Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why is the press ignoring drop in D.C.'s murder rate?

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During 2009, there were 143 murders in Washington D.C., a 23 percent drop from the previous year. In a city which for many years, has had the highest murder rate in the country, such a decline should be big news.

However, the nation’s mainstream media outlets seem to be oblivious to this substantial bit of good news…But why?

The answer to the aforementioned question, as well as to the reason for the lowest number of murders in our nation’s capital since 1964, may well be found in the Supreme Court’s 2008 decision which lifted the city’s handgun ban.

The Court‘s 5-4 decision read: “The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.”

Laws which prohibit law-abiding citizens from possessing and carrying firearms are not lost on criminals. It is no coincidence that in the 32 years since the District of Columbia placed a ban on the ownership of handguns, the number of crimes to individuals (rape, robbery, murder) soared.

It is also no coincidence that since the ban was lifted, violent crime, as well as property crimes are much lower in the District.

Criminals are keenly aware of the prospect of an armed citizen and will almost always steer clear of potential victims who may be armed.

In 1982, Kennesaw, GA passed a law which required heads of household to have at least one gun in the house. The burglary rate immediately dropped an astounding 89 percent. Ten years after the law was passed, the burglary rate was still 72 percent less than in 1981.

Near the end of World War II, the Japanese leader Tojo once said that the reason Japan never invaded the mainland of the United States was because "there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." Americans’ right to keep and bear arms has served us well. It is also a well known fact that well armed citizens prevent crimes from occurring, and many of those armed citizens have sent thousands of violent criminals on their way to hell.”

The fact is, the police cannot be everywhere at once. If you choose not to defend yourself or your family, that is your absurd decision and I wish you luck. However, for those of us who choose to exercise our Second Amendment right…Remember the old adage: “It is better to be judged by twelve than carried by six!”

Of course, these facts are ignored by the left-leaning mainstream press because they do not help promote their agenda.


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