Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Using a Blog Web Host Vs Free Blogs

There is a wide variety of sites and pages on the Internet that have usually have a single purpose which is to get the users attention. once the attention has been captured, the next step is for the user to act. Some sites are interactive and others are not as they simply provide information. Blogging is a fun way to provide information to internet users; it is easy to do but you’ll need a blog web host first before you can start.

Free Blog?

First let’s think if a free blog would fit the needs and demands or should a little bit of money be spent and a self web hosting would be better. Next step – which program, such as Blogger or WordPress, should be used. after that decision has been made, deciding upon where the blog should be hosted would be the next landmark in having your own blog on the Internet.

I think it’s great that there are hosts that will provide a free blog but if your intentions are to run a business then it would make more sense to pay. my reasoning is because the drawbacks to a free hosting has its limitations that will inhibit your website and therefore minimize your success. these limitations are:

Bottlenecks (your site is on a shared server so there are a LOT of other websites using the same server

Limited disk space and low bandwidth

No option for a personalized domain name

Technical support is limited

Spend the Money

If you are unsure if you really want to blog or not, a free blog is a good testing ground to find that out. Give yourself about a month or so and see how it goes and at the end if you want more then you should change to a blog web host as soon as possible although you will have a time doing so. Why did I just make this sound like a big deal? Because it is – especially if you have a lot of links and followers at this point in time.

If you don’t change, the free hosts’ server won’t be able to handle the load. what then? You’ll have to switch but then you’ve lost a ton of traffic to your blog, any and all search engine traffic that you’ve acquired will be lost, there would be tons of broken links and if anybody bookmarked your site, then those are gone as well.

So what was the alternative? buy It doesn’t cost that much and in the end you will be glad that you did. It doesn’t take long to build up the links and to begin have a lot of readers; once you have an audience then you can build on what you started and know that your money was well spent.

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