Thursday, January 26, 2012

Steelers’ Ben Roethlisberger settles lawsuit with woman who claims he raped her

On Friday, Cal Dunlap, the attorney representing the alleged victim, Andrea McNulty, told Associated Press “the matter has been resolved.”

McNulty claimed that the Pittsburgh Steelers’ quarterback raped her at Harrah’s Resort in Lake Tahoe, where she worked in 2008. She eventually filed a $440,000 lawsuit against Roethlisberger.

Neither Roethlisberger, nor his lawyer has offered any comment on the settlement.

Around 10:30 p.m., on July 11, 2008, Andrea McNulty was working as the concierge at the desk in the penthouse suite of Harrah’s Lake Tahoe. Roethlisberger was staying in the penthouse, while attending a celebrity golf tournament.

According to McNulty, Roethlisberger called the desk and complained that the sound on his television did not work. Unable to reach anyone in the maintenance department, McNulty went to his suite herself.

After discovering that the television was in fact working, she turned to leave, and Roethlisberger blocked the doorway and refused to let her leave.

McNulty alleged that he began kissing and groping her, pushing her onto the bed and despite her pleas, raped her. She said that because of the quarterback’s large stature, she was afraid that he “would physically harm her if she attempted to fight him.”

McNulty claimed that immediately after the rape, Roethlisberger became worried that there were cameras in the room and told her to leave.

McNulty reported the rape to Harrah’s head of security Guy Hyder, who she claims told her that the president of the casino was good friends with Roethlisberger and that “most girls would feel lucky to get to have sex with someone like Ben Roethlisberger.”

McNulty explained she never reported the rape to the police, in fear that she would lose her job. Struggling with depression, she spent the next several months in and out of the hospital, losing more than 30 pounds

Among other facilities, McNulty was admitted to Renown Regional Medical and CenterWest Hills Hospital, suffering from anxiety and depression. It was during one of her hospital stays, that she was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder.

In July 2009, she filed a lawsuit for both general and punitive damages, as well as lost wages.

However, at one time, McNulty actually offered to drop her lawsuit if Roethlisberger admitted to the rape, apologized to her and donated $100,000 to a charity which helps women recovering from domestic violence.

Through his attorney, Roethlisberger turned down the offer and continued to deny the assault took place.

In March 2010, McNulty’s claims seemed to gain some credibility, at least with the public, when a 20-year-old woman alleged that Roethlisberger sexually assaulted her in the restroom at a Georgia nightclub while his bodyguards blocked her friends from rescuing her.

Several witnesses came forward to corroborate the woman’s story.

However, police never brought formal charges against Roethlisberger.

Interestingly, the police officer who took the original report on the alleged crime resigned soon after it was determined that no charges would be filed.

Read more about the incident here:

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Steelers’ Ben Roethlisberger settles lawsuit with woman who claims he raped her

On Friday, Cal Dunlap, the attorney representing the alleged victim, Andrea McNulty, told Associated Press “the matter has been resolved.”

McNulty claimed that the Pittsburgh Steelers’ quarterback raped her at Harrah’s Resort in Lake Tahoe, where she worked in 2008. She eventually filed a $440,000 lawsuit against Roethlisberger.

Neither Roethlisberger, nor his lawyer has offered any comment on the settlement.

Around 10:30 p.m., on July 11, 2008, Andrea McNulty was working as the concierge at the desk in the penthouse suite of Harrah’s Lake Tahoe. Roethlisberger was staying in the penthouse, while attending a celebrity golf tournament.

According to McNulty, Roethlisberger called the desk and complained that the sound on his television did not work. Unable to reach anyone in the maintenance department, McNulty went to his suite herself.

After discovering that the television was in fact working, she turned to leave, and Roethlisberger blocked the doorway and refused to let her leave.

McNulty alleged that he began kissing and groping her, pushing her onto the bed and despite her pleas, raped her. She said that because of the quarterback’s large stature, she was afraid that he “would physically harm her if she attempted to fight him.”

McNulty claimed that immediately after the rape, Roethlisberger became worried that there were cameras in the room and told her to leave.

McNulty reported the rape to Harrah’s head of security Guy Hyder, who she claims told her that the president of the casino was good friends with Roethlisberger and that “most girls would feel lucky to get to have sex with someone like Ben Roethlisberger.”

McNulty explained she never reported the rape to the police, in fear that she would lose her job. Struggling with depression, she spent the next several months in and out of the hospital, losing more than 30 pounds

Among other facilities, McNulty was admitted to Renown Regional Medical and CenterWest Hills Hospital, suffering from anxiety and depression. It was during one of her hospital stays, that she was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder.

In July 2009, she filed a lawsuit for both general and punitive damages, as well as lost wages.

However, at one time, McNulty actually offered to drop her lawsuit if Roethlisberger admitted to the rape, apologized to her and donated $100,000 to a charity which helps women recovering from domestic violence.

Through his attorney, Roethlisberger turned down the offer and continued to deny the assault took place.

In March 2010, McNulty’s claims seemed to gain some credibility, at least with the public, when a 20-year-old woman alleged that Roethlisberger sexually assaulted her in the restroom at a Georgia nightclub while his bodyguards blocked her friends from rescuing her.

Several witnesses came forward to corroborate the woman’s story.

However, police never brought formal charges against Roethlisberger.

Interestingly, the police officer who took the original report on the alleged crime resigned soon after it was determined that no charges would be filed.

Read more about the incident here:

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Steelers’ Ben Roethlisberger settles lawsuit with woman who claims he raped her

On Friday, Cal Dunlap, the attorney representing the alleged victim, Andrea McNulty, told Associated Press “the matter has been resolved.”

McNulty claimed that the Pittsburgh Steelers’ quarterback raped her at Harrah’s Resort in Lake Tahoe, where she worked in 2008. She eventually filed a $440,000 lawsuit against Roethlisberger.

