Saturday, October 31, 2009

San Francisco protecting illegal alien gang members (again)

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Last week, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted 8-2 to stop reporting juvenile illegal aliens arrested in the city, to federal authorities for deportation. A former illegal alien himself, and sponsor of the new ordinance, Supervisor D... immigration news - sex crimes of illegal immigrants

Why has the press ignored a possible assassination attempt on Lou Dobbs?

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Three weeks ago, CNN host Lou Dobbs and his wife survived a drive-by shooting at their home in New Jersey. At the time of the attack, Dobbs’ wife was outside of the home, standing in the driveway. On October 26, Dobbs discussed the immigration news videos

Maryland has become a haven for illegal alien gangs...more on the way

[ unable to retrieve full-text content]

The Northern Virginia Regional Gang Task Force just released a report which claims that due to tougher laws and a concerted effort by law enforcement, many illegal alien gangs are leaving Virginia for the safe havens of Maryland. The report s...see justice served immigration news

Thursday, October 29, 2009

San Francisco protecting illegal alien gang members (again)

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Last week, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted 8-2 to stop reporting juvenile illegal aliens arrested in the city, to federal authorities for deportation.

A former illegal alien himself, and sponsor of the new ordinance, Supervisor David Campos told reporters: "This is really for our youth, for our kids. Because they deserve nothing more, nothing less than full equality with how the law treats them."

Campos, a native of Guatemala, entered this country illegally when he was 14.

The measure represents a reversal of policy, and a defiance of last year’s court ruling which forced San Francisco to report at least a segment of foreign nationals arrested in the city.

On October 22, 2008, the First District Court of Appeals for the State of California ruled that the San Francisco Police must follow state law which requires police officers to contact federal authorities when they arrest anyone for a narcotics violation, when they suspect the person to be either a legal or illegal alien.

The appellate court ruling reversed a lower court decision which claimed that San Francisco police officers were not required to comply with California state law, when arresting someone they suspected to be a foreign national.

The group Judicial watch filed the lawsuit against San Francisco Police Chief Heather Fong, on behalf of San Francisco resident Charles Fonseca.

Shortly after the ruling, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said: "This landmark ruling strikes at the heart of the sanctuary movement for illegal aliens. San Francisco and other sanctuary cities are not above the law. This court ruling exposes the lie behind the argument that state and local law enforcement cannot help enforce immigration laws."

The particular law in question, which provided the basis for the lawsuit reads as follows:

Section 11369 of the Health and Safety Code (Section 11369) states: "When there is reason to believe that any person arrested for a violation [of any of 14 specified drug offenses] may not be a citizen of the United States, the arresting agency shall notify the appropriate agency of the United States having charge of deportation matters."

This ruling forced the San Francisco police chief to become compliant with state law and direct her officers to report all suspects whose immigration status is in question, when that suspect is arrested for drug violations. Given the fact that 90 percent of the illegal drugs sold in this country are brought in from Mexico, the ruling promised to be very effective in dealing with Latin American drug gangs, now responsible for a great deal of violence in California and beyond.

In the year following the Appeals court decision, 149 juvenile illegal alien offenders were turned over to the feds for deportation.

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors’ vote has now undermined that ruling, despite the city’s recent history with violent illegal aliens.

In San Francisco, on June 22, 2008, three members of the Bologna family were gunned down by Salvadoran national and gang member Edwin Ramos. Tony Bologna, 48, and his sons Michael, 20, and Matthew, 16 were shot to death by Ramos as they sat in their car on a crowded street, in the city´s Excelsior District.

Ramos who is a member of the notoriously violent drug gang known as MS-13, shot the Bologna family to death because Tony Bologna had temporarily blocked the the path of the car in which Ramos was traveling, as the two cars made their way through an intersection. The Bologna men were returning home from a family barbecue.

As a juvenile, Ramos had committed felony attempted robbery and assault.

Shortly after the shooting, the San Francisco Chronicle reported, Juvenile Probation Department officials, did not report Ramos to federal immigration authorities for possible deportation because of San Francisco´s stated sanctuary policy.

The devastated wife and mother Danielle Bologna is now suing the city of San Francisco over the sanctuary policy , which contributed to the death of her family.

In July 2008, it was discovered that San Francisco authorities had shipped sent eight juvenile crack dealers from Honduras to a group home in Southern California, in order to shield the illegal alien gang members from Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. Shortly after arriving at the home, they all escaped and returned to the streets.

*Reporter’s note: While the San Francisco Board of Supervisors is working very hard for criminal aliens, they seem to have forgotten who they were elected to represent.

With every single crime committed against a San Franciscan by an illegal alien, lawsuits should be filed against every one of the eight Supervisors who have voted to protect illegal aliens, rather than the taxpaying citizens. They should be open to civil action, as they have created a environment which welcomes violent criminal aliens.

Hopefully, there will come a day when those who have raised their right hands and sworn an oath to protect their fellow American citizens, will be criminally prosecuted when they violate that oath and instead protect those who enter this country only to victimize our citizens.


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Why has the press ignored a possible assassination attempt on Lou Dobbs?

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Three weeks ago, CNN host Lou Dobbs and his wife survived a drive-by shooting at their home in New Jersey. At the time of the attack, Dobbs’ wife was outside of the home, standing in the driveway.

On October 26, Dobbs discussed the shooting on his radio show. Dobbs told his listeners that he has received countless death threats and has been forced to hire bodyguards.

While the attack is still under investigation by the New Jersey State Police, there is a great deal of speculation that it was committed, or at least incited by someone from one of the many illegal alien advocacy groups which continuously call for Dobbs to be fired from CNN.

Of course, Dobbs has been at the forefront of the illegal immigration issue as well as educating the public on Mexico’s ongoing drug war. His “Open Border” segments on his CNN show are not only embarrassing to both the U.S. and Mexican governments, but to groups such as MECHA, LULAC, La Raza, and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus who all push for amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens currently inside the U.S.

