Saturday, October 24, 2009

Al Sharpton at the center of another fake crime

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Megan Williams, who in 2007 told police in West Virginia that she had been tortured and sexually assaulted for several days by a group of white people, has now admitted that the entire story was a lie.

Williams, then 20 years-old, told Logan County Sheriff’s Deputies that a total of seven white assailants held her for days in a trailer where she was stabbed, beaten, sexually assaulted, scalded and psychologically tortured with racial taunts.

Williams, who dated one the attackers, says now that she made up the story in retaliation after her boyfriend beat her.

Her attorney Brian Potts told reporters: "She told me the only thing not self-inflicted were the bruises on her face.”

Six of her supposed attackers are now serving long prison sentences.

Shortly after reporting the ordeal, Al Sharpton rushed to West Virginia and demanded that hate crimes charges be brought against the alleged attackers. He did so, even over the objections of the local NAACP.

Williams and her mother collected $70,000 in donations after her story made national news. Sharpton himself gave her $1,000.

On Wednesday, Sharpton issued a statement saying: "Our involvement surrounded a call for hate-crime investigations and we did not know the truths or non-truths of the investigation.”

Of course, this is not the first time Sharpton has engaged in race-baiting, calling for charges to be brought against white assailants before knowing the facts of the case.

In 2006, Sharpton rallied to the side of the infamous stripper, Chrystal Gail Mangum, who falsely accused several white players on the Duke Lacrosse Team of raping her.

In 1987, Sharpton rose to national fame, after becoming the spokesman for New York teenager Tawana Brawley, who accused white police officers of kidnapping and raping her. Sharpton went on to publicly accuse a prosecutor of raping her as well, and told tales of Ku Klux Klansmen patrolling the streets of Brooklyn.

Brawley eventually confessed to fabricating the story, to avoid punishment form her mother after staying out all night with her boyfriend.


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