Neither Roethlisberger, nor his lawyer has offered any comment on the settlement.

Around 10:30 p.m., on July 11, 2008, Andrea McNulty was working as the concierge at the desk in the penthouse suite of Harrah’s Lake Tahoe. Roethlisberger was staying in the penthouse, while attending a celebrity golf tournament.

According to McNulty, Roethlisberger called the desk and complained that the sound on his television did not work. Unable to reach anyone in the maintenance department, McNulty went to his suite herself.

After discovering that the television was in fact working, she turned to leave, and Roethlisberger blocked the doorway and refused to let her leave.

McNulty alleged that he began kissing and groping her, pushing her onto the bed and despite her pleas, raped her. She said that because of the quarterback’s large stature, she was afraid that he “would physically harm her if she attempted to fight him.”

McNulty claimed that immediately after the rape, Roethlisberger became worried that there were cameras in the room and told her to leave.

McNulty reported the rape to Harrah’s head of security Guy Hyder, who she claims told her that the president of the casino was good friends with Roethlisberger and that “most girls would feel lucky to get to have sex with someone like Ben Roethlisberger.”

McNulty explained she never reported the rape to the police, in fear that she would lose her job. Struggling with depression, she spent the next several months in and out of the hospital, losing more than 30 pounds

Among other facilities, McNulty was admitted to Renown Regional Medical and CenterWest Hills Hospital, suffering from anxiety and depression. It was during one of her hospital stays, that she was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder.

In July 2009, she filed a lawsuit for both general and punitive damages, as well as lost wages.

However, at one time, McNulty actually offered to drop her lawsuit if Roethlisberger admitted to the rape, apologized to her and donated $100,000 to a charity which helps women recovering from domestic violence.

Through his attorney, Roethlisberger turned down the offer and continued to deny the assault took place.

In March 2010, McNulty’s claims seemed to gain some credibility, at least with the public, when a 20-year-old woman alleged that Roethlisberger sexually assaulted her in the restroom at a Georgia nightclub while his bodyguards blocked her friends from rescuing her.

Several witnesses came forward to corroborate the woman’s story.

However, police never brought formal charges against Roethlisberger.

Interestingly, the police officer who took the original report on the alleged crime resigned soon after it was determined that no charges would be filed.

Read more about the incident here:

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Gov. Haley Barbour pardons Brett Favre’s brother (plus murderers and rapists)

On Tuesday, outgoing Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour issued dozens of controversial pardons among them was one for the brother of longtime Green Bay Packers’ quarterback, Brett Favre.

In 1997, Earnest Scott Favre pleaded guilty to manslaughter charges after he drove in front of a train in Pass Christian, resulting in the death of his passenger Mark Haverty. Favre was drunk at the time.

Favre spent a year on house arrest and another two years on probation.

However, after receiving Barbour’s pardon, his record will be completely cleared of the charges.

On his final day in office, Barbour granted more than 200 pardons, many of them going to drug dealers, murderers and rapists.

Barbour also pardoned convicted murderer David Gatlin, who shot his estranged wife, Tammy Ellis-Gatlin in the head in 1993. He was found guilty of murder, aggravated assault and burglary and sentenced to life in prison.

Another killer, Joseph Ozment also received a pardon. He was convicted in 1994 of murder, conspiracy and armed robbery after killing store clerk Ricky Montgomery during a robbery.

Both of the aforementioned murderers will now be able to move about as they please and legally purchase and carry a gun.

In an attempt to explain his actions, Barbour issued the following statement: “The pardons were intended to allow them to find gainful employment or acquire professional licenses as well as hunt and vote. My decision about clemency was based upon the recommendation of the Parole Board in more than 90 percent of the cases.”

On Wednesday night, Circuit Judge Tomie Green issued an injunction, blocking 21 of Barbour’s pardons. The measure was taken at the request of Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood.

See a full list of Gov. Barbour's pardons:

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Father in jail after dispute with son over burned biscuits

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    Va. man sentenced for murder of 2-year-old stepson

    Roanoke, VA â€" On Friday, Brandon Lockett, 25, was sentenced to 40 years in prison for second-degree murder and 10 years for felony child abuse for the 2010 death of his stepson, Aveion Lewis.

    The boy’s mother, Morgan Lockett, was also sentenced earlier this month to 40 years behind bars for her Aveion’s death.

    According to prosecutors, the Locketts starved and neglected the child. Both pleaded no contest to the charges.

    In January 2010, Brandon Lockett told police that three assailants forced their way into the family’s Jamestown Place apartment, struck him unconscious, and when he awoke, his stepson was gone and his 4-year-old daughter was bound and gagged.

    He said that the kidnappers left a $10,000 ransom note.

    Though police were suspicious of Lockett’s story, they issued an Amber Alert for the missing toddler, conducting traffic stops, going door-to-door in his neighborhood, and passing out fliers.

    Roanoke Police Chief Joe Gaskins told reporters: "We had some reservations about the stories that were being told, but considering the child, we couldn't afford to assume that an abduction had not occurred, so we certainly had to work it from the angle that there had been an abduction."

    The next day, police charged Lockett after he admitted that the child was dead before he contacted authorities.

    Two weeks later, the little boy’s body was discovered in a landfill, wrapped in plastic and tape.

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    Iraq War veteran arrested as suspected serial killer

    Anaheim, CA â€" On Saturday, police announced the arrest of 23-year-old Itzcoatl Ocampo of Yorba Linda for a string of recent murders in which homeless men were targeted.

    Anaheim Police Chief John Welter said: “We are extremely confident that we have the man who is responsible for all four murders of homeless men in Orange County.”

    Ocampo, a former U.S. Marine was arrested Friday night after witnesses followed him from the parking lot of a fast food restaurant, where a homeless man was stabbed to death.

    The latest victim has been identified as 64-year-old John Berry, a Vietnam veteran.