Along with the aforementioned ethnocentric rights groups, Fox News personality Geraldo Rivera has joined the chorus calling Dobbs a racist, and anti-Hispanic. Those claims are truly preposterous given the fact that Dobbs is married to a Mexican-American woman.

Dobbs is married to Debbie Segura who is a former CNN sports anchor. The couple has four children together.

With the exception of Dobbs‘ own show, the shooting at his home has received no coverage. Why would the press ignore such a story?

The following is a short list of possible reasons:

1) Dobbs has been highly critical of President Obama, and is the only mainstream media personality who has publicly discussed the as yet resolved issue of Obama’s birth certificate.

2) Dobbs’s reporting was instrumental in defeating the 2007 McCain/Kennedy Amnesty Bill. Illegal alien advocacy groups had pinned their hopes to so-called ‘comprehensive immigration reform,’ and were livid with Dobbs’ daily exposure of that bill’s actual agenda.

3) Dobbs took the lead in the coverage of the persecution of Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean. The pair was prosecuted by U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, and spent two years in prison for pursuing and shooting a Mexican drug smuggler.

Dobbs’ coverage of this case made many Americans begin to question the true agenda of our federal government and their commitment to defending the border.

4) Dobbs has consistently railed against globalism, political correctness, amnesty for illegal aliens, the validity of man-made global warming, and the government takeover of American industry…All of which have been embraced and promoted by the mainstream media.

The fact that the press cannot bring themselves to report on a major story, when a national figure has been the target of a drive-by shooting, simply because that figure has decided to report the truth and ask hard questions rather than push propaganda, it is sad state of affairs.

If newspapers such as the New York Times and network news departments want to know why no one pays attention to them any longer, this story shouts the grave answer loudly and clearly.

We have a corrupt mainstream press which meets in private with their own invention (President Obama), discussing ways to convince the American people that he truly is our savior, and fails to report stories on crime and corruption that could cast one group or another in a bad light.

For the mainstream press, journalism is truly dead.


immigration news - sex crimes of illegal immigrants

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

San Francisco protecting illegal alien gang members (again)

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Last week, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted 8-2 to stop reporting juvenile illegal aliens arrested in the city, to federal authorities for deportation.

A former illegal alien himself, and sponsor of the new ordinance, Supervisor David Campos told reporters: "This is really for our youth, for our kids. Because they deserve nothing more, nothing less than full equality with how the law treats them."

Campos, a native of Guatemala, entered this country illegally when he was 14.

The measure represents a reversal of policy, and a defiance of last year’s court ruling which forced San Francisco to report at least a segment of foreign nationals arrested in the city.

On October 22, 2008, the First District Court of Appeals for the State of California ruled that the San Francisco Police must follow state law which requires police officers to contact federal authorities when they arrest anyone for a narcotics violation, when they suspect the person to be either a legal or illegal alien.

The appellate court ruling reversed a lower court decision which claimed that San Francisco police officers were not required to comply with California state law, when arresting someone they suspected to be a foreign national.

The group Judicial watch filed the lawsuit against San Francisco Police Chief Heather Fong, on behalf of San Francisco resident Charles Fonseca.

Shortly after the ruling, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said: "This landmark ruling strikes at the heart of the sanctuary movement for illegal aliens. San Francisco and other sanctuary cities are not above the law. This court ruling exposes the lie behind the argument that state and local law enforcement cannot help enforce immigration laws."

The particular law in question, which provided the basis for the lawsuit reads as follows:

Section 11369 of the Health and Safety Code (Section 11369) states: "When there is reason to believe that any person arrested for a violation [of any of 14 specified drug offenses] may not be a citizen of the United States, the arresting agency shall notify the appropriate agency of the United States having charge of deportation matters."

This ruling forced the San Francisco police chief to become compliant with state law and direct her officers to report all suspects whose immigration status is in question, when that suspect is arrested for drug violations. Given the fact that 90 percent of the illegal drugs sold in this country are brought in from Mexico, the ruling promised to be very effective in dealing with Latin American drug gangs, now responsible for a great deal of violence in California and beyond.

In the year following the Appeals court decision, 149 juvenile illegal alien offenders were turned over to the feds for deportation.

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors’ vote has now undermined that ruling, despite the city’s recent history with violent illegal aliens.

In San Francisco, on June 22, 2008, three members of the Bologna family were gunned down by Salvadoran national and gang member Edwin Ramos. Tony Bologna, 48, and his sons Michael, 20, and Matthew, 16 were shot to death by Ramos as they sat in their car on a crowded street, in the city´s Excelsior District.

Ramos who is a member of the notoriously violent drug gang known as MS-13, shot the Bologna family to death because Tony Bologna had temporarily blocked the the path of the car in which Ramos was traveling, as the two cars made their way through an intersection. The Bologna men were returning home from a family barbecue.

As a juvenile, Ramos had committed felony attempted robbery and assault.

Shortly after the shooting, the San Francisco Chronicle reported, Juvenile Probation Department officials, did not report Ramos to federal immigration authorities for possible deportation because of San Francisco´s stated sanctuary policy.

The devastated wife and mother Danielle Bologna is now suing the city of San Francisco over the sanctuary policy , which contributed to the death of her family.

In July 2008, it was discovered that San Francisco authorities had shipped sent eight juvenile crack dealers from Honduras to a group home in Southern California, in order to shield the illegal alien gang members from Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. Shortly after arriving at the home, they all escaped and returned to the streets.

*Reporter’s note: While the San Francisco Board of Supervisors is working very hard for criminal aliens, they seem to have forgotten who they were elected to represent.

With every single crime committed against a San Franciscan by an illegal alien, lawsuits should be filed against every one of the eight Supervisors who have voted to protect illegal aliens, rather than the taxpaying citizens. They should be open to civil action, as they have created a environment which welcomes violent criminal aliens.

