Sunday, November 7, 2010

What role did fraud play in the midterm elections?

It is certain that fraud plays a role in every election, but last week’s midterms may prove to be the most fraudulent yet, or at least, the election in which fraud has been the most widely reported.

More than likely, in most races, the results were not close enough for voter fraud to have actually decided an election. However, in a few, either the final vote total was so close, or the reports of abuse and outright fraud were so widespread that some of those returning to Congress in Januaryâ€"may be doing so thanks to erroneous measures.

The following is a list of reports of alleged fraud committed during the 2010 elections:

-The Lexington Herald-Reader reported that Kentucky election officials received more than 100 calls to a voter fraud hotline from 46 counties by early Tuesday afternoon. The calls included accounts of electioneering, general fraud, broken voting machines, possible political operatives disrupting the polls and more. Four counties even had allegations of vote buying.

-On Election Day, many Nevada voters were outraged to discover that even before they had cast their vote, the machines were showing the box already checked for Harry Reid. While election officials publicly acknowledged the issue, they simply dismissed it as 'operator error.’

-According to the Associated Press, Republican Party lawyers have filed a complaint alleging that voter logs in at least two Nevada counties showed the number of ballots cast as larger than the number of voters who actually signed the election registers.

-For weeks, there have been reports that the Reid campaign along with Democratic union bosses were illegally buying votes with food and Starbucks gift cards.

-The Angle campaign has now filed a complaint with the Justice Department citing reports that casino executives unduly pressured their union employees to vote for Reid.

-Evidence was uncovered that a get-out-the vote organization tried to have recorded, 23,000 phony voter registrations in Harris County, Texas, including one woman who registered six times in the same day, registrations from illegal aliens and 1,597 duplicate registrations but with different signatures.

-In North Carolina, a federal judge ordered notices be placed on voting machines after it was verified that voting machines were switching straight-ticket Republican votes to straight-ticket Democrat votes.

-In Pennsylvania, the Bucks County Democratic Party was erroneously warning voters by mail that they may not be allowed to vote unless they sent their absentee ballots into a Democratic Party post office box, instead of the county voter registration office.

-A report in the Greeley Gazette detailed how a Democratic volunteer in Colorado offered to pay postage on voters’ absentee ballots which is a violation of state law.

-There have been numerous reports of Democratic Party volunteers filling out ballots for unresponsive patients in nursing homes in Fairfield County, Connecticut.

-On Thursday, two days after the election, Republican Party officials in Connecticut were notified by their Democratic counterparts that a bag of uncounted ballots had just been “discovered” in Bridgeport.

The questionable votes could possibly make the difference in the state’s very tight, still undecided gubernatorial election between Republican Tom Foley and Democrat Dan Malloy.

Read this writer’s eyewitness account of election improprieties and how the local press refused to report on it:

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