    The other three victims were

    -James McGillivray, 53, was stabbed to death as he slept just outside a shopping center in Placentia on December 20.

    - 42-year-old Lloyd Middaugh’s body was discovered in a riverbed in Anaheim on December 28.

    -Paulus Cornelius Smit, 57, was found stabbed to death behind a public library in Yorba Linda on December 30.

    Police feared that the serial killer was becoming more brazen after Smit’s body was discovered, as he was actually murdered during daylight hours.

    All four men were each stabbed multiple times.

    As for the suspect, Ocampo’s uncle, Ifrain Gonzalez, has told reporters that his nephew has been seeing things and hearing voices since returning from his tour of duty in Iraq.

    Gonzalez said: “When he came back from Iraq, he was sick.”

    Ocampo reportedly never sought help and spent most of his time in his bedroom playing video games.

    He is expected to be charged with four counts of murder as early as Monday.

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    Thugs who posted violent attack on Youtube now under arrest

    Chicago, IL - Six teenagers are under arrest tonight with two more expected to turn themselves in shortly after a brutal robbery that the assailants filmed and posted to Youtube.

    It was that same video that led to the capture of the suspects, after police began receiving tips from the public on the identity of those involved in the attack.

    On Sunday afternoon, the victim, a 17-year-old boy was walking past James Ward Elementary School in the Bridgeport section of the city when the thugs grabbed him. He was beaten mercilessly for several minutes and robbed of his wallet and shoes.

    The taped beating lasted for an excruciating 3 minutes and 39 seconds, during which time the victim was punched, kicked and choked.

    Amazingly enough, he suffered only minor injuries and was treated and released at Mercy Hospital.

    Police Supt. Garry McCarthy told CBS Chicago: “The fact that these kids think its okay to video this; which they’re doing on purpose, it didn’t happen by accident, somebody didn’t just say, ‘Oh, I have a phone, let’s tape this … it’s deliberate.”

    “Fortunately, you know, we don’t have serious injury or death here. Someone picks up a brick, who knows, right? So, that’s the next step in this evolution. It becomes almost like a gateway,” McCarthy said.

    Of course, these types of brutal attacks have become commonplace in Chicago.

    McCarty stated: “This isn’t new, unfortunately. This is a dynamic that’s been going on for a while. Almost common, let’s put it that way. We just had an incident with a homeless man getting knocked out on a train platform, right? We were able to make arrests on that very quickly, but it’s the same exact thing. They did it on purpose, they taped it on purpose and then they put it up on YouTube.”

    The victim in this case, reportedly attends Marie Curie Metropolitan High School, while the alleged attackers all attend Thomas Kelly High School.

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    Thursday, January 19, 2012

    Lady Bears Remain Unanimous No. 1 In Women’s Poll

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    (January 16, 2012)–The Lady Bears received all the first-place votes Monday for the seventh straight week after routing Oklahoma State and Texas to remain No. 1 in the associated Press women’s college basketball poll.

    Baylor has a challenging week ahead, visiting No. 17 Texas Tech and hosting No. 23 Kansas State.

    The Wildcats entered the Top 25 for the first time since the final poll of 2009 after beating then-No. 10 Texas Tech by one point.

    Notre Dame, Connecticut, Stanford and Duke followed Baylor. Kentucky jumped to sixth after beating Tennessee and South Carolina.

    Rutgers ranked seventh and Maryland fell to eighth after losing at Miami for its first loss.

    The Lady Vols and Ohio State round out the top 10.

    Penn State reentered the poll at No. 22 after defeating Nebraska, which fell from 15th to 20th. Gonzaga and South Carolina dropped out a week after entering the Top 25.

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    JaguarPC Rolls Out CloudLinux Across Shared & Reseller Web Hosting Services

    Fulshear, TX (PRWEB) December 28, 2011- JaguarPC, a market-leader in shared hosting, reseller web hosting, Virtual Private Servers (VPS hosting), and dedicated server hosting, announced today the implementation of the CloudLinux operating system (OS) to further improve server stability. Working alongside the policies and practices that JaguarPC already has in place, the deployment of this new operating system specifically designed for use in shared hosting environments provides customers with peace of mind that their web presence is in good hands.

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    What is Web Hosting? – Web Hosting Defined

    If you look for the term ‘good web hosting plans’ on search engines, over one million sites are listed for selection. upon closer scrutiny, most of them provide the same service as the next one, only at a different price. how does a person who is new to hosting services decide which one is the best? the terminology used by the service providers can be confusing and therefore, here is a list of words that we ar&# 101; going to define and these words are used in relation to web hosting. the words are web hosting, Linux server, unlimited disk space, and unlimited bandwidth.

    Web hosting, is a term undefined by many. Basically, it is a computer that stores your website files. it contains pictures, tests, and various other codes necessary to run a website. the server is accessible by other people and stores website files of others. In direct contrast, your personal computer is inaccessible to other people, and does not store anyone else files but yours.

    Linux server can be compared to Windows XP or Windows Vista; it works along the same line as the operating system in your computer. Windows XP and Windows Vista are the normal operating systems in personal computers. there are some advanced level users who do use Linux in their personal computer, but normally Linux is operated as a host server. Linux has much more security than other operating systems. it requires the user to give permission for every single command given. Linux works like an antivirus. Linux hosting is known for its safety, and any hosting service provi der that uses Linux, is assured of the safety of their hosting service.

    You are not limited in any way in the number of files you can have if you are offered unlimited disk space.

    When unlimited bandwidth is stated it is stating that virtually an infinite number of visitors can visit your site at the same time.

    All hosting services will use the terms above, so it is smart to be familiar with them. the most important service of a web hosting service provider is that they provide excellent customer service. we hope now, when you are trying to select the best web hosting service for you, you are familiar with the new terms, understand them, and know what services are being offered.