Hopefully, there will come a day when those who have raised their right hands and sworn an oath to protect their fellow American citizens, will be criminally prosecuted when they violate that oath and instead protect those who enter this country only to victimize our citizens.


see justice served immigration news

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wal-Mart fires security guard for protecting customers against armed suspect

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Earlier this month, Josh Rutner was performing his duties as an asset protection officer in an Ocala, FL Wal-Mart, when he observed a man stuffing merchandise into his pants. Rutner followed the suspect, Marc Ash, outside where he and another employee tackled the alleged shoplifter.

Just as had happened many times before, the shoplifter went down, and the merchandise in this case, a $42 box of golf balls, was recovered. However, unlike before, this suspect came back up wielding a knife.

Ash tried to slash Rutner in the face, and took off running across the parking lot. Rutner gave chase.

Rutner told the Star Banner: "I felt now that he was a danger to the public and the city. If he'd pull a knife on two security guards, he'd pull a knife on anyone."

A customer witnessed the scene as it unfolded and assisted Rutner in the chase. Ash dropped the knife and was arrested and charged with robbery with a deadly weapon and aggravated assault. He is in the Marion County Jail, his bail has been set at $57,000.

The next day, Wal-Mart fired Rutner for his actions.

Rutner reported: "They said this is a non-rehirable offense. At the age of 65, I can't even come back and become a greeter."

Rutner admits he understood Wal-Mart’s policy against chasing after armed suspects, but says the risk to customers and the public compelled him to act.

Wal-Mart has refused to comment on the possibility of ever rehiring Rutner.

This is not the first time a large, national chain has fired an employee who foiled a robbery attempt, or defended himself.

In May 2004, Pizza Hut deliveryman Ronald Honeycutt was set upon by an assailant who pointed a 9mm handgun at him, the deliveryman shot and killed the robber. The next day, Pizza Hut fired Honeycutt.

Honeycutt had just made a delivery in a very rough part of Indianapolis. He walked back to his van, where he was approached by Jerome Brown-Dancler. The would-be robber aimed his gun at Honeycutt, at which time he drew his own 9mm and squeezed off the entire magazine. After Brown-Dancler fell, Honeycutt picked up the assailant's weapon and drove back to the Pizza Hut. Upon his arrival, he instructed a manager to phone police.

Honeycutt had a concealed weapons permit, and claimed to have carried a handgun for every one of the twenty years that he delivered pizzas. Indianapolis prosecutors quickly cleared him of any charges.

Deputy Prosecutor Barb Crawford said: "He did what the law allows him to do to protect himself." Crawford went on to say: "This was late at night. This was a high-crime area. He (Honeycutt) left because he wasn't sure whether or not Brown-Dancler had any friends with. As it turns out, he did indeed have friends with him. They left when they heard shots fired."

It was obvious that Ronald Honeycutt acted in self-defense and was clearly within his rights to do so. It is also obvious that had he not been carrying a weapon, he could have easily been killed. He is with his family today, as a result of his constitutional right to keep and bear arms. However, Pizza Hut apparently would rather have their employees gunned down, than allow them to defend themselves.

Of course, chains such as Wal-Mart and Pizza Hut do not allow their employees to truly defend themselves or others for one reason…Money!

These companies have these policies in place for insurance reasons, or better put, to keep insurance costs down.

*Reporter’s note: Mr. Rutner acted heroically, he placed the safety of others before that of himself. He did not take the time to think about how he may be affected by chasing after a dangerous criminal. For that he should be commended.

As for Wal-Mart, they did not become the world’s largest retailer by caring about their employees, but rather by always putting the bottom line ahead of all other considerations.

We can decide whether or not to shop at a business with such values.


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Al Sharpton at the center of another fake crime

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Megan Williams, who in 2007 told police in West Virginia that she had been tortured and sexually assaulted for several days by a group of white people, has now admitted that the entire story was a lie.

Williams, then 20 years-old, told Logan County Sheriff’s Deputies that a total of seven white assailants held her for days in a trailer where she was stabbed, beaten, sexually assaulted, scalded and psychologically tortured with racial taunts.

Williams, who dated one the attackers, says now that she made up the story in retaliation after her boyfriend beat her.

Her attorney Brian Potts told reporters: "She told me the only thing not self-inflicted were the bruises on her face.”

Six of her supposed attackers are now serving long prison sentences.

Shortly after reporting the ordeal, Al Sharpton rushed to West Virginia and demanded that hate crimes charges be brought against the alleged attackers. He did so, even over the objections of the local NAACP.

Williams and her mother collected $70,000 in donations after her story made national news. Sharpton himself gave her $1,000.

On Wednesday, Sharpton issued a statement saying: "Our involvement surrounded a call for hate-crime investigations and we did not know the truths or non-truths of the investigation.”

Of course, this is not the first time Sharpton has engaged in race-baiting, calling for charges to be brought against white assailants before knowing the facts of the case.

In 2006, Sharpton rallied to the side of the infamous stripper, Chrystal Gail Mangum, who falsely accused several white players on the Duke Lacrosse Team of raping her.

In 1987, Sharpton rose to national fame, after becoming the spokesman for New York teenager Tawana Brawley, who accused white police officers of kidnapping and raping her. Sharpton went on to publicly accuse a prosecutor of raping her as well, and told tales of Ku Klux Klansmen patrolling the streets of Brooklyn.

Brawley eventually confessed to fabricating the story, to avoid punishment form her mother after staying out all night with her boyfriend.


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Feds announce nationwide raid on Mexican drug cartel

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On Thursday, Attorney General Eric Holder, as well officials from the DEA and other federal agencies announced the results of a multi-state raid on the powerful La Familia Cartel.

Federal, state, and local law enforcement made 303 arrests, seized 729 pounds of methamphetamine, 967 pounds of marijuana, 62 kilograms of cocaine, 144 weapons, and 109 vehicles. Two methamphetamine labs were also discovered during the operation.

DEA Acting Administrator Michele M. Leonhart told reporters: Project Coronado, our massive assault on the La Familia Cartel is part of our continued fight against all of the powerful Mexico-based drug cartels. This organization, the newest of Mexican cartels, is directly responsible for a vast majority of the methamphetamine pouring into our country across our Southwest border, and has had a hand in fueling the cycle of violence that is wracking Mexico today.”

