Saturday, January 7, 2012

Don’t have knowledge on web hosting? Refer Reseller hosting options

The process of web page hosting is mostly based on two important features. these features are purchasing a domain and hosting the page. many schemes and plans are available today for hosting a page. these processes are free, expensive or cheap. Reseller hosting is one of the cheap methods of web hosting. nonetheless, this service can be utilized for opening a web hosting business by anyone in low investment. this article is based on the methods of starting a reseller hosting business.

There are two types of hosting environments that are found in general. the Linux hosting service is preferred by many because of the features that it offers and helps with the user interface. However, even Windows hosting environment has its own values which cannot be compared to Linux. the person needs to understand what kind of files is launched and which environment can read those files. this is the basic requirement for choosing a hosting company.

The company has to be finalized and then the person is required to open an account with the company. a certain amount of space is provided by the company to the person. this space is further divided and distributed among other users. the person in turn needs to pay the rent of the space to the actual company and collect rent from those users among whom the space was divided.

The space is a vital factor in web hosting process. Generally the companies offer a space of about 300 GB to an account. this space can be further divided but then the usage also should be low. this space cannot manage a huge traffic or uploading of a huge file. if the person feels the need of bigger space and bandwidth, then renting a dedicated server would be better.

Individual specifications are derived for Reseller accounts. the person can get the control panels and can make modifications with the space provided. User related issues can be resolved by the person without the permission of the hosting company.

The cost of the space can be determined by the reseller and the user has the choice to choose the space as per his requirement and budget. another factor to determine the cost of sharing is the bandwidth. the more the bandwidth, the more the price. the person must be clear about the bandwidth offered which can be effective on the performance of the website.

Many companies allow a basic demo and server test for the customers. this test shows the capacity of the server and how it works. the person is allowed to choose the company based on the merits of the server. the bandwidth is another criterion for choosing the hosting company as this only determines the smooth operation of that web page.

As there will be many users with so many accounts the service provider has to maintain a perfect database of the users and for the billing system. many companies provide software that does this in hosting which you can trust. a service provider has to give the customer support 24/7 and 365 days and this is particularly needed in Reseller Hosting. the complexity of the servers gets increased with the increase of number of users and hence th 1; service provider has to be very much cautious in this regard.

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1 comment:

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