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    Web Host HostFiniti Launches Hosting and Domain Package for Resumes

    HostFiniti says its new service will help make resumes seen on search engines

    (WEB HOST INDUSTRY REVIEW) — Web hosting provider HostFiniti announced on Tuesday that it has launched a new service for those seeking new employment. HostFiniti says its about me service allows users to create a personal website to promote their resume.

    While HostFiniti’s service has the same name as another popular site used to do the same thing,, it allows customers to choose a domain ending in .com, .net or .info for free. offers analytics that indicate how many people have seen your profile, and where they click, but HostFiniti’s version does not appear to offer this feature.

    HostFiniti’s AboutMe service costs $19.99 per year, and includes a domain name, web hosting, site building tools, as well as assistance from a professional web designer.

    “Hiring managers see dozens of resumes every day from people hoping to get an interview and a job. However, today the world of employment is online, which makes paper resumes a bit outdated,” En Chen, sales director for HostFiniti said in a statement. “we believe we can help job seekers get excellent visibility online with a professional, personal website that allows them to post their resume, as well as samples of their work, details on the kind of projects they have worked, references from supervisors and managers and any ot&# 104;er material each person feels will help them in their job search. AboutMe makes job seekers more visible on the web, and improves their chances of landing the job they are seeking.”

    Without a pre-determined format, AboutMe allows job seekers to present their career and educational backgrounds in a flexible and creative way. or, it gives the option to work with professional designers. HostFiniti’s design team works from a template and will build up to five pages at no cost.

    HostFiniti submits the AboutMe sites to search engines like Google, Yahoo! and Bing.

    To prevent spam, HostFiniti says that it will equip users with special techniques that hide email addresses but allow contact from legitimate traffic. HostFiniti will also provide a free telephone number that allows users to screen calls, record calls, block numbers and manage contacts.

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    How To Be Profitable With The Help Of Dedicated Server Hosting Services

    For an e-commerce firm here in Australia, the holiday shopping season does present an opportunity for them to earn more. This is actually the only time that they would be able to make a sale. the main concern here is that it can be double-edged sword. An increase in visitor volume in websites can put a great strain on a company’s servers. the worst scenario that can happen is for the website to break down just when customers are starting to co ;me in. but that should not give you a lot of worries. There is a simple solution for that. a dedicated server hosting provider can be a very handy means for a firm to increase the capacity of their data centre. In fact, dedicated server hosting services can deliver a whole range of benefits for you when you work with them. This is one business investment you should consider.

    A dedicated server hosting provider can be a very handy means for you to improve your chances of staying in business. In this way, you can serve your customers with greater efficiency. There are so many things that you can do with the use of dedicated server hosting services. you can be sure to get the job done with their help. to begin with, dedicated servers can help you operate fast. Take note that speed is very important in e-commerce. the faster your customers are served, the more people can buy from your website. Of course, higher visitor volume would call for a powerful server. and this is something that you can get with the help of hosting service providers. they can provide you with powerful servers that can support you during this period of intense selling and buying. and you don’t have to worry about it.

    The next advantage would be in terms of reliability. If anything, a reliable server is the best thing that you can ever have for your e-commerce business. There are so many things that you need to do when people buy products and services from your website. This means that your website should be working properly all the time. This would call for a good data centre. and there is no problem when it comes to security. Dedicated server hosting services are noted for their intense security. Only authorized personnel are allowed to be even near your server. but that means virtually no one can even come close. Their facilities are said to be the safest in the world, so you can rest knowing that your business information is safe. all these can be yours with the help of a hosting provider. certainly a business investment you should try.

    Now, the only thing you have to do is to search for the right dedicated server hosting provider who can support your e-commerce company. There are so many of them here in Australia. Of course, there can only be one that will suit your needs. so you should take your time to search for that ideal hosting firm.

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    Free and Paid Press Release Distribution: – Sanjay Kumar - Announces Special Offers On Its Third Anniversary

    The rapid increase in the number of business owners taking their business online, the market for high quality and secure web hosting services is on a rise. A rise is also noted in the number of webmasters shifting their business websites from the shared web servers to the dedicated servers, semi-dedicated servers, virtual private servers and seedbox. These activities has also encouraged many companies to impress their clients by offering web hosting packages for dedicated web servers platforms like  Windows, Linux, Cisco, ePanel and CentOS.

    In addition to the novice website hosting services providers, a number of experienced companies have built a good reputation by providing large date centers hosting services to both local and offshore companies. SuperSeedbox announces the completion of third consecutive year of providing dedicated server hosting services. the company was officially launched on 8th January 2009. But within a time span of three years the company has captured a substantial market share by providing its clients with a wide range of super sped servers and high quality technical support.

    The spokesperson of SuperSeedbox wishes its clients a happy new Year and also thanks them for their co-operation and support. she also proudly highlights the rapid growth and achievement of the hosting services provider within a span of three years. “We are grateful to our clients for their continuous support and co-operation. we launched our operation on 8th January 2009 with four clients and a single Kimsufi server. Within three years, SuperSeedbox has already filled in the market gap by providing clients with excel&# 108;ent support and options to choose from a wide range of super speed servers. we have sustained a base of thousands of satisfied and happy clients. our clients have further assisted in expansion of our business operation through their word-of-mouth publicity on the seedboxes and servers.”- enunciates the spokesperson.

    On its third anniversary, SuperSeedbox also announces a number of initiatives to impress both existing and prospective clients. Along with a new and designed website, the hosting service provider also promises new and exciting sandbox plans, VPS and Dedicated servers and throughout the day ticket support. the website further announces some special discounts to attract and retain its past clients. the company offered its past clients a 50% discount on all its seedboxes for the first month along with a seven days refund guarantee. Also, the company once again promised its past clients to provide the best super speed servers and sandboxes plus high quality services and support.