Raids on La Familia operations took place in the following U.S. cities:

-Atlanta, GA
-Austin, TX
-Bakersfield, CA
-Boston, MA
-Carlsbad, CA
-Charleston, SC
-Chicago, IL
-Dallas, TX
-Detroit, MI
-Fort Worth, TX
-Fresno, CA
-Grand Junction, CO
-Grand Prairie, TX
-Greensboro, NC
-Houston, TX
-Jackson, MS
-Kansas City, KS
-Las Vegas, NV
-Laredo, TX
-Lilburn, GA
-Los Angeles, CA
-McAllen, TX
-Mesquite, TX
-Minneapolis, MN
-Orange County, CA
-Phoenix, AZ
-Raleigh, NC
-Reno, NV
-Riverside, CA
-St. Paul, MN
-San Diego, CA
-San Jose, CA
-Seattle, WA
-Syracuse, NY
-Tampa, FL
-Tucson, AZ
-Tulsa, OK

The La Familia Cartel began in 2004, and has emerged as the top U.S. methamphetamine distributor. The cartel oddly mixes religion with drug sales, while stating a moral obligation to never sell the very destructive methamphetamine in Mexico.

La Familia, through incredible violence and bribery is becoming the most influential cartel in Mexico.

In May 2009, Mexican authorities arrested 10 mayors and 20 local officials after they were implicated through an investigation into the powerful organized crime ring known as La Familia Michoacana.

If La Familia cannot buy-off a politician (Often because they have already accepted bribes from a rival organization.), they simply kill him.

In April 2009, congressional candidate Gustavo Bucio Rodriguez was shot to death at the gas station he owned. Only days earlier, the body of Lazaro Cardenas Mayor Nicolas Leon was discovered. Leon had been tortured and shot to death, the initials “FM” (Familia Michoacana) left on his body.

German Tena, president of the Michoacan chapter of Mexico’s National Action Party, recently spoke to the LA Times about the deadly tactics being used by La Familia. Tena said: "It is a way to win power with fear, where the authorities either don't have the capability to fight it, or have the capability but not the inclination.”

The head of the Democratic Revolution Party in Michoacan, Fabiola Alanis bluntly added: "If we know or hear that a candidate is mixed up with narcos, we are not going to denounce it. It is not my job. It would put my candidates in danger. There is nothing to guarantee that they would wake up alive."

A high-ranking Michoacan official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, also told the LA Times: "There are mayors and politicians who 'let things happen,' and there are some who have sold their soul to the devil.”

In April 2009, the FBI reported that Mexican drug cartels were operating in 231 U.S. cities.


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Is lethal injection more compassion than murderers deserve?

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A little before 7:00 p.m. tonight, Texas death row inmate Reginald Blanton will be escorted from a holding cell in the East Building of the Huntsville Unit, and taken into a room and strapped to a gurney, where he will be given a combination of drugs which will put him to sleep and then stop his heart.

Of course, before this execution by lethal injection takes place, Blanton will be allowed a last meal of his choosing and allowed to make a final statement which will be given to the press.

While a last meal and a final statement may not seem like much to a man only minutes away from his execution, they are certainly freedoms which Blanton’s victim was denied.

In 2001, a Bexar County jury convicted Blanton for the murder of his friend, Carlos Garza, 22.

On April 4, 2000, Blanton kicked down the door to Garza’s apartment, then shot Garza twice in the head, stealing two gold necklaces.

Blanton was later seen on surveillance video selling the jewelry at a local pawn shop for $79.

In June 2006, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that death row inmates could legally challenge the method in which states carry-out lethal injections. In Hill v. Florida, the inmate claimed that the three drugs used in the execution could possibly cause pain.

The three drug process includes an anesthetic which induces unconsciousness, another which causes paralysis, and the last which stops the heart.

Since the Hill v. Florida decision, there have been dozens of suits filed across the country by death row inmates, alleging that their pending lethal injection may possibly cause them undue pain.

On September 26,2006, a federal judge in San Jose, CA began hearing the case brought forth by convicted murderer Michael Morales. Morales and his lawyers contended that the lethal injection which he was sentenced to receive is actually 'cruel and unusual punishment.' He was convicted of the 1981 murder of Terri Lynn Winchell of Lodi, CA.

Morales killed the teenaged girl by caving in her skull with a claw hammer.

Morales' attorney Ginger Adams expressed her concerns over the treatment of her murderous client by saying: "The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation is institutionally unable to ensure that executions are performed humanely."

One person who was not at all concerned with the humane treatment of Morales, is his victim's mom. Barbara Christian said in a written statement: "As a mother, I don't care what kind of pain Morales feels because of what he did to my daughter. He showed no mercy when she cried out for it. He deserves no mercy."

However, by killing Morales through the method of lethal injection, he is likely being shown unwarranted mercy. It is a very serene and apparently rather painless end to the rampage that was his life. In fact, very similar drugs in very similar combinations are used in cases of medically assisted suicide in Oregon, where the practice is legal.

Other methods of killing convicted murderers which have been used in the United States include the firing squad, hanging, the electric chair, and the gas chamber. The method of electrocution can be particularly gruesome. Virginia offers death row inmates the choice of either the electric chair or lethal injection, if the condemned refuses to make a choice, he is then given lethal injection. Since 1995 only one inmate executed in Virginia has chosen the chair.

*Reporter’s note: Executive director Richard Dieter of the Death Penalty Information Center ( a group opposed to the use of capital punishment) recently said: "The lethal injection process is unnecessarily painful and risky and that is an Eighth Amendment violation against cruel and unusual punishment."

You see, liberals believe that even the most brutal and bloodthirsty amongst us should never feel any pain, not even a fraction of that which they inflicted upon their innocent victims. As talk show host Michael Savage claims: "Liberalism is a mental disorder!"...It must be, it is the only way to explain how anyone could spend their energy attempting to secure a pain-free and compassionate end to the life of a rapist-murderer!

