Saturday, January 21, 2012

Gov. Haley Barbour pardons Brett Favre’s brother (plus murderers and rapists)

On Tuesday, outgoing Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour issued dozens of controversial pardons among them was one for the brother of longtime Green Bay Packers’ quarterback, Brett Favre.

In 1997, Earnest Scott Favre pleaded guilty to manslaughter charges after he drove in front of a train in Pass Christian, resulting in the death of his passenger Mark Haverty. Favre was drunk at the time.

Favre spent a year on house arrest and another two years on probation.

However, after receiving Barbour’s pardon, his record will be completely cleared of the charges.

On his final day in office, Barbour granted more than 200 pardons, many of them going to drug dealers, murderers and rapists.

Barbour also pardoned convicted murderer David Gatlin, who shot his estranged wife, Tammy Ellis-Gatlin in the head in 1993. He was found guilty of murder, aggravated assault and burglary and sentenced to life in prison.

Another killer, Joseph Ozment also received a pardon. He was convicted in 1994 of murder, conspiracy and armed robbery after killing store clerk Ricky Montgomery during a robbery.

Both of the aforementioned murderers will now be able to move about as they please and legally purchase and carry a gun.

In an attempt to explain his actions, Barbour issued the following statement: “The pardons were intended to allow them to find gainful employment or acquire professional licenses as well as hunt and vote. My decision about clemency was based upon the recommendation of the Parole Board in more than 90 percent of the cases.”

On Wednesday night, Circuit Judge Tomie Green issued an injunction, blocking 21 of Barbour’s pardons. The measure was taken at the request of Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood.

See a full list of Gov. Barbour's pardons:

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