    The third anniversary and new Year offers announced by SuperSeedbox also aim to beat its rival and competitors. with more and more companies offering dedicated web servers and sandboxes to the webmasters, the improvement in features, facilities and support will definitely impress the past, existing and new clients. Along with the competitive pricing of website hosting packages and 99% uptime guarantee, the website also try to impress webmasters by offering 24X7 technical support and money back guarantee. the company also aims to capture a la rger market share by its next anniversary celebrations.

    Want to get the details of these irresistible offers? Visit them now at their web presence at, to know more!

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    Monday, January 16, 2012

    PremiumHost Partners with SmarterTools

    New York, NY (PRWEB) January 11, 2012

    PremiumHost, a premium reseller hosting provider, is pleased to announce a partnership with SmarterTools Inc., an information technology management software provider.

    Under the terms of the partnership, PremiumHost will provide a bundle of SmarterTools software to customers at no additional cost with the purchase of a Windows VPS hosting package.

    Valued at $800 (U.S. dollars), the software bundle includes the latest versions of the SmarterMail mail server, SmarterStats Web log analytics and SEO software, and SmarterTrack customer service software.

    About SmarterTools Founded in 2003, SmarterTools Inc. is an information technology management software company based in Phoenix, Arizona. SmarterTools builds a Windows mail server, customer service software, and Web log analytics and SEO software that simplify and automate the day-to-day IT operations of businesses and hosting environments in over 100 countries. Additional information about SmarterTools Inc. and the SmarterTools product line is available at the company website:

    About PremiumReseller Founded in 2005, PremiumHost is a leading reseller hosting provider specializing in Windows and Linux hosting services. With thousands of customers worldwide, PremiumHost constantly revolves and utilizes latest hosting technologies to offer resellers the most attractive hosting plans with premium features at very competitive price. For customers who have succeeded with reselling hosting and need to expand business to a larger scale, PremiumHost offers managed Windows VPS and Cpanel dedicated server hosted in top notch data center in USA & UK. To find out more information about hosting services please visit company website at

    Read the full story at

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    Hosting Your Own Web Server – Things to Consider

    Are you disgusted or disappointed with your current web host? have you switched web hosting companies too many times? have you thought of hosting your own website(s)? Do you have the ambition to control and manage your own web server?

    If you answered ‘yes’ to the questions above, then you may be ready to host your own sites. this article will give you things to consider while making the switch.

    When being your own web host you should be technically inclined and have basic knowledge of operating systems, understand technical terms, understand how to setup a server environment (such as: DNS, IIS, Apache, etc.) have basic knowledge of scripting languages and databases (PHP, Perl, MySQL, etc.), be familiar with current technologies, and have a basic understanding of hardware and server components.

    You should realize the pros & cons. It is one thing to say, you want to host your own web server and it is another thing to actually do it.

    Own sense of responsibility
    Awareness level raised (you are at the frontline of all server happenings)
    No monthly hosting fees/accounts
    Incompetence no longer exist
    Non-shared environment (dedicated server)
    Unlimited websites, databases, content, storage, etc.
    More bandwidth
    No more waiting on someone else time
    Complete control

    Exhausting at times
    Faced with server/hardware problems
    ISP business account (monthly business/broadband expense)
    If server goes down then the website is offline
    No technical support team
    Software, hardware, and network expenses

    There could be many more pros & cons but I’ve pointed out some of the major ones. Managing a web server starts as a full time job, you must constantly monitor its performance and security. this can sometimes be an exhausting task, especially if you currently have other responsibilities. though, the control you will have over your website and its performance is rewarding enough. you no longer have to wait for technical support or approval to install a script onto the server. y&# 111;u can have as many websites and databases you want, as long as your hardware can handle it. you no longer have to go into the discussion forums and search for the best web host or rant about how much you hate your current host. you can even begin hosting family & friends personal websites.

    Ask yourself, how technically advanced are you? Many times you do not have to be a tech guru or anything of the sort, but you must be very resourceful. you must know how to find resolutions and answers to problems, quickly and efficiently. this means you must be internet savvy. Not just the average surfer, who surfs aimlessly, but you must be the surfer who can always find what they are looking for. this is key, & #098;ecause with any server environment you are going to run into problems and finding the answers are most accomplished online, using multiple resources, search techniques, and engines. sure you can hire someone to fix your problems, but as we should have learned from the web hosting, having someone do it for you isn’t always the best option. here is a test to see if you are ready to find solutions. I need &# 097; solution to a Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Event Error – Event ID: 1056 it’s a DHCP Server Error. how would you search? Go ahead find the solution.

    Did you first go to Google? If you did, that was a nice effort and common for most, plus a good place to start, but usually it is best to start at the developers’ website. In this case would have been the first option. why? Google would more than likely provide you with the answer from Microsoft and other sources, but you don’t want to get inaccurate information from other sources. It is common to g 1;t information from Microsoft that would not specifically resolve your problem, but the developer should always be your first place to search for the answers. Now search the error again and go to the Microsoft site and find the solution.

    You should had found this (Event ID 1056 is Logged after installing DHCP)

    What search phrase did you use? It should have been Event ID: 1056, because the Event ID is the exact error, it pinpoints your exact problem without broadening your search. sometimes the error description is also appropriate to search, just the error description by itself or in combination with the Event ID. It depends on your error, your search feedback, your ability, and technique. For this example I did not include the error description.

    Google or Yahoo should have been your second option (the two largest search engines). Then search other smaller and niche search engines. a good search site which makes use of Google’s operator tags is Next you should search within forums and discussion groups. If you are pretty internet savvy and have a plentiful or few forums and discussion groups which you frequent then you might actually visit those places before visiting Google or Yahoo. you can even visit those before visiting t& #104;e developer site since it is a trusted source, but I wouldn’t recommend it, I still would go to the developers’ site first. Okay, so now we have planted our feet and have familiarized ourselves with being internet (search) savvy. We are ready to purchase a server

    When making a server purchase you need to consider a few things before doing so. what to buy? a top of the line, quadruple processor, and super fast turbo server is always ideal, but many times it is not logical or affordable. Therefore, you need to weigh your options (sensibly).

