Sunday, February 13, 2011

Washington Redskins player charged with assault in Virginia

Washington Redskins defensive lineman Albert Haynesworth is expected to turn himself into Fairfax police to face an assault charge, following a road rage incident earlier this week.

According to Fairfax police spokeswoman, Officer Shelley Broderick, the assault occurred around 9:15 a.m., Wednesday when Joel Velazques, 38, believed the driver of a truck behind him was tailgating, and made a "non-verbal hand gesture."

The two were traveling along the Fairfax County Parkway.

When the two stopped at a red light, Haynesworth exited his vehicle and allegedly assaulted the other driver

Velazques reported that Haynesworth came to the driver's side window, and shouted: "You're not so tough now," and punched him in his nose. Velazquez never got out of his car.

Velazqueswas treated at a local hospital for minor injuries and released.

This is not the first run-in with the law for the defensive lineman.

In March 2009, Haynesworth was indicted on two traffic charges following a December 2008 car crash in Tennessee.Haynesworth was driving his Ferrari over 100 mph when he hit another vehicle, which left the other driver partially paralyzed.

Haynesworth has also been suspended multiple times for excessive violence during games.

On October 1, 2006, Haynesworth, was playing for the Tennessee Titans in a game against the Dallas Cowboys, when he removed the helmet of Cowboys center Andre Gurode and stomped on his head.

Haynesworth opened a gash on Gurode's forehead, which required 30 stitches to close.

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell suspended Haynesworth for five games over the incident.


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