Friday, October 23, 2009

Wal-Mart fires security guard for protecting customers against armed suspect

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Earlier this month, Josh Rutner was performing his duties as an asset protection officer in an Ocala, FL Wal-Mart, when he observed a man stuffing merchandise into his pants. Rutner followed the suspect, Marc Ash, outside where he and another employee tackled the alleged shoplifter.

Just as had happened many times before, the shoplifter went down, and the merchandise in this case, a $42 box of golf balls, was recovered. However, unlike before, this suspect came back up wielding a knife.

Ash tried to slash Rutner in the face, and took off running across the parking lot. Rutner gave chase.

Rutner told the Star Banner: "I felt now that he was a danger to the public and the city. If he'd pull a knife on two security guards, he'd pull a knife on anyone."

A customer witnessed the scene as it unfolded and assisted Rutner in the chase. Ash dropped the knife and was arrested and charged with robbery with a deadly weapon and aggravated assault. He is in the Marion County Jail, his bail has been set at $57,000.

The next day, Wal-Mart fired Rutner for his actions.

Rutner reported: "They said this is a non-rehirable offense. At the age of 65, I can't even come back and become a greeter."

Rutner admits he understood Wal-Mart’s policy against chasing after armed suspects, but says the risk to customers and the public compelled him to act.

Wal-Mart has refused to comment on the possibility of ever rehiring Rutner.

This is not the first time a large, national chain has fired an employee who foiled a robbery attempt, or defended himself.

In May 2004, Pizza Hut deliveryman Ronald Honeycutt was set upon by an assailant who pointed a 9mm handgun at him, the deliveryman shot and killed the robber. The next day, Pizza Hut fired Honeycutt.

Honeycutt had just made a delivery in a very rough part of Indianapolis. He walked back to his van, where he was approached by Jerome Brown-Dancler. The would-be robber aimed his gun at Honeycutt, at which time he drew his own 9mm and squeezed off the entire magazine. After Brown-Dancler fell, Honeycutt picked up the assailant's weapon and drove back to the Pizza Hut. Upon his arrival, he instructed a manager to phone police.

Honeycutt had a concealed weapons permit, and claimed to have carried a handgun for every one of the twenty years that he delivered pizzas. Indianapolis prosecutors quickly cleared him of any charges.

Deputy Prosecutor Barb Crawford said: "He did what the law allows him to do to protect himself." Crawford went on to say: "This was late at night. This was a high-crime area. He (Honeycutt) left because he wasn't sure whether or not Brown-Dancler had any friends with. As it turns out, he did indeed have friends with him. They left when they heard shots fired."

It was obvious that Ronald Honeycutt acted in self-defense and was clearly within his rights to do so. It is also obvious that had he not been carrying a weapon, he could have easily been killed. He is with his family today, as a result of his constitutional right to keep and bear arms. However, Pizza Hut apparently would rather have their employees gunned down, than allow them to defend themselves.

Of course, chains such as Wal-Mart and Pizza Hut do not allow their employees to truly defend themselves or others for one reason…Money!

These companies have these policies in place for insurance reasons, or better put, to keep insurance costs down.

*Reporter’s note: Mr. Rutner acted heroically, he placed the safety of others before that of himself. He did not take the time to think about how he may be affected by chasing after a dangerous criminal. For that he should be commended.

As for Wal-Mart, they did not become the world’s largest retailer by caring about their employees, but rather by always putting the bottom line ahead of all other considerations.

We can decide whether or not to shop at a business with such values.


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