    First determine your budget. be realistic and expect to spend at least $2,500 for a low-end server. For a low-end, quality server with other needed equipment and services I spent a little over $4,500 easily.

    Determine your ISP (broadband) provider. Research and speak with several different vendors before deciding which broadband solution best suit your needs. each provider plan is different and has different benefits, determine the best one which fits your needs. Bandwidth should be put into consideration when choosing your ISP.

    A backup device should be purchased before implementing a server install. the backup device should be double the server storage space. this could be a standalone unit like an external hard drive or network storage device or the backup device could be multiple devices such as: backup tapes, disc, etc. the reason the backup device should be larger is because you want to be able to have months worth of backups and not just weekly or monthly backups. you should have at least 2 4 weeks of backups without the concern of storage space. the backup device or safe deposits should also be external, removable, and portable. this is so the backups can be stored in a remote location. usually for safe-keeping, in event of a theft or disaster.

    Determine your daily traffic goal (the daily traffic which you hope to see within 1 year – be realistic), divide that number by the daily traffic you currently receive, and then multiply that number by 5. That is the total number of GB space you need.

    Daily Traffic Goal: 10,000 (Divided by) Current Daily Traffic: 500 (Times X) 5 = 100GB

    In the example you should purchase a 100GB Hard Drive, it is best to buy 2 or more drives oppose to 1. In this case, since 50GB drives do not exist or harder to find, you would buy two 60GB drives giving you a total of 120GB. 2 or more drives are usually needed in a server to configure the proper RAID option, in some cases 3 or more are needed. Your backup storage space should be a minimum capacity of 200GB (or 240GB, optional).

    Determine your memory. If your web server daily traffic goal is 500,000 then I would recommend at least 2GB worth of memory. If it is a shared server, meaning it also has other server services running on the machine, especially a mail server or database server (which is not recommended) then your memory should at least be 3GB or more. otherwise you can think small and upgrade as needed, a 1GB memory stick should be fine for starters.

    Determine your network components, which NIC card best performs under high traffic levels and which router best performs for your LAN / web server. It is best to get a router which has a built-in firewall (commonly known as a hardware firewall). Your ISP may provide you with a router or hardware firewall, this is how they are able to authorize your traffic on their network. like a cable box does for cable television. the router also shares your IP address with other clients on your network. this enables you to share your internet connection witho ut having to get a different IP from your ISP. the hardware firewall is simply a router with a built-in firewall, which means it shares your IP address as well as provides added protection to your network. It blocks bad addresses and ports at the forefront, before it can even make it to your computer. It is not recommended to rely only on a hardware firewall for security, this is just the first step. It is recommended to also include a software firewall (firewall software which installs on your computer) and it is recommended to continue timely security practices, such as updating and patching your system on a scheduled routine.

    Determine your processor speed and power. regardless of the amount of traffic you are expecting I would recommend a dual processor or greater. a dual processor or greater is best because if your website unexpectedly take off then you will be well prepared and if you host other server options or websites on the same server then you will have better performance. at the time of this writing the 64-bit platform is the processor direction. 3.8GHz is the most available speed. If your pockets can af ford the latest technologies then that is ideal, but keep in mind at this particular time a 64-bit compatible processor is not necessary, without having many applications that require or deliver on that platform. That is a lot of speed going no where fast. Also, remember the power of the 64-bit platform and the greater the processor speed the more heat it produces, therefore it must be cooled much more rapidly and efficiently. at this time a dual 32-bit, 2.8GHz – 3.2GHz processor will suffice (even that i 15; way more than enough). though, if your pockets can afford it then the latest and greatest would be fine, you will be well prepared. otherwise, do like most people and upgrade when the time comes.

    Make sure you have a CD/RW drive. a floppy disk drive is not needed, but I do recommend it for making system restore disk. the CD/RW drive is needed because you need some type of removable storage device. you never know when you need to install a driver from a different a ethernet driver. An external CD/RW drive is the best option, especially if you have multiple machines.

    Choose your operating system carefully. Choose the vendor which you are most comfortable with. Do not choose a MAC if you never used a MAC before. Just because your friend suggests it and says it is a piece of cake does not mean it will be for you. you are trying to get a web server online not re-learn a whole new system. Stay focused and grounded. If you are comfortable with Microsoft then go with Microsoft, regardless if the I T person at your job says Microsoft products are unsecure, Linux or Unix is more secure and much better for a web server. If you have never used Linux or (especially) Unix then you will be in for a ride of your life. Your web server experience will soon become a nightmare and you will have wasted thousands of dollars on equipment. Go with what you know, not what you are told. each platform has its pros and cons: Microsoft is the user-friendly of them all; Mac i ;s the web/graphic developer of them all; Linux is the open-source/developers paradise of them all; Unix is the most secure of them all. each of them can be tweaked in ways to provide a solid, quality platform, it is best to stick with what you already know.

    You should install on your system all the web services (such as: Apache, IIS, etc.), applications (such as: backup device software, RAID (Array) Manager), scripting languages (such as: PHP, Perl, etc.), CGI, Database (such as: MySQL, Microsoft SQL, etc.), and a web log analyzer (such as: weblog expert, nihuo, etc.). It is also recommended to perform system updates, security patches, and firewall installs and configurations. It is sometimes best to leave the security installs and configurations for after you have the system function ing properly to avoid any uncalculated problems. this way when you install the firewall and something stops working properly like connecting to your website from outside your network, you can troubleshoot assuming that it is the firewall, therefore you would begin by opening port 80 on the firewall. this method can save you a lot of hassle, but can sometimes be considered the unsecure method, especially if you don’t have a hardware firewall already in plac 01;.

