Monday, November 22, 2010

Travelers who refuse naked body scans, "enhanced pat downs" will now be arrested, fined

The Transportation and Safety Administration (TSA) has issued a warning to any “would-be commercial airline passenger” who enters an airport checkpoint, but refuses to submit to “the method of inspection designated by the TSA will not be allowed to fly and also will not be permitted to simply leave the airport.”

The TSA is now coordinating with local police departments to detain anyone who simply tries to exit the airport. The Palm Beach Post has reported: “Anyone refusing faces fines up to $11,000 and possible arrest.”

Teri Barbera, a spokeswoman for the Palm Beach Sheriff’s office, stated: “We will handle each incident on a case-by-case basis. The deputies will do it at the airport just as they would do it anywhere else.”

Sari Koshetz, a Florida regional TSA spokesperson said: “Once a person submits to the screening process, they can not just decide to leave that process.”

*Reporter’s note: So, Americans who are fed up or uncomfortable with naked body scans, being groped and fondled and seeing their children stripped in public will now be arrested if they choose to leave and remove themselves from the situation.

It should be noted that what TSA agents are doing to the flying public would be considered an assault anywhere in this country, and it could be argued that airports are now condoning false imprisonment…Both very serious crimes.

After the busy holiday season, I imagine we will see a veritable flood of lawsuits and criminal charges against TSA workers.

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