Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Switzerland won't extradite child rapist Roman Polanski (*warning...w/details of case*)

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On Monday, Swiss officials refused to extradite famed director and child rapist, Roman Polanski, to the U.S. for a sentencing that has been put off for 32 years. Polanski fled the country after pleading guilty to the lesser charge of unlawful sex with a minor. The girl, Samantha Geimer, was 13-years-old at the time of the assault.

For months, Polanski has been under house arrest in a luxurious Swiss chalet, while awaiting a decision on the extradition order.

While the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office considers the decision “disappointing,” they told reporters they will continue to pursue Polanski, tracking his movements. Though Polanski may now be free to move about Switzerland as he wishes, if he enters a country with a strong extradition policy with the U.S., he will more than likely be brought back here.

On March 10, 1977, Polanski picked up the girl and drove her to the home of Jack Nicholson, for a supposed photo shoot. Nicholson was away at the time.

Polanski gave her champagne and a Quaalude, and the two, both naked, got into the hot tub together.

What follows is an excerpt from the transcript of the grand jury testimony in The People of the State of California v. Roman Raymond Polanski, taken on March 24, 1977.

“Q: What happened then?

A: He goes, 'Come down here.' And I said, 'No. No, I got to get out.' And he goes, 'No, come down here.' And then I said that I had asthma and that I couldn't â€" I had to get out because of the warm air and the cold air or something like that. And he said, 'Just come down here for a second.' So I finally went down. And then he went â€" there was a lot of Whirlpool bath jets. He goes, 'Doesn't it feel better down here?' And he was like holding me up because it is almost over my head. And I went, 'Yeah, but I better get out.' So I got out.

The victim testified that after she left the whirlpool bath, Polanski told her to go into a nearby bedroom and lie down.

A: I was going, 'No, I think I better go home,' because I was afraid. So I just went and I sat down on the couch.

Q: What were you afraid of?

A: Him. He sat down beside me and asked me if I was OK.

Q: What did you say, if anything?

A: I said, 'No.'

Q: What did he say?

A: He goes, 'Well, you'll be better.' And I go, 'No, I won't. I have to go home.'

Q: What happened then?

A: He reached over and he kissed me. And I was telling him, 'No,' you know, 'Keep away.'

After Polanski kissed her, the girl claimed he began to engage in oral sex.

A: ... I was ready to cry. I was kind of â€" I was going, 'No. Come on. Stop it.' But I was afraid.

Q: And what did he say, if anything?

A: He wasn't saying anything that I can remember. He was â€" sometimes he was saying stuff, but I was just blocking him out, you know.

The girl testified that Polanski started having sex with her, but sodomized her instead, when he discovered she was not on birth control.

A: He asked, he goes, 'Are you on the pill?' And I went, 'No.' And he goes, 'When did you last have your period?' And I said, I don't know. A week or two. I'm not sure.'

Q: And what did he say?

A: He goes, 'Come on. You have to remember.' And I told him I didn't.

Q: Did he say anything after that?

A: Yes. He goes, 'Would you want me to go through your back? And I went, 'No.'

Afterward, she got dressed and waited in the car for Polanski to drive her back home. She testified that before leaving, he asked her to keep the ordeal a secret.

A: He said to me, he goes, 'Oh, don't tell your mother about this.' ...

Q: What did you say?

A: I wasn't saying anything. He says, 'Don't tell your mother about this and don't tell your boyfriend either.' ... He said something like, 'This is our secret.' And I went, 'Yeah.' And then later he said, 'You know, when I first met you I promised myself I wouldn't do anything like this with you.'“

Polanski was 44-years-old at the time of the rape. He was charged with furnishing a controlled substance to a minor, lewd or lascivious act on a child under 14, unlawful sexual intercourse with a female under the age of 18, rape by use of drugs, and sodomy.

Polanski pleaded guilty to unlawful sex with a minor but fled the country in 1978, prior to sentencing. There were both outstanding U.S. and international warrants for his arrest. For years, he was very careful not to travel to countries that have an extradition treaty with the U.S.

At the time of his arrest, last September, Polanski was in Switzerland for a Zurich film festival, at which he was to be given the Golden Icon Award.


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