Monday, March 15, 2010

Pope's brother admits to slapping children, knew about abuse, but did nothing

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During a newspaper interview, the Rev. Georg Ratzinger, 86, the pope's brother, admitted to frequently slapping students in the choir he led from 1964-1994. Ratzinger who was in charge of the renowned Regensburger Domspatzen boys choir, said that a slap was the easiest way to deal with a poor performance.

Ratzinger also said that young boys in the choir told him that they were suffering extreme abuse at the two Catholic schools which boys in the choir attended, but did nothing about the reports.

Ratzinger’s admission comes on the heels of several priest molestation scandals throughout Europe, recently.

-The head of an Austrian monastery in Salzburg resigned, after admitting to sexually abusing a child decades earlier.

-Catholic bishops in Holland have announced an inquiry into more than 200 allegations of sexual abuse of children by priests at parochial schools around the country.

-A week ago, the Regensburg Diocese announced that a former choir member has come forward with allegations of sexual abuse, occurring in the 1960s.

-Throughout Germany, more than 170 students have alleged sexual abuse at several Catholic high schools.

Of course, Hampton Roads has not been immune from the ever-growing priest molestation scandals.

In 2002, allegations arose about a priest who worked at the former Norfolk Catholic High School. Father John Leonard was accused of sexual misconduct which took place over 20 years earlier at a seminary just outside Richmond, Va.

About a week after that story came out, two more students brought forth further allegations against Leonard, which took place at Norfolk Catholic. It was alleged that the priest took two teenaged boys into the bathroom and ordered them to pull down their pants, and then stared at their genitals.

During a news conference held by the Richmond Diocese, Bishop Sullivan was asked for a comment on the accusations about Father Leonard. Bishop Sullivan replied: “it wasn't that bad.” Many were outraged by the bishop's lack of concern, the incident prompted many area parishioners to leave the church for good.

In 2004, Leonard was convicted of assaulting two teenage boys in the 1970s. He was received a suspended jail sentence and probation. Upon his conviction, he quit the priesthood.

In May 2003, the Diocese of Richmond received a report that Rev. Dwight Shrader, pastor of St. John the Apostle, in Va. Beach, had engaged in sexual misconduct toward a juvenile. Shrader was then placed on leave, pending an investigation. Then more victims came forward, in all, four males and a female.

Shrader cooperated with the investigation and according to Diocese officials, admitted to the misconduct. By August 2003, he had been forced to leave the priesthood and sent into intensive counseling.

Between 2003-2004, the Richmond Diocese, under Bishop Sullivan, dismissed five priests for sexual misconduct involving minors.


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