Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Muslim threat within our prison system

In May 2009, the FBI arrested four men who believed they were planting car bombs outside the Riverdale Temple and the Riverdale person Center in New royalty City. They also planned to shoot down aircraft with a Stinger missile. All of the bombs were fake and provided by an informant.

The alleged terrorists became immoderate Muslims patch in prison.

When we talk about immoderate Muslims, we most often conceive about them living in another country, farther away from our shores. There is a notion hit that if we fisticuffs them overseas, we will not hit to fisticuffs them here. However, there is a large accumulation of violent, immoderate Muslims living within the United States today, who become to Mohammedanism patch incarcerated.

The notoriously tough Rikers Island Prison in New royalty alone contains roughly 3,500 Islamic inmates. In 2005, The New royalty State Correctional System reported that 18 percent of their amount state situation accumulation were practicing Muslims. When you consider the fact that these men hit already turned their backwards on civilized society and feel that they hit very little to lose, it becomes quite a frightening revelation indeed. We actually hit terrorist training camps in this country funded by the dweller taxpayer.

In 2002, Jose Padilla was arrested patch planning a "dirty bomb" attack within the U.S. Padilla, a convicted felon--converted to Mohammedanism patch serving a situation sentence.

In Nov 2001, as the ruins of the World Trade Center still smoldered, a Islamic chaplain at New York's Albion Correctional Facility prefabricated an outrageous evidence of support for Osama containerful Laden.

Chaplain Aminah Akbar said: "Bin Laden is a warrior for Allah, as all Muslims should be. Bin Laden is a hero to all Muslims. The Taliban are right in not letting the U.S. take containerful Laden. The U.S. has no proof that he destroyed the World Trade Center."

Akbar went on to declare: “I am not an American, I just springy here.”

She prefabricated the remarks at a situation event titled dweller Solidarity Day.

In February of 2005, FBI administrator parliamentarian Mueller told the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee: "Prisons continue to be fertile ground for extremists who exploit both a prisoner's transmutation to Mohammedanism patch still in prison, as well as their socio-economic status and positioning in the community upon their release."

Expert and lecturer on Islamic terrorism, Steve Emerson, fresh told New royalty person Week: "There hit been various cases where converts [to Islam] hit become out [of prison] and carried out attacks. The problem is that there is no effective monitoring or supervision of the materials that become into the situation because they are couched in religious terms or in external languages. And there is almost no monitoring of the imam â€" full-timers and part-timers â€" in terms of what they tell prisoners."

The issue of radicalization is another reason approaching the detention center at metropolis Bay a bad idea. Sending these enemy combatants to various federal prisons will only spread their immoderate lineage of Islam.

Rep. saint King (R-NY) said: "I hit discussed this with situation officials in California and New York," he said. "It's an current issue and there are a number of prisons where mostly individual Americans are radicalized and convert to Mohammedanism and when they are released they are hired by mosques to wage security."

Who meliorate to carry out attacks on this nation than grouping who are already dweller citizens and also hit an hack to grind with the government? It would appear that our nation's situation system is decent a nurture ground for Jihadists.


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