The method of lethal injection is in fact much too easy for these monsters. In my opinion, they should either be killed in the same method in which they murdered their victims, or at least given a an equally painful and gruesome death such as electrocution or perhaps by being drawn and quartered!

Why is it wrong to inflict pain upon our most savage criminals?...There is nothing wrong with a society seeking and gaining some measure of revenge on those who have committed the ultimate crime against our fellow citizens.

It is also an abomination that the same humane method of ending the lives of our beloved and faithful pets is extended to the vermin on death row. Euthanasia for an animal is a decision which is made out of love and compassion for our devoted four-legged friends. Despite what any ACLU lawyer may contend, it is much too good for the human predators now dwelling in this nation's prison system.

Brutal crimes call for brutal consequences...Not sedatives!


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Mexican Mafia soldier escapes from Texas jail

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On Friday, a member of the notoriously violent Mexican Mafia escaped from the Kinney County Detention Center in Brackettville, TX.

Kinney County Sheriff’s deputies, along with the Texas Rangers and U.S. Border Patrol are still searching for Manuel Guardiola, 33. However, the search may be rather futile considering the fact that the jail is only 30 miles from the Mexican border.

The Kinney County Sheriff’s office told reporters that they do not know how Guardiola escaped.

The escaped fugitive is 5-foot-4 and weighs about 180 lbs. He has black hair, but could have shaved his head and his upper body is covered in tattoos. He may be wearing glasses.

Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Manuel Guardiola is asked to call the Texas Department of Public Safety at (512) 424-2000.

In December 2008, the privately-run Kinney County Detention Center experienced a riot when 30 prisoners refused to return to their cells from, and set fire to mattresses and clothing.

The Mexican Mafia is a very powerful prison gang which began in 1950 in California. Today, the gang controls large drug distribution, extortion and murder-for-hire operations, both in and outside of prison. They are closely aligned with the Aryan Brotherhood.


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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Feds announce nationwide raid on Mexican drug cartel

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On Thursday, Attorney General Eric Holder, as well officials from the DEA and other federal agencies announced the results of a multi-state raid on the powerful La Familia Cartel.

Federal, state, and local law enforcement made 303 arrests, seized 729 pounds of methamphetamine, 967 pounds of marijuana, 62 kilograms of cocaine, 144 weapons, and 109 vehicles. Two methamphetamine labs were also discovered during the operation.

DEA Acting Administrator Michele M. Leonhart told reporters: Project Coronado, our massive assault on the La Familia Cartel is part of our continued fight against all of the powerful Mexico-based drug cartels. This organization, the newest of Mexican cartels, is directly responsible for a vast majority of the methamphetamine pouring into our country across our Southwest border, and has had a hand in fueling the cycle of violence that is wracking Mexico today.”

Raids on La Familia operations took place in the following U.S. cities:

-Atlanta, GA
-Austin, TX
-Bakersfield, CA
-Boston, MA
-Carlsbad, CA
-Charleston, SC
-Chicago, IL
-Dallas, TX
-Detroit, MI
-Fort Worth, TX
-Fresno, CA
-Grand Junction, CO
-Grand Prairie, TX
-Greensboro, NC
-Houston, TX
-Jackson, MS
-Kansas City, KS
-Las Vegas, NV
-Laredo, TX
-Lilburn, GA
-Los Angeles, CA
-McAllen, TX
-Mesquite, TX
-Minneapolis, MN
-Orange County, CA
-Phoenix, AZ
-Raleigh, NC
-Reno, NV
-Riverside, CA
-St. Paul, MN
-San Diego, CA
-San Jose, CA
-Seattle, WA
-Syracuse, NY
-Tampa, FL
-Tucson, AZ
-Tulsa, OK

The La Familia Cartel began in 2004, and has emerged as the top U.S. methamphetamine distributor. The cartel oddly mixes religion with drug sales, while stating a moral obligation to never sell the very destructive methamphetamine in Mexico.

La Familia, through incredible violence and bribery is becoming the most influential cartel in Mexico.

In May 2009, Mexican authorities arrested 10 mayors and 20 local officials after they were implicated through an investigation into the powerful organized crime ring known as La Familia Michoacana.

If La Familia cannot buy-off a politician (Often because they have already accepted bribes from a rival organization.), they simply kill him.

In April 2009, congressional candidate Gustavo Bucio Rodriguez was shot to death at the gas station he owned. Only days earlier, the body of Lazaro Cardenas Mayor Nicolas Leon was discovered. Leon had been tortured and shot to death, the initials “FM” (Familia Michoacana) left on his body.

German Tena, president of the Michoacan chapter of Mexico’s National Action Party, recently spoke to the LA Times about the deadly tactics being used by La Familia. Tena said: "It is a way to win power with fear, where the authorities either don't have the capability to fight it, or have the capability but not the inclination.”

The head of the Democratic Revolution Party in Michoacan, Fabiola Alanis bluntly added: "If we know or hear that a candidate is mixed up with narcos, we are not going to denounce it. It is not my job. It would put my candidates in danger. There is nothing to guarantee that they would wake up alive."

A high-ranking Michoacan official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, also told the LA Times: "There are mayors and politicians who 'let things happen,' and there are some who have sold their soul to the devil.”

In April 2009, the FBI reported that Mexican drug cartels were operating in 231 U.S. cities.


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Wal-Mart fires security guard for protecting customers against armed suspect

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Earlier this month, Josh Rutner was performing his duties as an asset protection officer in an Ocala, FL Wal-Mart, when he observed a man stuffing merchandise into his pants. Rutner followed the suspect, Marc Ash, outside where he and another employee tackled the alleged shoplifter.

Just as had happened many times before, the shoplifter went down, and the merchandise in this case, a $42 box of golf balls, was recovered. However, unlike before, this suspect came back up wielding a knife.

Ash tried to slash Rutner in the face, and took off running across the parking lot. Rutner gave chase.

Rutner told the Star Banner: "I felt now that he was a danger to the public and the city. If he'd pull a knife on two security guards, he'd pull a knife on anyone."

