Wednesday, November 10, 2010 selling a book promoting child molestation

The online retailer is selling a book which defends the act of pedophilia and advises molesters on how to protect themselves from prosecution.

The electronic book, "The Pedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure: a Child-lover's Code of Conduct" was written by Philip R. Greaves II and is available for Inc.'s Kindle e-reader.and can be purchased for $4.79.

The book’s description, written by the author, reads: “This is my attempt to make pedophile situations safer for those juveniles that find themselves involved in them, by establishing certain rules for these adults to follow. I hope to achieve this by appealing to the better nature of pedosexuals, with hope that their doing so will result in less hatred and perhaps liter sentences should they ever be caught.”

One angry reviewer left the following comment: “As a mother of a child who has been molested, shame on Amazon for allowing such garbage to be sold on it's site. The author of this book is a predator and should never have been allowed to write or promote this trash that is called a book of information. How many children will be assaulted because of this. Amazon-take it off your site.”

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