Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Obama wants to put criminal illegal aliens in hotels

On Tuesday, the Department of Homeland Security announced plans to use regenerate hotels and nursing homes to house some illegal aliens, rather than keeping them in jails low the underway system.

In August, DHS Janet Napolitano announced that her authority would be conducting a analyse of the underway grouping which holds detainees in most 300 jails across the country. Illegal outlander detainees are held in the city or county in which they were arrested.

Napolitano also wants to countenance into removing some convicted criminal aliens from prisons and placing them in these new facilities.

According to Napolitano, next year, Immigration and Customs Enforcement will begin ranking illegal outlander detainees by the flight risk and danger they bear to the public, and issue bids for new facilities (hotels).

The Washington Post has reported that beginning this month, John T. Morton, assistant helper for Immigration and Customs Enforcement will foregather with contractors to discuss converting residential facilities to house peaceful detainees. jazzman also said that within sextet months, his authority will begin a scrutiny classification grouping to help detainees with their aid needs.

As of September 1, 2009, Immigration and Customs Enforcement was detaining 31,075 criminal outlander detainees, half of whom are felons.

*Reporter̢۪s note: What this amounts to is creating structure projects for illegal aliens, every at the cost of the American taxpayer, and while Obama continues to verify that he does not plan to extend aid benefits to illegal aliens, the facts continue to feature otherwise.

All of this is simply laying the groundwork for an amnesty for the jillions of illegal aliens currently inside this country.

It is more than outrageous that during the worst economic punctuation this nation has old since the Great Depression, when Americans are losing their jobs and homes in record numbers, that we are today being forced to pay for illegal aliens to springy in hotels.

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