Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Anniversary of the ATF raid on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco

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On the morning of February 28, 1993, agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms raided the compound of religious cult leader David Koresh, to execute a warrant for alleged federal firearms violations. As the agents attempted to enter the main building, they were fired upon.

A shootout ensued with the well-armed Branch Davidians, which ended in the deaths of four ATF agents.

Special Agents Todd McKeehan, Robert John Williams, Conway Charles LeBleu, and Steven David Willis were all killed on that Sunday morning in Waco, TX.

The raid was the beginning of a two-month standoff between the Davidians and federal authorities. The siege ended on April 19, when a tank was used to punch a hole in the compound̢۪s main building, to insert tear gas.

A minute or two after that action was taken, the building erupted in flames. While the government claims that the cultists themselves set the fire, the Davidians, along with many conspiracy theorists maintain to this day, that the feds deliberately burned them out.

The fire resulted in the deaths of 76 Davidians, including 17 children.

Attorney General Janet Reno, who took full responsibility for the raid and its consequences was widely criticized for the heavy-handed approach that ultimately led to dozens of deaths, and gave federal law enforcement agencies a black eye.


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