Saturday, November 12, 2011

Zenith RMM Gets Own Domain

A week after news broke that Zenith Infotech defaulted on a $33 million bond payment, its spinoff company â€" Zenith RMM â€" has its own domain:

Until yesterday, Zenith Infotech and Zenith RMM were sharing the same domain â€" Partners and customers visiting the Web site were greeted with an intercept page that asked offered links to the respective companies.

Earlier this week, MSPmentor reported that Zenith RMM was accelerating efforts to differentiate itself from Zenith Infotech, including a rebranding of the managed services company and developing alternative backup and cloud hosting services for its partners.

>> CHECK OUT: Zenith RMM Insulates Self from Zenith Infotech

The formal creation of the domain is a significant step in the two companies standing on their own, and will help separate Zenith RMM from the financial troubles embroiling Zenith Infotech. however, the creation of a domain is something that was probably in the roadmap for Zenith RMM’s development and the move comes less than a month after the company was formed.

Meantime, Zenith Infotech is continuing to maintain that it remains financially viable despite defaulting on a $33 million foreign currency convertible bond and is no danger of service disruptions. Creditors, on the other hand, say the default means Zenith Infotech must pay its full bond obligation, which is close to $85 million.

Requests by Channelnomics for comment have gone unanswered by Zenith Infotech.

While Zenith RMM is trying to distance itself from Zenith Infotech and Zenith Infotech continues to reassure partners of its viability, competitors continue to step up efforts to take advantage of the situation. Zenith Infotech has been a target of displacement campaigns by backup providers for some time and the news of the company’s financial troubles is giving them ammunition.

Lawrence M. Walsh is CEO and president of The 2112 Group, a technology business advisory service that specializes in optimizing indirect channels and partner relationships. He’s also the executive director of the Channel Vanguard Council. he is the former publisher of Channel Insider and editor of VARBusiness Magazine. you can reach him at .

On Twitter:Larry Walsh:@lmwalsh2112 | Channelnomics: @channelnomics

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