Thursday, March 4, 2010

Norfolk city councilman embodies the city's growing crime problem

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Norfolk has grown a reputation as a lawless city, and with good reason. Councilman Paul Riddick, like the city he supposedly serves, also has a reputation for having little respect for the law.

Paul Riddick was first elected to council in 1992, and represents Ward 4. In the 18 years since he arrived on council, his ward has seen a steady loss of jobs as well as a steady increase in crime. That part of the city was once known for its extensive variety of shopping, and clean, working-class neighborhoods with well-manicured lawns. However, it is now one of the most depressed and crime-ridden areas of Norfolk.

What follows is a list of incidents which demonstrate Councilman Riddick’s lack of respect for the law, as well as civility:

-February 1997...Riddick was found guilty of assault. In Nov, 1996, the Councilman became enraged while seeking a refund in Norfolk’s Smithfield Ham Shop. He became so angry, in fact, that he threw a ham at an elderly lady working behind the counter, knocking her to the floor and breaking her glasses.

-1998...Riddick pled guilty in a Norfolk courtroom to several counts of income tax evasion.

-2003...Riddick was summoned to an Isle of Wight courtroom for failure to pay his business taxes for two years.

-June 2004...Following an incident at a mall, where two black drug dealers were shot by police, Riddick appeared on a local radio show (“Hear Say,” WHRV) to discuss the matter.

Incredibly, the councilman said “Military Circle Mall is a 90 percent African-American mall. They [police] would not have done it at the Palace Shops which are frequent by a lot of Jews.”

That comment brought about the condemnation of Norfolk Police Chief Bruce Marquis, and hundreds of officers showed up at the next council meeting to protest Riddick’s remarks. Many officers complained that Riddick’s unfounded and highly offensive comment would only serve to make their job even harder.

-August 2005...Riddick allegedly hit an auto mechanic with his car, then drove off after cursing at him. The mechanic just finished jump-starting Riddick’s vehicle, and was leaning over to write down the vehicle identification number, when Riddick became impatient and drove-off, allegedly hitting the man in the knee cap.

About 15 minutes later, Riddick returned to the garage, to find the man talking to police officers. Riddick apologized and claimed that his actions were not intentional. No charges were ever filed in the case.

-January 2007...During a council meeting, commenting on the city’s rise in violent crime, Riddick said “We need to put a stop to the number of blacks being shot by white police, and white police officers should stop shooting down black police officers. (a reference to an accidental shooting of a Norfolk police officer).”
Riddick, who was Vice-Mayor at the time he made the racially-charged remarks, was stripped of his title by the council.

In 1997, the Virginian-Pilot reported that $500 was being deducted from Riddick’s bi-monthly city council paycheck. At that time, he owed more than $130,000 in unpaid city, state, and federal taxes.

Since January 1, 2007, the following number of crimes have occurred in Norfolk:


(Source: Norfolk Police Dept.)

In a city with a councilman, and former vice-mayor who seemingly has no respect for the law…Is it any wonder that city has a tremendous crime problem?


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