A customer witnessed the scene as it unfolded and assisted Rutner in the chase. Ash dropped the knife and was arrested and charged with robbery with a deadly weapon and aggravated assault. He is in the Marion County Jail, his bail has been set at $57,000.

The next day, Wal-Mart fired Rutner for his actions.

Rutner reported: "They said this is a non-rehirable offense. At the age of 65, I can't even come back and become a greeter."

Rutner admits he understood Wal-Mart’s policy against chasing after armed suspects, but says the risk to customers and the public compelled him to act.

Wal-Mart has refused to comment on the possibility of ever rehiring Rutner.

This is not the first time a large, national chain has fired an employee who foiled a robbery attempt, or defended himself.

In May 2004, Pizza Hut deliveryman Ronald Honeycutt was set upon by an assailant who pointed a 9mm handgun at him, the deliveryman shot and killed the robber. The next day, Pizza Hut fired Honeycutt.

Honeycutt had just made a delivery in a very rough part of Indianapolis. He walked back to his van, where he was approached by Jerome Brown-Dancler. The would-be robber aimed his gun at Honeycutt, at which time he drew his own 9mm and squeezed off the entire magazine. After Brown-Dancler fell, Honeycutt picked up the assailant's weapon and drove back to the Pizza Hut. Upon his arrival, he instructed a manager to phone police.

Honeycutt had a concealed weapons permit, and claimed to have carried a handgun for every one of the twenty years that he delivered pizzas. Indianapolis prosecutors quickly cleared him of any charges.

Deputy Prosecutor Barb Crawford said: "He did what the law allows him to do to protect himself." Crawford went on to say: "This was late at night. This was a high-crime area. He (Honeycutt) left because he wasn't sure whether or not Brown-Dancler had any friends with. As it turns out, he did indeed have friends with him. They left when they heard shots fired."

It was obvious that Ronald Honeycutt acted in self-defense and was clearly within his rights to do so. It is also obvious that had he not been carrying a weapon, he could have easily been killed. He is with his family today, as a result of his constitutional right to keep and bear arms. However, Pizza Hut apparently would rather have their employees gunned down, than allow them to defend themselves.

Of course, chains such as Wal-Mart and Pizza Hut do not allow their employees to truly defend themselves or others for one reason…Money!

These companies have these policies in place for insurance reasons, or better put, to keep insurance costs down.

*Reporter’s note: Mr. Rutner acted heroically, he placed the safety of others before that of himself. He did not take the time to think about how he may be affected by chasing after a dangerous criminal. For that he should be commended.

As for Wal-Mart, they did not become the world’s largest retailer by caring about their employees, but rather by always putting the bottom line ahead of all other considerations.

We can decide whether or not to shop at a business with such values.


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DHS admits 90 percent of U.S. borders wide open, Americans remain at risk

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The Department of Homeland Security has just reported that only 894 miles of this country’s 8,607 miles of America’s land borders, are actually being protected. The announcement came in the agency’s 2009 Performance Report.

While that admission is maddening, given the federal government’s recent history on border issues, it should come as a surprise to no one.

We have seen the Obama administration water-down the highly effective 287g program, covertly offer government funded healthcare to illegal aliens, and promise amnesty to illegal aliens.

Of course, the Bush administration was every bit as weak on the issue of controlling the border as are their successors.

In 2006, President Bush went on national television to announce his plan to send National Guard troops to the U.S/Mexican border. However, before he spoke to the American people, he called his Mexican counterpart, President Vicente Fox to reassure him that the border would not be “militarized.”

The fact that President Bush consulted with Mexican President Vicente Fox before he tried to sell more window dressing to the American people spoke volumes. Bush was overwhelmingly more concerned with allaying the fears of our invaders, than he was with protecting the lives and livelihoods of American citizens.

Bush's plan to send 6,000 National Guard troops to the Mexican border was woefully inadequate and laughable at best. Considering the fact that the U.S.-Mexican border is 1,951 miles long, we need at least 30,000 troops to actually have a chance at securing the border.

Of course, there were never more than a few hundred National Guardsmen deployed at the border at one time, and all of them operated under laughable rules of engagement, unable to actually apprehend anyone coming across the border.

On January 3, 2007, a Tennessee National Guard unit abandoned their post near Sasabe, AZ and retreated from a Mexican raiding party.

An armed paramilitary group of six to eight men, crossed the border into the United States and over-ran the post. The Guardsmen from quickly packed up their equipment, jumped into their truck, and fled the scene. That sorry action clearly demonstrated what their commander in chief instructed them to do...NOTHING!

Tennessee National Guard spokesman Randy Harris told the Associated Press: "The soldiers did exactly what their mission was. to pull back if they're approached by armed personnel coming across the border."

The office of then Gov. Janet Napolitano (D-AZ) released a report to the Associated Press which praised the Tennessee National Guard unit for fleeing the scene in the face of an armed incursion into the Unite States. The report said: "We see this as a triumph of the training, discipline, and professionalism of the Guardsmen performing their mission."

In a closed ceremony, the retreating guard unit was presented with an Army commendation and achievement medal for their actions.

American presidents used to award medals to young soldiers for acts of bravery, today they award them to our soldiers for their complicity.

The Mexican government is amongst the most corrupt on the planet. Based on reports from U.S. Border Patrol Agents, we know that Mexican troops and police officers often assist drug smugglers as well as the so-called 'coyotes' to cross into this country illegally.

In 2006, it was learned that the Mexican government was printing and distributing to its citizenry, how-to manuals which contained tips on entering the U.S. illegally. Despite the evidence that the Mexican government is in large measure to blame for millions of invaders entering this country, both Bush and Obama want us to believe that Mexico is a close ally!

During a 2006 address, Bush said: "We will continue to work cooperatively to improve security on both sides of the border, to confront common problems like drug trafficking and crime, and to reduce illegal immigration."


The Mexican government has never made any effort to police our shared border, nor do they have any intention to ever do so. The Mexican nationals living illegally in this country send most of their wages back to Mexico in the form of wire transfers. In fact, remittances to Mexico are a $20 billion a year industry. It has become a tremendous part of Mexico's economy and is second only to their oil exports.

