Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Looking for economy hosting companies that offer cheap domain names too


The keywords ” easy on my pocket”, “small contracts”, “no initial setup fees”.

Secondly can someone tell me why cant i make this website made by myself show up on Google or any other search engine?it doesn’t look that bad does it?


Your site looks fine.  Very nicely done.  You have a Google Page Rank of 0.  That means it has been indexed and google knows the website exists.  If it were a gray bar, that means google doesn’t know about it.

What are you searching on to find your site?  What words (keyword phrase) do you want your visitors to use to find your site?  When you figure it out, those are the words you need to include in your meta tags.

Looking at your site’s source code, the title tag is “Positive Thinking”.  If you search on that term in Google, there are over 18 MILLION results.  You  have no keywords and no description.  Your domain name is “positive thoughts”, but in reality, it’s not really a domain name, it’s a sub-directory on  But that’s probably why you’re asking about economy hosting and cheap domains so you can get the hookup.  See below for that stuff.

Your H1 tag is “the Power of Positive thinking” and your h2 tag is “IDEA AND CONCEPTUALIZATION – GANESH SAWATKAR”.

Where are you getting your content from?  Are you copying it from other sources or is it your own genuine, original content?  Google looks less favorably on copied content.  Why should google give your site priority in the SERPS (search engine results pages) when there are other sites that are far more popular with original content?  I’m not saying your content is bad because it’s not, but other’s are already doing it.

You have to do keyword research to figure out how you want your pages to rank and that’s going to involve doing some onsite SEO (search engine optimization) work.

Economy Hosting

For reliable, economy hosting, I suggest WebHostingHub with cPanel control panel (my #1 choice) or iPage with vDeck control panel.  BlueHost and HostMonster are good, too.

Cheap Domain Names

Web hosting plans usually come with free domain names, but DO NOT DO THAT because you will not own the name, the web hosting company will and if you ever want to take possession of it, you’ll pay through the nose to get ownership.

Register cheap domain names at NameCheap.  Use the coupon code on that page.

Click here to get iPage web hosting with vDeck control panel and SimpleScripts 1-click software installer. your choice of 2 free drag-n-drop website creators. Create a site in 10 minutes. Anytime moneyback guarantee. An eco-friendly green web hosting provider.    

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