Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Alleged serial rapist pleads guilty to assaulting elderly Virginia Beach woman

On Tuesday, Kindale Keith Moore, 22, pleaded guilty to charges of forcible sodomy and burglary with the intent to rape.

According to the Virginia Beach Commonwealth's Attorney's Office, the attack occurred on the night of February 14, 2010.

Sometime before midnight, Moore slipped into the 88-year-old woman’s home and waited.  When she headed down the hallway to her bedroom, Moore grabbed her by the shoulders, forced her down and sexually assaulted her.

Moore was previously convicted of another sexual assault in Portsmouth and sentenced to 60 years for that crime. That victim testified during his trial that Moore told her he liked to “fondle older women.”

Moore will be sentenced for the Virginia Beach rape on May 24, 2011.

While Moore is believed by many to be responsible for a series of rapes on elderly women throughout Portsmouth and Virginia Beach, most of the victims could not identify their attacker, as he always wore a hood.

DNA was only recovered in one of the cases.

Moore was also charged in another rape in Virginia Beach, but prosecutors were forced to drop the charges when the 89-year-old victim died before the trial began.

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