Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Steelers’ Ben Roethlisberger settles lawsuit with woman who claims he raped her

On Friday, Cal Dunlap, the attorney representing the alleged victim, Andrea McNulty, told Associated Press “the matter has been resolved.”

McNulty claimed that the Pittsburgh Steelers’ quarterback raped her at Harrah’s Resort in Lake Tahoe, where she worked in 2008. She eventually filed a $440,000 lawsuit against Roethlisberger.

Neither Roethlisberger, nor his lawyer has offered any comment on the settlement.

Around 10:30 p.m., on July 11, 2008, Andrea McNulty was working as the concierge at the desk in the penthouse suite of Harrah’s Lake Tahoe. Roethlisberger was staying in the penthouse, while attending a celebrity golf tournament.

According to McNulty, Roethlisberger called the desk and complained that the sound on his television did not work. Unable to reach anyone in the maintenance department, McNulty went to his suite herself.

After discovering that the television was in fact working, she turned to leave, and Roethlisberger blocked the doorway and refused to let her leave.

McNulty alleged that he began kissing and groping her, pushing her onto the bed and despite her pleas, raped her. She said that because of the quarterback’s large stature, she was afraid that he “would physically harm her if she attempted to fight him.”

McNulty claimed that immediately after the rape, Roethlisberger became worried that there were cameras in the room and told her to leave.

McNulty reported the rape to Harrah’s head of security Guy Hyder, who she claims told her that the president of the casino was good friends with Roethlisberger and that “most girls would feel lucky to get to have sex with someone like Ben Roethlisberger.”

McNulty explained she never reported the rape to the police, in fear that she would lose her job. Struggling with depression, she spent the next several months in and out of the hospital, losing more than 30 pounds

Among other facilities, McNulty was admitted to Renown Regional Medical and CenterWest Hills Hospital, suffering from anxiety and depression. It was during one of her hospital stays, that she was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder.

In July 2009, she filed a lawsuit for both general and punitive damages, as well as lost wages.

However, at one time, McNulty actually offered to drop her lawsuit if Roethlisberger admitted to the rape, apologized to her and donated $100,000 to a charity which helps women recovering from domestic violence.

Through his attorney, Roethlisberger turned down the offer and continued to deny the assault took place.

In March 2010, McNulty’s claims seemed to gain some credibility, at least with the public, when a 20-year-old woman alleged that Roethlisberger sexually assaulted her in the restroom at a Georgia nightclub while his bodyguards blocked her friends from rescuing her.

Several witnesses came forward to corroborate the woman’s story.

However, police never brought formal charges against Roethlisberger.

Interestingly, the police officer who took the original report on the alleged crime resigned soon after it was determined that no charges would be filed.

Read more about the incident here: http://www.examiner.com/sports-headlines-in-national/roethlisberger-probe-officer-who-took-first-report-quits-team-weighs-discipline-options

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