    Next, there are a few things to consider before installing and configuring a server. Where to put it? a secluded, cool location is ideal, but if this cannot be accomplished then adjustments can be made.

    Locate a location within your home that is static-free, we do not want to put the server on the carpet, near curtains, or anything else that can produce a static reaction. the reason for this is that you do not want the server internal components to receive a static charge and short circuit.

    The location should be a cool environment, preferably below room temperature. the reason for a cool area is because servers (as well as desktop computers) produce large amounts of heat, the more heat it produces the more it needs to cool off. If the server is not kept cool, then this can lead to the server hanging and then eventually crashing. It’s the same result of when a car overheats, it stops running. you can keep a server internal components cool by keeping the room cool, additionally you can add more fans to t 4;e server which cools the server internal components, you can also position a standalone fan directly at the server back panel and constantly have the fan cool the server internal components. Depending on how cool your room is and how much heat your server produces, getting more fans for your server may be a must and not an option.

    It is suggested that the server is at a higher level within your house (mid-floor), because if it is in the basement and a flood occurs it could ruin it. If it is in the attic and the sun beams on the attic for hours the server could overheat. Mid-floor level is usually the cooler place within the home, but these recommendations is optional and you should put the server in the most comfortable and convenient space following the rest of &# 116;he guidelines.

    Be sure the area you choose is not damp or wet (no leaks, moisture, near any liquids, or near a window especially open). We all know what can happen when electrical components get wet.

    The server should sit at least 4 inches from the ground

    Be sure a working electrical outlet is near. It is an important to have a power supply, a good brand is APC. having a power supply can save you from electrical outages, blackouts, and brownouts. having a power supply helps the server keep its power, remain stable, and unaffected when there is an outage, as well it protects your server against electrical shock. If your outage remains more than 5 minutes it is recommended to begin backing up anything deemed important and shut the comp uter down voluntarily as well as any other electrical attached devices.

    Have a LAN line near and also a phone jack (if you plan on using the server for any dial-up services). It is not recommended to use your web service with a dial-up connection. a broadband connection or greater is recommend for optimal performance. the LAN line should never come from your wall and plug directly into your server, it should plug into a hardware firewall (usually a router with a built-in firewall).

    Depending on the size of the server and the internal components the server may be extremely noisy and loud, especially with the fans going. It is suggested to have the server in a secluded location which is not near any peaceful area of the house, such as: bedroom.

    Those are all some basic things to consider before hosting your own server. Hosting your own server is not an easy task, but once you have had some time and experience with it, it becomes a breeze. you will have a better web hosting experience, you will be more in tune and reliant to your customers, and you will gain greater technical aptitude. Hosting your own web server is rewarding, useful, and gives you the opportunity to host unlimited websites, databases, services, etc.

    If your web traffic becomes too great for your server then it is recommended to choose an offsite web host. It is recommend to purchase a dedicated server with a quality web host. If you choose a server with the above recommendations then your server traffic should be fine for at least up to 25,000,000 page views per month. It could be greater or less depending on your operating system, your server configuration, performance, applications, and services. the point is you should be well in a position to purchase dedica ted server space by the time your traffic gets too high, because if you are getting anything close to 1,000,000 page views a month you should have some competitive advertising or ecommerce income. and plus, with the knowledge you will gain from the experience you will be able to support your own server at a dedicated server (remote) location, thus cutting more overhead.

    The biggest disadvantage of hosting your own web server is the uptime reliability. If your web server powers down for any reason then your website is offline. usually web hosting companies have methods and networks to prevent this failure from affecting your website. usually if the system goes down they have a mirror location where your site is rejuvenated and doesn’t experience much downtime. some web hosts do not practice this method or any other fault tolerance. Imagine if a blackout or power outage occurs, then your web server could b&# 101; down for hours or even days, this can affect your business greatly. There are some hosting companies who provide mirror web hosting for a small fee, I haven’t found one that is reliable yet. Or you could cross your fingers and hope for the best, until you are able to host your server outside your home on a larger network.

    Hosting your own server usually is not a money-saving experience. It sometimes cost more to host your own server, when you total the up keep and maintenance. the benefit of hosting your own server is usually a better platform for your customers, because it is no longer a shared server and it gives you the ability to make global changes almost instantaneously. when your customers request more performance or specific applications, then you will be able to implement this immediately. Customers l ike to know that you are in control. If you tell your customers that the server will be down for maintenance from 6 a.m. – 7 a.m. then it would be best if that is when your server is down, not from 5 a.m. – 10 a.m. you know how your web host will tell you one thing and then you have to try explaining it to your customer. In the end it will benefit you to host your own web server as a web business, this helps you a nd your customers.

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    2011 in Review: The Year for Photographers and Creatives

    For the creative community, the year 2011 has been a wild ride. this was the year of new cameras and emerging camera categories, an explosive array of desktop, mobile, and cloud-based software and services, a renewed focus on Web design and Internet standards, and much more. Here are just a few of this year’s highlights.

    Nikon Coolpix P300Expanded functionality and features were essential attributes of the digital camera market this year. No longer characterized by discrete products that perform only a single set of tasks well, each sector â€" from point and shoot to DSLR â€" branched out to deliver enhanced capabilities. There were more popular camera sectors to choose from too, with the continued emergence of megazoom, mirrorless interchangeable lens cameras (sometimes called compact system cameras), and other hybrids and sub-genres. These products got plenty of attention, perhaps because there wasn’t a vast profusion of DSLR launches in 2011.

    One major reason for the vast variety is video. In the recent past, high-end still shooters eschewed video: it was hard to do well, too time-consuming to view, and even harder to edit. No longer. Now, nearly all major consumer DSLRs feature 1080p video capability with their new models. Indeed, full HD video has emerged in just about every camera segment.

