Thursday, October 29, 2009

Why has the press ignored a possible assassination attempt on Lou Dobbs?

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Three weeks ago, CNN host Lou Dobbs and his wife survived a drive-by shooting at their home in New Jersey. At the time of the attack, Dobbs’ wife was outside of the home, standing in the driveway.

On October 26, Dobbs discussed the shooting on his radio show. Dobbs told his listeners that he has received countless death threats and has been forced to hire bodyguards.

While the attack is still under investigation by the New Jersey State Police, there is a great deal of speculation that it was committed, or at least incited by someone from one of the many illegal alien advocacy groups which continuously call for Dobbs to be fired from CNN.

Of course, Dobbs has been at the forefront of the illegal immigration issue as well as educating the public on Mexico’s ongoing drug war. His “Open Border” segments on his CNN show are not only embarrassing to both the U.S. and Mexican governments, but to groups such as MECHA, LULAC, La Raza, and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus who all push for amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens currently inside the U.S.

Along with the aforementioned ethnocentric rights groups, Fox News personality Geraldo Rivera has joined the chorus calling Dobbs a racist, and anti-Hispanic. Those claims are truly preposterous given the fact that Dobbs is married to a Mexican-American woman.

Dobbs is married to Debbie Segura who is a former CNN sports anchor. The couple has four children together.

With the exception of Dobbs‘ own show, the shooting at his home has received no coverage. Why would the press ignore such a story?

The following is a short list of possible reasons:

1) Dobbs has been highly critical of President Obama, and is the only mainstream media personality who has publicly discussed the as yet resolved issue of Obama’s birth certificate.

2) Dobbs’s reporting was instrumental in defeating the 2007 McCain/Kennedy Amnesty Bill. Illegal alien advocacy groups had pinned their hopes to so-called ‘comprehensive immigration reform,’ and were livid with Dobbs’ daily exposure of that bill’s actual agenda.

3) Dobbs took the lead in the coverage of the persecution of Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean. The pair was prosecuted by U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, and spent two years in prison for pursuing and shooting a Mexican drug smuggler.

Dobbs’ coverage of this case made many Americans begin to question the true agenda of our federal government and their commitment to defending the border.

4) Dobbs has consistently railed against globalism, political correctness, amnesty for illegal aliens, the validity of man-made global warming, and the government takeover of American industry…All of which have been embraced and promoted by the mainstream media.

The fact that the press cannot bring themselves to report on a major story, when a national figure has been the target of a drive-by shooting, simply because that figure has decided to report the truth and ask hard questions rather than push propaganda, it is sad state of affairs.

If newspapers such as the New York Times and network news departments want to know why no one pays attention to them any longer, this story shouts the grave answer loudly and clearly.

We have a corrupt mainstream press which meets in private with their own invention (President Obama), discussing ways to convince the American people that he truly is our savior, and fails to report stories on crime and corruption that could cast one group or another in a bad light.

For the mainstream press, journalism is truly dead.


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