Thursday, November 3, 2011

20 providers. 10 countries. 5 continents. 1 goal.

two months after its launch in August, our We stop Badware™ Web Host program has garnered 20 hosting providers from around the world who have pledged to protect their networks and their customers by responding decisively to badware reports. We’re impressed and encouraged by the diversity of the providers who have voluntarily pledged to implement policies and procedures consistent with our best practices. we stop Badware™ now boasts participating providers from 10 countries on 5 continents, and participants include everyone from small providers who pride themselves on uncompromising security to several of the largest web hosting compani es in the world. we at StopBadware know what a crucial role web hosting providers play in both badware prevention and remediation; in fact, we’ve submitted badware reports to several of these companies ourselves, so in some cases we can vouch firsthand for their responsiveness. we commend these providers for their commitment to security and collaboration.

We stop Badware™ Web Host participants:

13StudioHost Portugal Blacknight Ireland Coolhandle Hosting United States Daycohost Venezuela DiscountASP.Net United States Host TugaTech Portugal InlandHost.NET India InNucleo, Alojamento Web Portugal Serverminds Netherlands SoftLayer* United States SpeedPartner GmbH Germany tetoOnline Portugal Texo Web Hosting South Africa TVCNet United States VEXXHOST Canada WebTuga Hosting Portugal WinHost United States WiredTree** United States Austria ZoneGS Portugal

*StopBadware Sponsoring Partner

**Previously recognized for exemplary responses to badware reports

A few points we’ll reinforce, at (acceptable) risk of sounding like a broken record: 

Websites are prime attack vectors. Hosting providers who address malware on websites within their zones of control protect countless users and additional website owners from infection. Self-evident? perhaps. Still, we’ve been aware from the beginning that web hosting providers operate within an extraordinarily competitive market and are often subject to diverse legal constraints. we also recognize that hosting providers are frequently the first to feel the ire of site owners whose domains have been infected, blacklisted, or taken down. In a competitive market, taking responsible action shouldn’t eve 14; mean losing business. for this reason, we publicly acknowledge and commend web hosting providers who commit to doing their part to stop badware, and we work hard to educate site owners about badware prevention and remediation. 

On that note, this one’s for the site owners (and future site owners): your web hosting provider matters, and not just to you. Hosting providers who take action to limit malicious content on their networks benefit you individually—whether your site is currently infected or not—and the Internet as a whole. Security isn’t just a consideration; it’s a necessity. is your hosting provider on this list? if not, why? 

StopBadware’s best Practices for Web Hosting Providers, on which the we stop Badware™ Web Host program is based, are designed to be implementable by hosting providers of every size and type. To address concerns about legal liability for malicious content on providers’ networks, we commissioned a legal whitepaper from the renowned Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University. the white paper, the best practices, and additional resources for web hosting providers are available at Learn how to sign up for the we stop Badware&tr ade; Web Host program here. Free resources for site owners who want to prevent or remove badware on their websites are available here. 

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