Mexico sends their poor, their drugs, and their criminals to the United States. The Mexican ruling class rids itself of millions of undesirables annually and in exchange, billions of U.S. dollars pour into their economy. In turn, our cities become full of poverty and crime; our schools become overcrowded with Spanish-only speaking children; and our hospitals are forced into bankruptcy due to unpaid medical bills, left by illegal aliens. Any U.S./Mexican alliance is truly a one-sided relationship.

U.S. troops are currently patrolling the borders of South Korea, Bosnia, Croatia, Iraq, and Pakistan. For some reason, our troops are still defending Germany! However, the Obama administration refuses to our troops to protect our own border. Apparently, the lives of the aforementioned nations are more precious to our president than are those of American citizens.

The federal government does not keep comprehensive statistics on the number of crimes committed in this country by illegal aliens. Taking a look at the results of a few independent studies, it is not surprising that they don’t.

In 2006, Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) released the results of a study which found that 4,380 Americans are murdered every year by illegal aliens. The study also concluded that 4,745 Americans are killed every year by illegal aliens driving drunk.

In 2005, the Government Accountability Office announced the results of a study which examined the criminal history of 55,322 illegal aliens who were incarcerated in federal, state, and local institutions during the year 2003. The results of that study follow:

The 55,322 illegal aliens in the study accounted for a total of 459,614 arrests (or eight arrests per illegal alien).

Their arrests represented a total of nearly 700,000 criminal offenses (or 13 offenses per illegal alien).

36 percent of those studied had been arrested at least five times previously.

Peter Wagner, the author of “The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration,” summed up the situation when he told WorldNetDaily: “It is a fact that a disproportionately high percentage of illegal aliens are criminals and sexual predators. That is part of the dark side of illegal immigration and when we allow the ‘good’ in we get the ‘bad’ along with them. The question is, how much ‘bad’ is acceptable and at what price?“

For many years, the Republicans wanted to keep the border open to fill the country with cheap labor, which benefits business owners by undercutting wages for everyone. The Democrats have sought to keep the border unprotected to bring in millions of potential new voters, which is why that party pays so much lip service to the plight of illegal aliens.

Whether they seek workers willing to work for sub-standard wages, or voters who will keep them in power…It is the American people who have been sold-out by both parties.
Every time I learn that a family has been attacked, or a child has been killed by an illegal alien, I think this must be the tipping point. There are certain dates in this ongoing tragedy which stand out more than others.

Such as on June 22, 2008, when three members of the Bologna family were gunned down by Salvadoran national and MS-13 gang member Edwin Ramos. Tony Bologna, 48, and his sons Michael, 20, and Matthew, 16 were shot to death by Ramos with an AK-47 as they sat in their car on a crowded street, in the city’s Excelsior District.

Or on September 10, 2008, the day the parents of 3-year-old Marten Kudlis buried their precious son.

However, these tragedies continue to occur and our border remains open.

This nation is in the midst of the worst economy since the Great Depression, and jobs continue to be given to foreign nationals, while our cities are becoming hunting grounds for predatory criminals, both foreign and domestic. We have enough problems in this country without importing them from foreign lands.

Because we live with it everyday, most Americans understand and fear this growing threat, though our elected representatives continue to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the mounting human toll.

A weary nation must ask the question…How many Americans have to lose their job or be killed before the border is secured?


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Al Sharpton at the center of another fake crime

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Megan Williams, who in 2007 told police in West Virginia that she had been tortured and sexually assaulted for several days by a group of white people, has now admitted that the entire story was a lie.

Williams, then 20 years-old, told Logan County Sheriff’s Deputies that a total of seven white assailants held her for days in a trailer where she was stabbed, beaten, sexually assaulted, scalded and psychologically tortured with racial taunts.

Williams, who dated one the attackers, says now that she made up the story in retaliation after her boyfriend beat her.

Her attorney Brian Potts told reporters: "She told me the only thing not self-inflicted were the bruises on her face.”

Six of her supposed attackers are now serving long prison sentences.

Shortly after reporting the ordeal, Al Sharpton rushed to West Virginia and demanded that hate crimes charges be brought against the alleged attackers. He did so, even over the objections of the local NAACP.

Williams and her mother collected $70,000 in donations after her story made national news. Sharpton himself gave her $1,000.

On Wednesday, Sharpton issued a statement saying: "Our involvement surrounded a call for hate-crime investigations and we did not know the truths or non-truths of the investigation.”

Of course, this is not the first time Sharpton has engaged in race-baiting, calling for charges to be brought against white assailants before knowing the facts of the case.

In 2006, Sharpton rallied to the side of the infamous stripper, Chrystal Gail Mangum, who falsely accused several white players on the Duke Lacrosse Team of raping her.

In 1987, Sharpton rose to national fame, after becoming the spokesman for New York teenager Tawana Brawley, who accused white police officers of kidnapping and raping her. Sharpton went on to publicly accuse a prosecutor of raping her as well, and told tales of Ku Klux Klansmen patrolling the streets of Brooklyn.

Brawley eventually confessed to fabricating the story, to avoid punishment form her mother after staying out all night with her boyfriend.


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Saturday, October 24, 2009

DHS admits 90 percent of U.S. borders wide open, Americans remain at risk

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The Department of Homeland Security has just reported that only 894 miles of this country’s 8,607 miles of America’s land borders, are actually being protected. The announcement came in the agency’s 2009 Performance Report.

While that admission is maddening, given the federal government’s recent history on border issues, it should come as a surprise to no one.

We have seen the Obama administration water-down the highly effective 287g program, covertly offer government funded healthcare to illegal aliens, and promise amnesty to illegal aliens.

Of course, the Bush administration was every bit as weak on the issue of controlling the border as are their successors.

In 2006, President Bush went on national television to announce his plan to send National Guard troops to the U.S/Mexican border. However, before he spoke to the American people, he called his Mexican counterpart, President Vicente Fox to reassure him that the border would not be “militarized.”

