Monday, October 19, 2009

VA Election Board under Gov. Tim Kaine blocked military votes

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On Friday, U.S. District Judge Richard Williams ruled that Virginia violated the voting rights of service members deployed overseas because state election officials failed to send them absentee ballots for the 2008 presidential election in time for them to be returned by election day.

Virginia's failure to mail about 2,100 absentee ballots at least 30 days prior to the election was a violation of the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act.

Additionally, Judge Williams ordered the Virginia Board of Elections to now count and certify the absentee ballots in question.

On November 3, 2008 (the day before election day), the McCain campaign filed a federal complaint in the Eastern District of Virginia to prevent Virginia from tossing-out military absentee ballots that came in after election day.

The plaintiff in the case eventually became the U.S. Justice Department.

The Virginia State Board of Elections, under Chairwoman Jean Cunningham argued that they actually have no legal obligation to send out military absentee ballots in a timely fashion. Jean Cunningham was appointed by VA Governor and Democratic National Committee Chair Tim Kaine.

*Reporter’s note: While Hillary Clinton was a Senator, she pushed for legislation to restore the voting rights of every convicted felon living in the United States. Why did she propose such a measure...Because she was reasonably certain that most of them, would vote Democratic.

Due to their felon status, there are currently over 5 million Americans who are not eligible to vote. If their eligibility was restored, it would likely ensure that the White House would be perpetually occupied by a Democrat.

Shortly after the 2004 Election, Hillary Clinton said: "Once again we had a federal election that demonstrates we have a long way to go. I think it's also necessary to make sure our elections meet the highest national standards."

Allowing felons to vote is bringing our election process to a higher standard?

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) has also sought to restore the voting rights of felons. In 2005, Boxer said that such a measure "is meant to ensure the election debacle of 2000, and the serious election irregularities of 2004, never ever happen again."

Sen. Boxer of course, failed to mention what the "irregularities" were in either election.

It is more than disgusting that the leadership of the Democratic Party is more concerned with the voting rights of convicted felons, many of whom are drug dealers and rapists, than they are with counting the votes of our military men and women.

The question is…How many other states under Democratic control actively sought to bar our men and women in uniform from casting a vote in the 2008 Election?

Tim Kaine should resign as Governor.


see justice served immigration news

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