Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Former local public defender sentenced to jail

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On Monday, former Chesapeake, VA public defender Eugene B. Harris, 31, was sentenced to six months in jail in a Portsmouth courtroom for larceny. Harris was also found guilty earlier this month of assault on a police officer.

Circuit Judge Johnny E. Morrison found Harris guilty of larceny from a person and gave him five years, but suspended all but six months of the sentence. Harris will do his time in the Portsmouth City Jail.

In November 2008, Harris met with one of his clients, Jorge Luis Concepcion Jr., at a Portsmouth restaurant. According to Concepion, someone who was with Harris to $100 from his pocket, and when he tried to drive away, Harris got into the car with him and demanded a check from Concepcion for $2,600.

The bizarre events led to charges of robbery, abduction, and conspiracy for Harris, who was ultimately found guilty on only the lesser charge of larceny, with Judge Morrison dismissing the more serious charges. However, larceny is a felony.

Harris will be sentenced on June 14 for his unrelated assault conviction.

In February, 2009, Harris got into a fight at a nightclub, and punched a Chesapeake police officer who attempted to break it up.

Harris worked for the Chesapeake public defender's office between October 2007 and July 2008. His live-in girlfriend, Ciara Brown, told the Virginian-Pilot that Harris was fired because the office discovered their relationship. Brown, became a client and met Harris when she was arrested for allegedly stabbing her husband in 2008.

According to Brown, when they met, Harris was already on probation at the public defender’s office for dating his clients. Brown who was present at Harris’ meeting with Concepicion, also faces charges stemming from the incident. Her trial is scheduled for March.

The Virginia State Bar Association is currently conducting an investigation into Harris’ actions.

In court, Harris said that if allowed, he would like to return to private practice, if not, he wants to attend graduate school. In 2004, Harris received a law degree from Regent University.


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