The fact that President Bush consulted with Mexican President Vicente Fox before he tried to sell more window dressing to the American people spoke volumes. Bush was overwhelmingly more concerned with allaying the fears of our invaders, than he was with protecting the lives and livelihoods of American citizens.

Bush's plan to send 6,000 National Guard troops to the Mexican border was woefully inadequate and laughable at best. Considering the fact that the U.S.-Mexican border is 1,951 miles long, we need at least 30,000 troops to actually have a chance at securing the border.

Of course, there were never more than a few hundred National Guardsmen deployed at the border at one time, and all of them operated under laughable rules of engagement, unable to actually apprehend anyone coming across the border.

On January 3, 2007, a Tennessee National Guard unit abandoned their post near Sasabe, AZ and retreated from a Mexican raiding party.

An armed paramilitary group of six to eight men, crossed the border into the United States and over-ran the post. The Guardsmen from quickly packed up their equipment, jumped into their truck, and fled the scene. That sorry action clearly demonstrated what their commander in chief instructed them to do...NOTHING!

Tennessee National Guard spokesman Randy Harris told the Associated Press: "The soldiers did exactly what their mission was. to pull back if they're approached by armed personnel coming across the border."

The office of then Gov. Janet Napolitano (D-AZ) released a report to the Associated Press which praised the Tennessee National Guard unit for fleeing the scene in the face of an armed incursion into the Unite States. The report said: "We see this as a triumph of the training, discipline, and professionalism of the Guardsmen performing their mission."

In a closed ceremony, the retreating guard unit was presented with an Army commendation and achievement medal for their actions.

American presidents used to award medals to young soldiers for acts of bravery, today they award them to our soldiers for their complicity.

The Mexican government is amongst the most corrupt on the planet. Based on reports from U.S. Border Patrol Agents, we know that Mexican troops and police officers often assist drug smugglers as well as the so-called 'coyotes' to cross into this country illegally.

In 2006, it was learned that the Mexican government was printing and distributing to its citizenry, how-to manuals which contained tips on entering the U.S. illegally. Despite the evidence that the Mexican government is in large measure to blame for millions of invaders entering this country, both Bush and Obama want us to believe that Mexico is a close ally!

During a 2006 address, Bush said: "We will continue to work cooperatively to improve security on both sides of the border, to confront common problems like drug trafficking and crime, and to reduce illegal immigration."


The Mexican government has never made any effort to police our shared border, nor do they have any intention to ever do so. The Mexican nationals living illegally in this country send most of their wages back to Mexico in the form of wire transfers. In fact, remittances to Mexico are a $20 billion a year industry. It has become a tremendous part of Mexico's economy and is second only to their oil exports.

Mexico sends their poor, their drugs, and their criminals to the United States. The Mexican ruling class rids itself of millions of undesirables annually and in exchange, billions of U.S. dollars pour into their economy. In turn, our cities become full of poverty and crime; our schools become overcrowded with Spanish-only speaking children; and our hospitals are forced into bankruptcy due to unpaid medical bills, left by illegal aliens. Any U.S./Mexican alliance is truly a one-sided relationship.

U.S. troops are currently patrolling the borders of South Korea, Bosnia, Croatia, Iraq, and Pakistan. For some reason, our troops are still defending Germany! However, the Obama administration refuses to our troops to protect our own border. Apparently, the lives of the aforementioned nations are more precious to our president than are those of American citizens.

The federal government does not keep comprehensive statistics on the number of crimes committed in this country by illegal aliens. Taking a look at the results of a few independent studies, it is not surprising that they don’t.

In 2006, Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) released the results of a study which found that 4,380 Americans are murdered every year by illegal aliens. The study also concluded that 4,745 Americans are killed every year by illegal aliens driving drunk.

In 2005, the Government Accountability Office announced the results of a study which examined the criminal history of 55,322 illegal aliens who were incarcerated in federal, state, and local institutions during the year 2003. The results of that study follow:

The 55,322 illegal aliens in the study accounted for a total of 459,614 arrests (or eight arrests per illegal alien).

Their arrests represented a total of nearly 700,000 criminal offenses (or 13 offenses per illegal alien).

36 percent of those studied had been arrested at least five times previously.

Peter Wagner, the author of “The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration,” summed up the situation when he told WorldNetDaily: “It is a fact that a disproportionately high percentage of illegal aliens are criminals and sexual predators. That is part of the dark side of illegal immigration and when we allow the ‘good’ in we get the ‘bad’ along with them. The question is, how much ‘bad’ is acceptable and at what price?“

For many years, the Republicans wanted to keep the border open to fill the country with cheap labor, which benefits business owners by undercutting wages for everyone. The Democrats have sought to keep the border unprotected to bring in millions of potential new voters, which is why that party pays so much lip service to the plight of illegal aliens.

Whether they seek workers willing to work for sub-standard wages, or voters who will keep them in power…It is the American people who have been sold-out by both parties.
Every time I learn that a family has been attacked, or a child has been killed by an illegal alien, I think this must be the tipping point. There are certain dates in this ongoing tragedy which stand out more than others.

Such as on June 22, 2008, when three members of the Bologna family were gunned down by Salvadoran national and MS-13 gang member Edwin Ramos. Tony Bologna, 48, and his sons Michael, 20, and Matthew, 16 were shot to death by Ramos with an AK-47 as they sat in their car on a crowded street, in the city’s Excelsior District.

Or on September 10, 2008, the day the parents of 3-year-old Marten Kudlis buried their precious son.

However, these tragedies continue to occur and our border remains open.

This nation is in the midst of the worst economy since the Great Depression, and jobs continue to be given to foreign nationals, while our cities are becoming hunting grounds for predatory criminals, both foreign and domestic. We have enough problems in this country without importing them from foreign lands.

Because we live with it everyday, most Americans understand and fear this growing threat, though our elected representatives continue to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the mounting human toll.

A weary nation must ask the question…How many Americans have to lose their job or be killed before the border is secured?


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