yemen released a tape saying: "We are carrying a bomb to hit the enemies of God."

Given these facts, and faced with another Nigerian man aboard the very same flight acting suspiciously, just a day later, the question remains…Why wasn’t this man forcibly removed from the bathroom and hogtied until the plane landed?

Apparently, under the influence of the weak leadership of Obama, combined with the oppressive air of political correctness now enveloping the country, people would literally rather die than take action even when faced with glaring clues.

In this writer’s humble opinion, when Americans are more concerned with possibly offending someone who appears at least to be a terrorist…It is not only bomb-laden radical Muslims who are suicidal, but the American people as well.


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