Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Why Is VPS Hosting Great for Resellers?

A reseller of virtual private server hosting is someone who rents or purchases their own virtual private server, then rents or sells pieces of their virtual server to others as individual sites. As a reseller VPS hosting will work great for you due to the ease of setting up new accounts as well as the amount of disk space and RAM available to you as a VPS host to those buying inhto your domains.

A reseller allows his domain users to utilize the bandwidth of the VPS as well as the hard drive space. the VPS hosts these third party sites at enough of a profit to make his venture worthwhile. the reseller will often purchase or rent the primary host VPS at whole sale prices and rent out shared space at a marked up price, very similar to whole sale stores who sell to private vendors. the private vendors will mark up the price so they can earn money in order to pay for the pr oducts they have purchased.

A reseller may potentially earn enough money to rent a full dedicated server to better serve their customers. Having a dedicated server as well as virtual private servers will undoubtedly draw more customers and get the reseller’s brand name out and draw more customers in. the reseller may even invest in more disk space and bandwidth. Disk space and bandwidth is allocated to each customer of the reseller. the reseller may also sell shared hosting services to their customer at a slightly marked up prices.

A reseller has very low overhead since VPS tend to be quite inexpensive. As a beginning company this type of webhosting is not a bad idea at all. the only issue may arise if the potential entrepreneur is not technologically sound, therefore has to invest in a tech support team or utilize the tech support team of the original VPS host. if this is the case, they may have to reimburse the host for the time and energy spent on tech support.

Many hosts will allow resellers to create their own plans in association with their VPS rental or sale. As long as the pricing scale conforms with the webhost, resellers can establish their own branding with their customized control panels and named servers. the reseller is more involved with interfacing with the public and making the sales. though some technological knowledge can certainly help, in the end the issues can usually be resolved simply by the data support of the host of the virtual private server.

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