Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Another Mexican mayor kidnapped and murdered

On Thursday afternoon, the bullet-riddled body of Mayor Estanislao García was discovered, along with his burned-out truck. Garcia had been mayor of Palomas, Mexico for nearly digit years, and is only the stylish of individual Mexican officials to be gunned down by the take cartels. Palomas is meet across the border from Columbus, NM.

Deming, New Mexico Mayor Andres Silva told the El Paso Times: "It's meet really sad. This hits home. We're meet shocked right now.�

Palomas is a popular location for banned crossings into the U.S. It has also become a war zone in the ongoing battle between Mexico’s take cartels.

In 2008, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration announced that they have had individual encounters in Palomas with the paramilitary group known as the Zetas, who work for the Gulf Cartel.

In constituent to dozens of murders occurring last assemblage in the small municipality of Palomas, digit police officers were seize and murdered, their charred remains were later found at a nearby ranch. Facing an imminent threat, the police honcho quit and sought refuge in the U.S.

In July 2009, the mayor of Namiquipa, Mexico was murdered by take traffickers.

In February 2009, digit members of the municipality council of Guadalupe were gunned down.

In July 2008, revolutionary Ahumada Police Chief Jesus Blanco Cano was shot to modification after only one period on the job. The municipality had been without a police honcho since May after a band of 70 gunmen raided the municipality and murdered the previous chief, along with digit of his officers. After the attack, the rest of the town´s 20-officer police obligate resigned.

On June 4, 2008, husband and wife police officers Gabriel Padilla Perez and Claudia Tovar Carreon were shot to modification in front of their Juarez home, as they mitt for work. The couple mitt behind digit small children. A period earlier, a 25-year-old pregnant blackamoor was killed outside a shopping mall a few miles away, as a shootout broke-out between rival gang members.

In May 2008, the honcho of Mexico´s federal police obligate was assassinated incoming his bag in Mexico City. Commander Edgar Millan Gomez and his bodyguards were gunned down by individual men in an ambush-style attack. He was shot nine nowadays and died a short time later.

Since Jan 1, 2008, there have been 3,480 murders in Juarez, Mexico, meet across the border from El Paso, TX.





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