    While some aspects of shooting got simplified, more options were introduced at the low end. over the last year, compact point-and-shoots acquired more manual controls and premium features. Canon’s PowerShot S90 and PowerShot S95 kicked off that trend, followed by the S100, Nikon’s Coolpix P300 (and the not-so-compact Coolpix P7100), and Fujifilm’s X10 and more-expensive X100.

    Final Cut Pro XThe software video arena erupted with the release of Apple’s Final Cut Pro X, the company’s overhaul of its professional non-linear video editing software. Upon its release, a burning question emerged: is the new FCP X a genuine professional video application or is it a glorified iMovie for advanced amateurs? Apple expected some pushback from its loyal but opinionated users, but perhaps not as much as it got.

    Initial lack of support for some of the industry’s popular hardware peripherals, and for some complex third-party software workflows that video pros had built over time around previous versions of Final Cut Studio, provoked a sharp, largely negative reaction from the community. As Macworld’s review noted, “Most of the features introduced in FCP X are welcome and badly needed. Some are long overdue. Still, others are positively jarring and require a change in mindset to appreciate.”

    Two subsequent moves from Apple cooled down the furor, at least somewhat. the company issued the 10.0.1 update, which restored a number of professional features, and also decided to resurrect sales of the software’s previous verison for those who still wanted it.

    For the record, when Macworld got its hands on the new program, we were fairly impressed with Final Cut Pro X, its tight integration with Motion 5 and Compressor 4, and its new pricing scheme.

    From the hardware side of the video universe, there was little to compare with the flip that Cisco pulled on the popular Flip series of camcorders. Hobbyist videographers (not to mention the rest of the planet) let loose a collective gasp of amazement when the company, after buying Flip’s manufacturer for some $600 million, decided just two years later to shutter it. Naturally, competitors such as Kodak, Sanyo, Samsung, Toshiba, and others were not shedding crocodile tears at this development and continued to cheerfully unveil new camcorders at a brisk clip.

    Adobe EdgeWhile the ascent of HTML 5 and the concurrent descent of Flash technology was embedded into the collective consciousness in 2010, the trend accelerated this year.

    One of Adobe’s most significant moves in 2011 was to drop the development of Flash for mobile devices. despite the extraordinary surge of anger at Apple for shining a merciless spotlight on Flash’s trans-platform technology issues, the trend away from it has now spread to the Windows 8 sidetoo.

    Undaunted, Adobe moved ahead this year to unveil an assortment of new interactive design authoring initiatives. the company unleashed Adobe Edge, a motion and interaction tool that lets creative pros build Flash-style animated Web content, and Adobe Muse, which provides a standards-based take on visual Web design. the new Carousel photo editing and sharing app ventures into the cloud with some altogether respectable results.

    And while it’s too soon to tell whether the effect will be for good or ill, Adobe also launched its software Subscription Editions program this year with Creative Suite 5.5, the first version of the company’s transition to an annual release cycle. it was accompanied by the predictable boatload of controversy.

    A milestone release of the Creative Suite, presumably CS6, will arrive next year and will include an updated version of Photoshop, according to Adobe.

    And just in case we may have forgetten about it, Quark spent the last three years developing the 2011 upgrade to its desktop publishing app, QuarkXPress. With Quark 9 came something different, though hardly revolutionary in conceptâ€"App Studio, which lets designers create apps for the iPad. while there are a few neat new desktop publishing tricks in Quark 9, the bulk of the release is focused on App Studio (actually operational with version 9.1). Macworld successfully created a special title for the iPadas pa&# 114;t of our review of the software, and on the whole, we found the update worth the wait.

    Also in 2011, Quark got sold, but the same team as before remains in place, and is now presumably freer to do more of what they want to do with the product.

    Wacom InklingWacom managed to boost its sector of the graphics tablet universe this year, letting loose new products at a swift pace.

    The new Inkling, a digital sketch pen and receiver, debuted in the fall to some fanfare. this hardware-software combo lets you draw on plain paper while the attached receiver captures your pen strokes.

    Despite some complaints about the software not yet being ready for prime time, overall the design community has been excited about the new gadget.

    Wacom has been a pen expert from the way back, but this year it offered a pen as a discrete iPad-based product. the Bamboo Stylus for iPad also opened to rave reviews.

    And then there were the slew of releases that impressively updated and improved on the entire Bamboo line and introduced the 24HD Cintiq.

    This year also saw an interesting CAD offering. while the computer aided design world generally stays pretty stable, with the usual players upgrading on a regular basis, Corel decided to throw a ball into the Mac court by introducing a brand new competitor: CorelCAD. It’s compatible with AutoDesk’s ubiquitous .dwg file format and is designed for folks who need a solid, professional app, but don’t want to part with a limb to acquire it.

    In digital photography, companies that rapidly innovate will reap rewards regardless of where they fall in the consumer spectrum. the question of whether the best camera (and camcorder) you own is the one that’s always in your pocket has never been more relevant. it will determine whether buyers will continue to go for the sub-$200 point and shoots that offer 1080p video or whether people will depend more and more on their iPhone 4 and 4S (or any new iPhone that Apple may release in 2012).

    The compact and mirrorless interchangeable lens camera segments will continue to progress, as hobbyist shooters seek a medium between basic point and shoots and DSLRs. There will be continued emphasis on video, and improvements likely at the high end of the DSLR market, especially in speed and performance. And while we’re on the topic, will Fuji or Canon or both announce entries into the mirrorless interchangeable lens market in 2012?

    Next year, we will likely see even more emphasis on camera-based photo sharing. Manufacturers have tried Wi-Fi, but many implementations of the technology remain problematic. while there may not be a concrete resolution to sharing issues, camera vendors will continue to concentrate on it.

    On the design side, there will be even more emphasis on standards-based site creation and design and cloud services, continuing this year’s trend. the disposition of iWeb, the relationship between iCloud and Web hosting as the era of MobileMe draws to a close, and the composition and timing of the next release of iLife are anyone’s guess.

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